Difference: AdminSkillsAssumptions (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiInstallationGuide"

Administrator Skills Assumptions

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  Although the TWikiInstallationGuide is quite complete, there will on occasion be parts that don't work in your local environment (particularly with TWiki:Codev/TWikiOnWebHostingSites, which are sometimes challenging even for those with good OS and web server skills).
There are many excellent resources for learning how to administer your OS and web server, including books, web sites, web forums, IM and email lists. The TWiki:Support web must not be depended on as a resource for this purpose - in other words, it is not there to answer basic questions about operating system and web server administration. Asking and answering questions is time consuming for all concerned and is best used for specific TWiki related issues, rather than helping you learn the OS and web server.
There are many excellent resources for learning how to administer your OS and web server, including books, web sites, web forums, IM and e-mail lists. The TWiki:Support web must not be depended on as a resource for this purpose - in other words, it is not there to answer basic questions about operating system and web server administration. Asking and answering questions is time consuming for all concerned and is best used for specific TWiki related issues, rather than helping you learn the OS and web server.
One of the best training courses for Linux is Basic Linux Training at http://basiclinux.net/ - this is a 2 month distance-learning course (via email). The course operators are friendly, and all students are newbies. A nice tool for people migrating from Windows is http://www.MidnightCommander.org/. It is already installed on Linux systems: try mc -ac and ESC 1 to get help.
-- TWiki:Main.RichardDonkin - 27 Apr 2002
-- TWiki:Main.GrantBow - 15 Jan 2003
-- TWiki:Main.PeterMasiar - 28 May 2003
To get started with Linux, visit http://linuxbasics.org/. LinuxBasics.org offers Linux tutorials, a mailing-list and an IRC-channel to answer questions, and links to sites with information to install and use Linux. A nice tool for people migrating from Windows is http://www.MidnightCommander.org/. It is already installed on Linux systems: try mc -ac and ESC 1 to get help.

Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory

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