Difference: DeleteOrRenameATopic (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32001-09-14 - MikeMannix

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ManagingTopics can also be used to delete a topic. This is done by moving the topic to the Trash Web. If this Web does not exist ask your hyjeong@hep.korea.ac.kr to add it.
How do I delete or rename a topic?


New to the 01-Sep-2001 version of TWiki, you can rename, move and delete topics directly from your browser (previously, these operations could only be done manually, by someone with file-level access to the Web server).

Moving lets you transfer a topic from one web to another. The soft delete moves a topic to the special Trash web, where it's hidden but can be "undeleted" with system administrator access.

Click [More] on the control bar at the bottom of the page you want to change, then choose [Rename/move], and make your changes that screen. There's a link that launches to the ManagingTopics reference page in a pop-up window.

NOTE: The configuration of your site and your own access permissions determine whether you can access these functions.

See other TWikiFAQs.

-- MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001

META TOPICMOVED by="MikeMannix" date="1000453233" from="TWiki.DeleteTopic" to="TWiki.DeleteOrRenameATopic"
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