Difference: RegularExpression (10 vs. 11)

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Regular Expressions

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  Regular expressions (REs), unlike simple queries, allow you to search for text which matches a particular pattern.
REs are similar to (but more poweful than) the "wildcards" used in the command-line interfaces found in operating systems such as Unix and MS-DOS. REs are used by sophisticated search engines, as well as by many Unix-based languages and tools ( e.g., awk, grep, lex, perl, and sed ).
REs are similar to (but more powerful than) the "wildcards" used in the command-line interfaces found in operating systems such as Unix and MS-DOS. REs are used by sophisticated search engines, as well as by many Unix-based languages and tools ( e.g., awk, grep, lex, perl, and sed ).


compan(y|ies) Search for company, companies
(peter|paul) Search for peter, paul
compan(y|ies) Search for company, companies
(peter|paul) Search for peter, paul
bug* Search for bug, bugg, buggg or simply bu (a star matches zero or more instances of the previous character)
bug.* Search for bug, bugs, bugfix (a dot-star matches zero or more instances of any character)
[Bb]ag Search for Bag, bag
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