Difference: SearchPatternCookbook (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62009-04-25 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="FormattedSearch"

Search Pattern Cookbook

Line: 368 to 368
 %SEARCH{ "[O]peratingSystem.*value\=.*[O]sWin" type="regex" ... }%
  • Using square brackets is a trick to avoid a hit on the topic doing the search.
  • The .* indicate that there can be any number of any character between OperatingSystem and value in the (whole) file
  • The .* indicate that there can be any number of characters between OperatingSystem and value in the (whole) file
  Now the original file format of the category table (the predecessor of the TWiki forms) looks like this:
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