Difference: SourceCode (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132010-05-29 - TWikiContributor

Line: 198 to 198
 with CGI accelerators such as mod_perl.

Public Data members

  • cgiQuery Pointer to the CGI::
  • request Pointer to the TWiki::Request
  • response Pointer to the TWiki::Respose
  • context Hash of context ids
  • moved: loginManager TWiki::LoginManager singleton (moved to TWiki::Users)
  • plugins TWiki::Plugins singleton
Line: 213 to 214
  not consistently used. Avoid.
  • security TWiki::Access singleton
  • SESSION_TAGS Hash of TWiki variables whose value is specific to
the current CGI request.
the current request.
  • store TWiki::Store singleton
  • topicName Name of topic found in URL path or topic URL parameter
Line: 227 to 228
This package has smell factor of 35
This package has smell factor of 36


This package has smell factor of 1


Exception used to raise an engine related error. This exception has the following fields:

  • status - status code to send to client
  • reason a text string giving the reason for the refusal.

This package doesn't smell



Line: 287 to 304
  Official list of stable TWiki functions for Plugin developers
This module defines official functions that Plugins
This module defines official functions that TWiki plugins
 can use to interact with the TWiki engine and content.
Refer to EmptyPlugin and lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm for a template Plugin and documentation on how to write a Plugin.
Refer to EmptyPlugin and lib/TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm for a template plugin and documentation on how to write a plugin.
  Plugins should only use functions published in this module. If you use functions in other TWiki libraries you might create a security hole and
you will probably need to change your Plugin when you upgrade TWiki.
you will probably need to change your plugin when you upgrade TWiki.
  Deprecated functions will still work in older code, though they should
not be called in new Plugins and should be replaced in older Plugins
not be called in new plugins and should be replaced in older plugins
 as soon as possible.

The version of the TWiki::Func module is defined by the VERSION number of the

Line: 477 to 495
This package has smell factor of 7
This package has smell factor of 8


This package doesn't smell



Line: 720 to 743
This package has smell factor of 21
This package has smell factor of 22


This package has smell factor of 1


This package doesn't smell



Line: 763 to 796
This package has smell factor of 14
This package has smell factor of 15


Line: 942 to 975
  This package doesn't smell


Service functions used by the UI packages




This package doesn't smell

Line: 990 to 1020
  This package has smell factor of 8


UI delegate for REST interface

This package has smell factor of 1



UI delegate for save function

Line: 1004 to 1042
This package has smell factor of 2
This package has smell factor of 3


Line: 1020 to 1058
This package has smell factor of 3
This package has smell factor of 2


Line: 1028 to 1066
This package has smell factor of 2
This package has smell factor of 3


Line: 1177 to 1215
 This package doesn't smell
There were a total of 198 smells
There were a total of 206 smells
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