Difference: TWikiAccessControl (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82001-06-08 - PeterThoeny

Line: 65 to 65
    • Leave the view script non authenticated in the .htaccess file.
    • Enable the $doRememberRemoteUser flag in wikicfg.pm as described in TWiki Authentication. TWiki will now remember the IP address of an authenticated user.
    • Copy the view script to viewauth (or better, create a symbolic link)
    • Enable authentication for the viewauth script in the .htaccess file.
    • Add viewauth to the list of authenticated scripts in the .htaccess file.
    • When a user accesses a web where you enabled view restriction, TWiki will redirect from the view script to the viewauth script once (this hapens only if the user has never edited a topic). Doing so will ask for authentication. The viewauth script shows the requested topic if the user could log on and if the user is authorized to see that web.
  • If you enable view restriction for a web, it is recommended to restrict search "all webs" from searching this web. Enable this restriction with the NOSEARCHALL variable in its WebPreferences, like:
    • Set NOSEARCHALL = on
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