
Difference: TWikiDotPm (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42008-01-22 - TWikiContributor

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 Global variables are avoided wherever possible to avoid problems with CGI accelerators such as mod_perl.

Public Data members

  • cgiQuery Pointer to the CGI::
  • context Hash of context ids
  • moved: loginManager TWiki::LoginManager singleton (moved to TWiki::Users)
  • plugins TWiki::Plugins singleton
  • prefs TWiki::Prefs singleton
  • remoteUser Login ID when using ApacheLogin. Maintained for compatibility only, do not use.
  • requestedWebName Name of web found in URL path or web URL parameter
  • sandbox TWiki::Sandbox singleton
  • scriptUrlPath URL path to the current script. May be dynamically extracted from the URL path if {GetScriptUrlFromCgi}. Only required to support {GetScriptUrlFromCgi} and not consistently used. Avoid.
  • security TWiki::Access singleton
  • SESSION_TAGS Hash of TWiki variables whose value is specific to the current CGI request.
  • store TWiki::Store singleton
  • topicName Name of topic found in URL path or topic URL parameter
  • urlHost Host part of the URL (including the protocol) determined during intialisation and defaulting to {DefaultUrlHost}
  • user Unique user ID of logged-in user
  • users TWiki::Users singleton
  • webName Name of web found in URL path, or web URL parameter, or {UsersWebName}
On this page:

StaticMethod getTWikiLibDir () -> $path

STATIC method.
 Returns the full path of the directory containing TWiki.pm


ObjectMethod *UTF82SiteCharSet ($utf8) -> $ascii


StaticMethod *UTF82SiteCharSet ($utf8) -> $ascii

  Auto-detect UTF-8 vs. site charset in string, and convert UTF-8 into site charset.
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ObjectMethod *writePageHeader ($query,$pageType,$contentType,$contentLength)


ObjectMethod *generateHTTPHeaders ($query,$pageType,$contentType,$contentLength) -> $header

  All parameters are optional.
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 delimited. Filters any illegal headers. Plugin headers will override core settings.
Does not add a Content-length header.

StaticMethod isRedirectSafe ($redirect)=>$ok

tests if the $redirect is an external URL, returning false if AllowRedirectUrl is denied

ObjectMethod redirect ($url,$passthrough)


ObjectMethod redirect ($url,$passthrough,$action_redirectto)

  • $url - url or twikitopic to redirect to
  • $passthrough - (optional) parameter to *FILLMEIN*
  • $action_redirectto - (optional) redirect to where ?redirectto= points to (if it's valid)
  Redirects the request to $url, unless
  1. It is overridden by a plugin declaring a redirectCgiQueryHandler.
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  1. $query->param('noredirect') is set to a true value.
Thus a redirect is only generated when in a CGI context.
Normally this method will ignore parameters to the current query. If $passthrough is set, then it will pass all parameters that were passed to the current query on to the redirect target. If the request_method was GET, then all parameters can be passed in the URL. If the request_method was POST then it caches the form data and passes over a cache reference in the redirect GET.
Normally this method will ignore parameters to the current query. Sometimes, for example when redirecting to a login page during authentication (and then again from the login page to the original requested URL), you want to make sure all parameters are passed on, and for this $passthrough should be set to true. In this case it will pass all parameters that were passed to the current query on to the redirect target. If the request_method for the current query was GET, then all parameters will be passed by encoding them in the URL (after ?). If the request_method was POST, then there is a risk the URL would be too big for the receiver, so it caches the form data and passes over a cache reference in the redirect GET.
Passthrough is only meaningful if the redirect target is on the same server.
NOTE: Passthrough is only meaningful if the redirect target is on the same server.
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 system web names are considered valid (names starting with _) otherwise only user web names are valid
If $TWiki::cfg{EnableHierarchicalWebs} is off, it will also return false when a nested web name is passed to it.

ObjectMethod *readOnlyMirrorWeb ($theWeb) -> ($mirrorSiteName,$mirrorViewURL,$mirrorLink,$mirrorNote)

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ObjectMethod getOopsUrl ($template,@options) -> $absoluteOopsURL


ObjectMethod *normalizeWebTopicName ($theWeb,$theTopic) -> ($theWeb,$theTopic)

Normalize a Web.TopicName

Composes a URL for an "oops" error page. The @options consists of a list of key => value pairs. The following keys are used:
  • -web - web name
  • -topic - topic name
  • -def - optional template def within the main template file
  • -params - a single parameter, or a reference to an array of parameters These are passed in the URL as '&param1=' etc.
See TWikiFuncDotPm for a full specification of the expansion (not duplicated here)
Do not include the "oops" part in front of the template name.
WARNING if there is no web specification (in the web or topic parameters) the web defaults to $TWiki::cfg{UsersWebName}. If there is no topic specification, or the topic is '0', the topic defaults to the web home topic name.
Alternatively you can pass a reference to an OopsException in place of the template. All other parameters will be ignored.
The returned URL ends up looking something like this: "http://host/twiki/bin/oops/$web/$topic?template=$template&param1=$scriptParams[0]..."
Note: if {keep} is true in the params, then they will also be pushed into the current query.

ClassMethod new ($loginName,$query,\%initialContext)

Constructs a new TWiki object. Parameters are taken from the query object.
  • $loginName is the login username (not the wikiname) of the user you want to be logged-in if none is available from a session or browser. Used mainly for side scripts and debugging.
  • $query the CGI query (may be undef, in which case an empty query is used)
  • \%initialContext - reference to a hash containing context name=value pairs to be pre-installed in the context hash

ObjectMethod *normalizeWebTopicName ($theWeb,$theTopic) -> ($theWeb,$theTopic)

Normalize a Web.TopicName
See TWikiFuncDotPm for a full specification of the expansion (not duplicated here)

ObjectMethod renderer ()

Get a reference to the renderer object. Done lazily because not everyone needs the renderer.
WARNING if there is no web specification (in the web or topic parameters) the web defaults to $TWiki::cfg{UsersWebName}. If there is no topic specification, or the topic is '0', the topic defaults to the web home topic name.

ObjectMethod attach ()

Get a reference to the attach object. Done lazily because not everyone needs the attach.

ClassMethod new ($loginName,$query,\%initialContext)

Constructs a new TWiki object. Parameters are taken from the query object.
  • $loginName is the username of the user you want to be logged-in if none is available from a session or browser. Used mainly for side scripts and debugging.
  • $query the CGI query (may be undef, in which case an empty query is used)
  • \%initialContext - reference to a hash containing context name=value pairs to be pre-installed in the context hash

ObjectMethod templates ()

Get a reference to the templates object. Done lazily because not everyone needs the templates.

ObjectMethod i18n ()

Get a reference to the i18n object. Done lazily because not everyone needs the i18ner.

ObjectMethod *finish

Complete processing after the client's HTTP request has been responded to. Right now this does two things:
  1. calling TWiki::Client to flushing the user's session (if any) to disk,
  2. breaking circular references to allow garbage collection in persistent environments

ObjectMethod search ()

Get a reference to the search object. Done lazily because not everyone needs the searcher.

ObjectMethod security ()

Get a reference to the security object. Done lazily because not everyone needs the security.

ObjectMethod net ()

Get a reference to the net object. Done lazily because not everyone needs the net.

ObjectMethod finish ()

Break circular references.
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  • $action - what happened, e.g. view, save, rename
  • $wbTopic - what it happened to
  • $extra - extra info, such as minor flag
  • $user - user who did the saving (user object or string user name)
  • $user - user who did the saving (user id)
 Write the log for an event to the logfile
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ObjectMethod *expandVariablesOnTopicCreation ($text,$user) -> $text


ObjectMethod *expandVariablesOnTopicCreation ($text,$user,$web,$topic) -> $text

  • $text - text to expand
  • $user - reference to user object. This is the user expanded in e.g. %USERNAME. Optional, defaults to logged-in user.
  • $user - This is the user expanded in e.g. %USERNAME. Optional, defaults to logged-in user.
 Expand limited set of variables during topic creation. These are variables expected in templates that must be statically expanded in new content.
  • $web - name of web
  • $topic - name of topic
  # SMELL: no plugin handler
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StaticMethod *urlEncodeAttachment ($text)

For attachments, URL-encode specially to 'freeze' any characters >127 in the site charset (e.g. ISO-8859-1 or KOI8-R), by doing URL encoding into native charset ($siteCharset) - used when generating attachment URLs, to enable the web server to serve attachments, including images, directly.

This encoding is required to handle the cases of:

- browsers that generate UTF-8 URLs automatically from site charset URLs - now quite common - web servers that directly serve attachments, using the site charset for filenames, and cannot convert UTF-8 URLs into site charset filenames

The aim is to prevent the browser from converting a site charset URL in the web page to a UTF-8 URL, which is the default. Hence we 'freeze' the URL into the site character set through URL encoding.

In two cases, no URL encoding is needed: For EBCDIC mainframes, we assume that site charset URLs will be translated (outbound and inbound) by the web server to/from an EBCDIC character set. For sites running in UTF-8, there's no need for TWiki to do anything since all URLs and attachment filenames are already in UTF-8.


StaticMethod urlEncode ($string) -> encodedstring

Encode by converting characters that are illegal in URLs to

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 characters such as = and ?.

RFC 1738, Dec. '94:

 ...Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special characters $-_.+!*'(), and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL.
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 characters $-_.+!*'(), and reserved characters used for their reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL.
 Reserved characters are $&+,/:;=?@ - these are also encoded by this method.
SMELL: For non-ISO-8859-1 $TWiki::cfg{Site}{CharSet}, need to convert to UTF-8 before URL encoding. This encoding only supports 8-bit character codes.
This URL-encoding handles all character encodings including ISO-8859-*, KOI8-R, EUC-* and UTF-8.

This may not handle EBCDIC properly, as it generates an EBCDIC URL-encoded URL, but mainframe web servers seem to translate this outbound before it hits browser - see CGI::Util::escape for another approach.

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ObjectMethod expandAllTags (\$text,$topic,$web,$meta)

Expands variables by replacing the variables with their values. Some example variables: %TOPIC%, %SCRIPTURL%, %WIKINAME%, etc. $web and $incs are passed in for recursive include expansion. They can safely be undef. The rules for tag expansion are:
  1. Tags are expanded left to right, in the order they are encountered.
  2. Tags are recursively expanded as soon as they are encountered - the algorithm is inherently single-pass
  3. A tag is not "encountered" until the matching }% has been seen, by which time all tags in parameters will have been expanded
  4. Tag expansions that create new tags recursively are limited to a set number of hierarchical levels of expansion


ObjectMethod enterContext ($id,$val)

Add the context id $id into the set of active contexts. The $val

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ObjectMethod *handleCommonTags ($text,$web,$topic) -> $text


ObjectMethod *handleCommonTags ($text,$web,$topic,$meta) -> $text

  Processes %VARIABLE%, and %TOC% syntax; also includes 'commonTagsHandler' plugin hook.
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 Returns the text of the topic, after file inclusion, variable substitution, table-of-contents generation, and any plugin changes from commonTagsHandler.
$meta may be undef when, for example, expanding templates, or one-off strings at a time when meta isn't available.

ObjectMethod addToHEAD ($id,$html)

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