Difference: TWikiFormDotPm (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32006-06-26 - TWikiContributor

Line: 14 to 14

ObjectMethod renderForEdit ($web,$topic,$meta,$useDefaults) -> $html


ObjectMethod renderForEdit ($web,$topic,$meta) -> $html

  • $web the web of the topic being rendered
  • $topic the topic being rendered
  • $meta the meta data for the form
  • $useDefaults if true, will use default values from the form definition if no other value is given
  Render the form fields for entry during an edit session, using data values from $meta
Line: 40 to 39

ObjectMethod renderHidden ($meta,$useDefaults) -> $html

  • $useDefaults if true, will use default values from the form definition if no other value is given

ObjectMethod renderHidden ($meta) -> $html

 Render form fields found in the meta as hidden inputs, so they pass through edits untouched.
Line: 53 to 50

ObjectMethod *getFieldValuesFromQuery ($query,$metaObject,$initialiseMissing) -> ($seen,\@missing)


ObjectMethod *getFieldValuesFromQuery ($query,$metaObject) -> ($seen,\@missing)

 Extract new values for form fields from a query.
  • $query - the query
  • $metaObject - the meta object that is storing the form values
  • $initialiseMissing - if true, will cause fields that are in the form but have no value in the query or in the meta to be initialised to ''.
  For each field, if there is a value in the query, use it. Otherwise if there is already entry for the field in the meta, keep it.
Line: 80 to 76

ObjectMethod getFields () -> \@fields

Return a list containing references to field name/value pairs. Each entry in the list has a {name} field and a {value} field. It may have other fields as well, which caller should ignore. The returned list should be treated as read only (must not be written to).


StaticMethod *renderForDisplay ($templates,$meta)

  • $templates ref to templates singleton
  • $meta - meta object containing the form to be rendered
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