Difference: TWikiFormDotPm (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42007-01-16 - TWikiContributor

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ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$form)


ClassMethod new ($session,$web,$form,$def)

  • $web - default web to recover form from, if $form doesn't specify a web
  • $form - topic name to read form definition from
  • $def - optional. a reference to a list of field definitions. if present, these definitions will be used, rather than those in $form.
  May throw TWiki::OopsException
Line: 35 to 39

SMELL: this should be a method on a field class

SMELL: JSCalendarContrib ought to provide a 'date' handler.
Line: 51 to 56

ObjectMethod *getFieldValuesFromQuery ($query,$metaObject) -> ($seen,\@missing)

 Extract new values for form fields from a query.
  • $query - the query
  • $metaObject - the meta object that is storing the form values

For each field, if there is a value in the query, use it. Otherwise if there is already entry for the field in the meta, keep it.

Returns the number of fields which had values provided by the query, and a references to an array of the names of mandatory fields that were missing from the query.
Returns the number of fields which had values provided by the query, and a references to an array of the names of mandatory fields that were missing from the query.
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