Difference: TWikiGlossary (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62011-06-05 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Glossary

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Page: A regular Web page. A page in TWiki is composed of the template/skin decoration and topic content.
Plugin: Prepackaged server-side extension that adds all sorts of additional functions, seamlessly integrated into TWiki. Details...
Plugin API: The standard interface for creating TWiki Plugins and add-on programs that ensure a perfect integration. Details...
Preferences: The site-wide, single web and single user-level preferences settings. The settings are stored in TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences and TWikiUsers home pages. Details...
Preferences: The site-wide, single web and single user-level preferences settings. The settings are stored in TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences and TWikiUsers profile pages. Details...
Site: A TWiki installation consisting of one or more webs. Details...
Skin: Skins overlay regular templates with alternate header/footer layout of pages; topic text is not affected. Skins are typically enabled site-wide or per web. Details...
Templates: (1) Regular templates define header/footer layout of pages; topic text is not affected. (2) Template topics set the default content for new topics. Details...
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