Difference: TWikiI18NExtractDotPm (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22007-01-16 - TWikiContributor

Line: 14 to 14

ObjectMethod extract ($msgid) -> $formated


ObjectMethod extract ($file,$text)

This method overrides the one with same name in Locale::Maketext::Extract, as a workaround for a bug in the Locale::Maketext::Lexicon Perl package, and was not fixed up to the 0.53 release.
Extract the strings from $text,m using $file as the name of the current file being read (for comments in PO file, for example). Overrides the base class method but calls it so the base behavior is preserved.
What it does is to call an alternative version of the _format function, which avoids double-escaping the extracted strings.
As in base class, extracted strings are just stored in the =$self='s internal table for further use (e.g. creating/updating a PO file). Nothing is returned.
This method was tested only under the circumstances of TWiki's needs, i.e., extracting strings from source and topics and generating a brand new POT file. Merging with previous PO files is done with GNU gettext tools, so maybe if it's used for merging it can
Once that bug is fixed, in future TWiki versions this method may be removed.


Revision 12006-02-01 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

Package =TWiki::I18N::Extract

Support translatable strings extraction from TWiki topics and templates. Depends on Locale::Maketext::Extract (part of CPAN::Locale::Maketext::Lexicon).

ClassMethod new ($session) -> $extract

Constructor. Creates a fresh new Extract object. A $session object, instance of the TWiki class, is optional: if it's available, it'll be used for printing warnings.

ObjectMethod extract ($msgid) -> $formated

This method overrides the one with same name in Locale::Maketext::Extract, as a workaround for a bug in the Locale::Maketext::Lexicon Perl package, and was not fixed up to the 0.53 release.

What it does is to call an alternative version of the _format function, which avoids double-escaping the extracted strings.

This method was tested only under the circumstances of TWiki's needs, i.e., extracting strings from source and topics and generating a brand new POT file. Merging with previous PO files is done with GNU gettext tools, so maybe if it's used for merging it can

Once that bug is fixed, in future TWiki versions this method may be removed.


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