Difference: TWikiInstallationGuide (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122000-11-12 - PeterThoeny

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 These installation steps use the Apache web server on Linux as an example. TWiki should run on other web servers and Unix systems as well. (TWiki on Windows is possible, but has not been documented well. More on that at http://TWiki.org/Codev/TWikiOnWindows )
Note: These installation notes assume user nobody for all files manupulated by the cgi scripts (executed by the web server), and user twiki for all other files. You need to replace user nobody with an other user in case the web server executes the script with a different user ( default for Debian is www-data ). Also, you can substitute user twiki with your own user name.
Note: Below installation steps assume user nobody for all files manupulated by the cgi scripts (executed by the web server), and user twiki for all other files. You need to replace user nobody with an other user in case the web server executes the script with a different user ( default for Debian is www-data ). Also, you can substitute user twiki with your own user name.

Note: Below installation steps assume that you have control over the web server configuraton files. In case you don't (i.e. if you are installing it on a hosted server) follow the steps but use these directories instead:

TWiki dir: What it is: Where to copy: Example:
twiki/bin CGI bin cgi-bin enabled dir /home/smith/public_html/cgi-bin/twiki
twiki/pub public files htdoc enabled dir /home/smith/public_html/pub
twiki/data topic data outside of htdoc tree (for security) /home/smith/twiki/data
twiki/templates web templates outside of htdoc tree (for security) /home/smith/twiki/templates
Read http://TWiki.org/Codev/SourceForgeHowTo in case you wnat to install TWiki on SourceForge.

Installation steps:

  • Request the TWiki distribution (in Unix ZIP format) from http://TWiki.org/download.html .
  • Create directory /home/httpd/twiki and unzip the TWiki distribution into this directory.
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  • Edit the file twiki/bin/wikicfg.pm and set the variables at the beginning of the file to your needs.
  • Make sure RCS is installed. Set $rcsDir in twiki/bin/wikicfg.pm to mach the location of your RCS binaries.
  • Point your browser at http://your.domain.com/twiki/bin/view and start TWiki-ing away!
  • Note in case the cgi scripts must have a file extension like .pl or .cgi:
    • Add the extension to all the scripts (except for the .pm ones) in twiki/bin
    • Edit wikicfg.pm and set the file extension in the $scriptSuffix variable.
    • If you use .htaccess, edit the file and add the file extension to edit, view, preview, etc.
  • Note in case the cgi scripts are not running as user nobody: The *,v RCS repository files delivered with the installation package are locked by user nobody . In case the user is different (e.g. www-data ), it is not possible to check in files, this has the effect that the topic version number does not increase when saving a topic. In this case you need to unlock all repository files and lock them as user www-data (check the rcs man pages), or simply delete all the repository files. A simple way to switch the locker of the RCS files is to use sed:
    for f in *,v; do sed 's/nobody/www-data/' $f > x; mv x $f; done
  • Security issue: Directories twiki/data , twiki/templates and all its subdirectories should be set so that they are not visible as a URL. (Alternatively, move the directries to a place where they are not visible, and change the variables in twiki/bin/wikicfg.pm accordingly)
  • Enable email notification of topic changes, Notification of Changes has more.
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