TWiki Installation Guide |
< < | Step 1 for Non-Root Accounts |
> > | Aletrnative Step 1: Create & Configure the Directories for Non-Root Accounts |
To install TWiki on a system where you don't have Unix/Linux root (administrator) privileges, for example, on a hosted Web account or an intranet server administered by someone else: |
- Set the permission of the
twiki/data directory and its subdirectories so that files in there are writable by user nobody . A simple way is to chmod them to drwxrwxr-x (775) and to chown them to nobody .
- Set the permission of the
twiki/pub directory and all its subdirectories so that files in there are writable by user nobody . A simple way is to chmod them to drwxrwxr-x (775) and to chown them to nobody .
The twiki/data/*/*.txt,v RCS repository files in the installation package are locked by user nobody . If your CGI scripts are not running as user nobody , it's not possible to check in files (you'll see that the revision number won't increase after saving a topic). In this case, you need to unlock all repository files (check the RCS man pages) and lock them with a different user, such as www-data , or delete them all - new files will be automatically created the first time each topic is edited. You have two options to change ownership of the RCS lock user:
< < |
- Run the
testenv script from your browser; in the Fix line you can relock all the rcs files
> > |
- Run the
testenv script from your browser; in the Fix line you can relock all the rcs files (recommended)
- Alternatively, run this in your shell:
cd twiki/data
< < | find . -name *.v~ -exec perl -pi~ -e '$. <= 10 && s/nobody:/www-data:/ ' {} ; |
> > | find . -name *,v -exec perl -pi~ -e '$. <= 10 && s/nobody:/www-data:/ ' {} \;
This will create *,v~ backup files which you should remove after verification:
find . -name *,v~ -exec rm -f {} \; |
Step 3: Edit the Configuration Files |
| Enabling Authentication of Users
- If TWiki is installed on a non-authenticated server - not using SSL - and you'd like to authenticate users:
< < |
- Rename file
.htaccess.txt in the twiki/bin directory to .htaccess and change it to your needs. For details, consult the HTTP server documentation (for Apache server: [1], [2]). In particular, the following red part needs to be configured correctly: Redirect /urlpathto/twiki/index.html http://yourdomain.com/urlpathto/twiki/bin/view AuthUserFile /filepathto/twiki/data/.htpasswd ErrorDocument 401 /urlpathto/twiki/bin/oops/TWiki/TWikiRegistration?template=oopsauth
> > |
- Rename file
.htaccess.txt in the twiki/bin directory to .htaccess and change it to your needs. The comment at the top of the file explains what need to be done, basically replace !FILE_path_to_TWiki! and !URL_path_to_TWiki! with paths specific to your installation. For the details of how this file works, consult the HTTP server documentation (for Apache server: [1], [2]).
NOTE: If you had to add a .cgi or .pl file extension to the bin scripts, make sure to do the same for edit , view , preview , and all the other script names in .htaccess .
The browser should ask for login name and password when you click on the Edit link. In case .htaccess does not have the desired effect, you need to enable it: Add "AllowOverride All" to the Directory [3] section of access.conf for your twiki/bin directory.
- This applies only if you have root access: on hosted accounts, you shouldn't have this problem - otherwise, email tech support.
See Appendix A: TWiki File System for an installed system snapshot and descriptions of all files in the TWiki 01-Sep-2004 distribution. |
< < | -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 15 Aug 2004 |
> > | -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 29 Aug 2004 |
| -- TWiki:Main/MikeMannix - 16 May 2002 |