TWiki Plugins |
- Dev page: Post feature requests, bug reports and general dev comments; topic title ends in
Dev (SomePluginDev ).
- User support: Post installation, how to use type questions (and answers, if you have them) in the TWiki:Support
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| On-Site Pretesting
To test new Plugins on your installation before making them public, you may want to use one of these two approaches: |
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- Method 1: Create Production and a Test installation of TWiki.
- Duplicate the
twiki/bin and twiki/lib directories for the Test version, adjusting the paths in the new lib/TWiki.cfg , the twiki/data ; the twiki/templates and twiki/pub directories are shared.
- Test Plugins and other new features in the Test installation until you're satisfied.
- Copy the modified files to the Production installation. You can update a live TWiki installation and users won't even notice.
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- Method 1: Safely test on-the-fly by creating separate Production and Test branches in your live TWiki installation.
- Duplicate the
twiki/bin and twiki/lib directories for the Test version, adjusting the paths in the new lib/TWiki.cfg , the twiki/data ; the twiki/templates and twiki/pub directories are shared.
- Test Plugins and other new features in the Test installation until you're satisfied.
If you modify topics using the new features, live users will likely see unfamiliar new META tags showing up on their pages - to avoid this, create and edit test-only topics to try out new features.
- Copy the modified files to the Production installation. You can update a TWiki installation live and users won't even notice.
- Method 2: List the Plugin under
Test in the DISABLEDPLUGINS variable in TWikiPreferences. Redefine the DISABLEDPLUGINS variable in the Test web and do the testing there.
The lib/TWiki/Func.pm implements ALL official Plugin functions. Plugins should ONLY use functions published in this module. |
< < | DevALERT: If you use functions not in Func.pm , you run the risk of creating security holes. Also, your Plugin will likely break and require updating when you upgrade to a new version of TWiki. |
> > | If you use functions not in Func.pm , you run the risk of creating security holes. Also, your Plugin will likely break and require updating when you upgrade to a new version of TWiki. |
- For best performance, enable only the functions you really need. NOTE:
outsidePREHandler and insidePREHandler are particularly expensive.