Difference: TWikiPlugins (17 vs. 18)

Revision 182001-12-03 - MikeMannix

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TWiki Plugins

Line: 170 to 170
  MyFirstPlugin Settings: <Description and settings for custom Plugin %VARIABLES%, and those required by TWiki.>"
Plugins Preferences <If user settings are needed, explain... Entering valuse works exactly like TWikiPreferences and WebPreferences: six (6) spaces and then:>"
  • Plugins Preferences <If user settings are needed, explain... Entering valuse works exactly like TWikiPreferences and WebPreferences: six (6) spaces and then:>"
    • Set <EXAMPLE = value added>

How-to Instructions: <Step-by-step set-up guide, user help, whatever it takes to install and run, goes here.>"

Line: 206 to 206
  1. Link from the doc page to a new, blank page named after the Plugin, and ending in Dev, ex: MyFirstPluginDev. This is the discussion page for future development. (User support for Plugins is handled in TWiki:Support.)

-- AndreaSterbini - 29 May 2001

-- MikeMannix - 01 Sep 2001
 -- PeterThoeny - 14 Sep 2001
-- MikeMannix - 03 Dec 2001
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPlugins.