Difference: TWikiPlugins (18 vs. 19)

Revision 192002-07-18 - PeterThoeny

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Plugins

Line: 53 to 53
      • ALERT! If you modify topics using the new features, live users will likely see unfamiliar new META tags showing up on their pages - to avoid this, create and edit test-only topics to try out new features.
    • Copy the modified files to the Production installation. You can update a TWiki installation live and users won't even notice.
  • Method 2: List the Plugin under Test in the DISABLEDPLUGINS variable in TWikiPreferences. Redefine the DISABLEDPLUGINS variable in the Test web and do the testing there.
  • Method 2: List the Plugin being tested in the DISABLEDPLUGINS variable in TWikiPreferences. Redefine the DISABLEDPLUGINS variable in the Sandbox web and do the testing there.

Managing Plugins

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPlugins.