| TWiki Site-Level Preferences
This topic defines site-level settings that apply to all users and webs on this TWikiSite.
Note: This topic should be regarded as read-only, so that upgrades can safely overwrite it without risk to your customizations. |
< < | Preference settings local to your site should be set in Main.TWikiPreferences (this topic is pointed to by {LocalSitePreferences}, which is set by the admin in the configure interface). Settings in Main.TWikiPreferences will override settings in this topic, and should be used for defining custom settings and variables. |
> > | Preference settings local to your site should be set in Main.TWikiPreferences (this topic is pointed to by {LocalSitePreferences}, which is set by the admin in the configure interface). Settings in Main.TWikiPreferences will override settings in this topic, and should be used for defining custom settings and variables. |
Read more on how to set Preferences Variables. |
- Some skins have two editors available; the default editor, and a second editor which is usually a WYSIWYG editor (the second editor is used by hitting the WYSIWYG link in
pattern or classic skins). If COMPOSER is not set, the second editor will work the same as the default editor. If the WysiwygPlugin is installed and it is set to 'kupu' (the default), then the Kupu WYSIWYG editor will be enabled. You can change the setting to use any editor that is enabled by setting the cover parameter on the edit URL.
> > |
- Enable content checks before editing
- Disable WYSIWYG on pages that contain complex TML. On pages that have complex TML, WYSIWYG will fall back to the default text editor.
- Horizontal size of text edit box: (can be overwritten by user preferences)
- Format of images when the link check box is checked: (can be overwritten by user preferences)
NOTE: Keyword $name gets expanded to filename; $comment to comment; $size to width="..." height="..." attribute of img tag; \t to tab and \n to linefeed (3 spaces for bullets).
> > | |
- Set ATTACHEDIMAGEFORMAT = \n * $comment:
> > | |
TWiki Platform Settings |
| Edit and Attach will be disabled today between 05:00 PM and 06:00 PM PDT (00:00 to 01:00 GMT) for a scheduled TWiki maintenance.
< < | |
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E-mail Settings |
< < |
- TWiki administrator e-mail address:
- TWiki administrator name (first name and last name, e.g.
Fred Smith ):
- Set WIKIWEBMASTERNAME = TWiki Administrator
- 'Mail this topic' mailto: link - can be included in topics, templates or skins
| Plugins Settings
- You can enable/disable Plugins using the configure interface.
> > |
- You can also disable installed plugins in individual webs/topics by defining the %DISABLEDPLUGINS% TWiki variable to be a list of plugins to disable e.g.
- Set DISABLEDPLUGINS = SpreadSheetPlugin,EditTablePlugin
- Currently activated Plugins: SpreadSheetPlugin, BackupRestorePlugin, ColorPickerPlugin, CommentPlugin, DatePickerPlugin, EditTablePlugin, HeadlinesPlugin, InterwikiPlugin, JQueryPlugin, PreferencesPlugin, RenderListPlugin, SetGetPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, TWikiSheetPlugin, TablePlugin, TagMePlugin, TinyMCEPlugin, TwistyPlugin, WatchlistPlugin, WysiwygPlugin
> > | |
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< < |
- Set DISABLEDPLUGINS = The DISABLEDPLUGINS variable is no longer supported
- Set INSTALLEDPLUGINS = The INSTALLEDPLUGINS variable is no longer supported. You can set the Plugins execution order using the configure interface.
> > | |
| Rendering Shortcuts Settings
| |
> > |
- Vertical bar / pipe symbol:
- Line break and bullet with different levels of indentation:
- Set BB =
- Set BB2 =
- Set BB3 =
- Set BB4 =
> > |
- Hint: Above shortcuts are useful in TWiki tables where you cannot use newlines
- Graphics used in TWiki documentation - view all images in TWikiDocGraphics, SiteDocGraphics. (There are various ways to set up common icons as text variables. This is simply one quick approach.):
- Set H =
- Set I =
- Set M =
- Set N =
- Set P =
- Set Q =
- Set S =
- Set T =
- Set U =
- Set X =
- Set Y =
- Colored text: (see more StandardColors)
You type: | %RED% red text %ENDCOLOR% and %GREEN% green text %ENDCOLOR% | You get: | red text and green text |
< < |
- Graphics used in TWiki documentation - view all images in TWikiDocGraphics, SiteDocGraphics. (There are various ways to set up common icons as text variables. This is simply one quick approach.):
- Set H =
- Set I =
- Set M =
- Set N =
- Set P =
- Set Q =
- Set S =
- Set T =
- Set U =
- Set X =
- Set Y =
| Miscellaneous Settings |
< < |
- Background color of non existing topic: ( default
cornsilk or #FFFFCE )
- Font color of non existing topic: ( default
#0000FF )
> > |
- Format of a NewWikiWord link:
- default setting:
- Set NEWLINKFORMAT = $text?
- alternative setting:
- #Set NEWLINKFORMAT = $text
- PreviewBackground image:
- Set PREVIEWBGIMAGE = /wiki/twiki-6.1.0/pub/TWiki/PreviewBackground/preview2bg.gif
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- User-friendly synonyms for MAINWEB and TWIKIWEB
- Set USERSWEB = Main
- Set DOCWEB = TWiki
Access Control Settings
- Users or groups allowed to change or rename this TWikiPreferences topic:
< < | |
> > |
- By default, only admins can create webs in the root
Creating New Preference Variables