Difference: TWikiReleaseNotes04x00 (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42006-11-12 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Release 4.0 (Dakar)

Note: This is the release note for the previous major release version 4.0.X. It is included with 4.1.X because it contains valuable information for people upgrading from earlier versions. Both for the admin and the users. See TWikiReleaseNotes04x01 for the 4.1.X release notes
 'Dakar' is the first major release of the TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform in over a year. The focus of this release has been on refactoring the code in the interests of security, efficiency and maintainability, though a range of powerful new features are also included. The refactoring work has included tightening up the specification of certain key TWiki behaviours, which has resulted in some specification changes. The impact on end users has been minimised as far as possible.

Major New Features

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Item1803 Sorting bugs by merge field causes an internal error
Item1789 User::isAdmin can create an empty SuperAdminGroup
Item1788 Formatted search does not return values that are zero
Item1787 I18N: Translation updates for 4.0.2 / new PatternSkin
Item1787 I18N: Translation updates for 4.0.2 / new PatternSkin
Item1781 Allow admin users to change passwords and mail addresses
Item1778 Registration gives strange TWiki vars in user topic
Item1771 Error message 'Oh dear' in warnyyyymm.txt isn't helpful
Line: 689 to 692
Item2422 Inconsistent LocalSite.cfg.txt settings
Item2421 Rename: Referrer topics need to be linked explicit
Item2409 Form field checkbox option lost on topic edit
Item2402 Sandbox not aware of I18N for user names
Item2402 Sandbox not aware of I18N for user names
Item2399 statistics does not like date variable sent to it because its tainted
Item2395 Always show e-mail addresses to admins (USERINFO / HideUserDetails setting)
Item2394 Allow registration without a running e-mail service (error during registration using TWiki::Net::_sendEmailBySendmail)
Item2390 beforeAttachmentSaveHandler is broken on Solaris and RedHat
Item2380 Logins / logouts with template login does not work with I18N topic names
Item2380 Logins / logouts with template login does not work with I18N topic names
Item2379 Inconsistent meta data in registration
Item2369 WIKIUSERNAME incorrectly expanded
Item2365 Email address handling for registration and in users homepage is confusing and not working
Line: 724 to 727
Item2287 When printing a view page, the print style is not called
Item2286 When you move an attachment the rename screen shows all topics that refers to the topic name
Item2278 userToWikiName broken
Item2274 I18N: Non US-ASCII chars in usernames breaks groups
Item2274 I18N: Non US-ASCII chars in usernames breaks groups
Item2271 Cannot "put back" a moved non-wikiword topic
Item2261 Error in Apache log due to TWikiWebPreferences (File does not exist / ATTACHEDFILELINKFORMAT preference)
Item2259 TWiki::UI::Save::buildNewTopic does not treat onlywikiname as a Boolean
Line: 746 to 749
Item2140 AUTHORS missing translators' credits
Item2133 Editform templates are missing some save parameters (templatetopic and text)
Item2126 Bulk register shouldn't change passwords of existing users
Item2116 I18N: updated translations for TWiki 4.0.3
Item2116 I18N: updated translations for TWiki 4.0.3
Item2109 Add css classes to PreferencesPlugin buttons
Item2105 A form field defined as name assumes that the topic is in the same web as the form
Item2102 Clicking Upload without choosing a file gives error
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiReleaseNotes04x00.