Difference: TWikiReleaseNotes04x00 (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62010-05-16 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Release 4.0 (Dakar)

Note: This is the release note for the previous major release version 4.0.X. It is included with 4.1.X because it contains valuable information for people upgrading from earlier versions. Both for the admin and the users. See TWikiReleaseNotes04x01 for the 4.1.X release notes
Note: This is the release note for the previous major release version 4.0.X. It is included with 4.1.X because it contains valuable information for people upgrading from earlier versions. Both for the admin and the users. See TWikiReleaseNotes04x01 for the 4.1.X release notes.
  'Dakar' is the first major release of the TWiki Enterprise Collaboration Platform in over a year. The focus of this release has been on refactoring the code in the interests of security, efficiency and maintainability, though a range of powerful new features are also included. The refactoring work has included tightening up the specification of certain key TWiki behaviours, which has resulted in some specification changes. The impact on end users has been minimised as far as possible.
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  1. Parent Web(s) (if appropriate. All parent webs are evaluated in bottom-up order)
  2. Session
  3. User
  1. Local Site (as set in {LocalSitePreferences}, typically =%MAINWEB%.TWikiPreferences))
  2. Default (as set in {SitePrefsTopic}, typically =%TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences))
  1. Local Site (as set in {LocalSitePreferences}, typically =%USERSWEB%.TWikiPreferences))
  2. Default (as set in {SitePrefsTopic}, typically =%SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiPreferences))
 This is a change from previous versions, where the User preferences were evaluated between the topic and the web.

Note that a user can still dictate preference values that can't be overridden by the topic or the web

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  The following standard preferences have been removed: MAILTHISTOPIC, MAILTHISTOPICTEXT, TOPICURL, READTOPICPREFS, TOPICOVERRIDESUSER (click on the name to search for occurrences on this site). If they are in use on your site, you can restore them to their Cairo settings by simply cutting and pasting the old definitions.

{LocalSitePreferences} (was Main.TWikiPreferences)


{LocalSitePreferences} (was Main.TWikiPreferences)

  Customized site preferences can now be saved in the {LocalSitePreferences} topic which will override settings in {SitePrefsTopicName}. This simplifies upgrades as you can overwrite the {SitePrefsTopicName} topic and gain any new or updated preference settings without losing your local customizations.
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    • Set FAVICON = /wiki/twiki-6.1.0/pub/TWiki/WebPreferences/favicon.ico

To provide a single, site-wide favicon.ico, hardcode a specific web, for example:

    • Set FAVICON = /wiki/twiki-6.1.0/pub/TWiki/WebPreferences/favicon.ico
    • Set FAVICON = /wiki/twiki-6.1.0/pub/TWiki/WebPreferences/favicon.ico


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  The "Force New Revision" checkbox is a way to force it to create a separate revision each time you save.
The TWiki.TWikiPreferences variable FORCENEWREVISIONCHECKBOX controls whether this is checked by default or not.
The TWiki.TWikiPreferences variable FORCENEWREVISIONCHECKBOX controls whether this is checked by default or not.
  On a related note, you can force every save to be a new revision number by editing lib/TWiki.cfg and setting {ReplaceIfEditedAgainWithin} to 0.
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    • Set WEBLOGONAME = MyLogo.jpg

If you don't want to have custom logos on a per-web basic, but instead want to use a single, site-wide logo, hardcode a specific web in the WEBLOGOURL variable. For example:

    • Set WEBLOGOURL = %PUBURLPATH%/Main/WebPreferences/logo.png
    • Set WEBLOGOURL = %PUBURLPATH%/Main/WebPreferences/logo.png


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  The FINALPREFERENCES setting prevents particular preference settings from being over-ridden at a lower level. The hierarchy of how FINALPREFERENCES settings are applied has been clarified/formalized as reflected in the following chart:
Level Set By Local site examples
default site %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiPreferences or %WIKIPREFSTOPIC% TWikiPreferences
local site %MAINWEB%.TWikiPreferences or %LOCALSITEPREFS% TWikiPreferences
default site %SYSTEMWEB%.TWikiPreferences or %WIKIPREFSTOPIC% TWikiPreferences
local site %USERSWEB%.TWikiPreferences or %LOCALSITEPREFS% TWikiPreferences
web WebPreferences WebPreferences
user In one's user topic TWikiGuest
topic "Edit topic preferences settings" under "More topic actions" TWikiReleaseNotes04x00
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New User Registration

The new user registration process has been extensively reworked to improve usability and security of the registration process.

  1. FirstName and LastName are recorded separately and tabulated. See UserListByLocation
  1. FirstName and LastName are recorded separately and tabulated. See UserListByLocation
  1. Sends a e-mail that the user has to respond to; registration data is staged until this is done
  2. Populates a form in the user topic, if there is one in the NewUserTemplate. If there is no form, then bullets are used, as in pre-Dakar TWiki.
  3. Sends different e-mails to the WIKIWEBMASTER and the USER, with the users containing the password unless {HidePasswdInRegistration} is set.
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Supporting web names that are WikiWords

Although web names have been permitted to be WikiWords since the TWiki:Codev.CairoRelease, the base templates have been fixed for Dakar.
Skins should be upgraded if they have standalone %WEB% variables; only standalone %WEB% text that potentially could be turned into a link (because of a WikiWord) needs to be escaped. Same for %MAINWEB% and %TWIKIWEB%.
Skins should be upgraded if they have standalone %WEB% variables; only standalone %WEB% text that potentially could be turned into a link (because of a WikiWord) needs to be escaped. Same for %USERSWEB% and %SYSTEMWEB%.
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Item1574 Net.pm: Tidying up e-mail split
Item1574 Net.pm: Split only on , not on spaces when sending e-mail
Item1572 made optional - thus removing the horrible slowdown it causes from the main loop
Item663 Fix %MAINWEB%.TWikiPreferences to %LOCALSITEPREFS%; remove %TWIKIWEB% prefix where not needed
Item663 Fix %USERSWEB%.TWikiPreferences to %LOCALSITEPREFS%; remove %SYSTEMWEB% prefix where not needed
Item663 TWiki.org doc merge: GNU patch requirement
Item240 layout of more screen; added line "Current parent" with 2 searches inside IF - must be a more efficient way but how?
Item240 just to be sure: replacing MAKETEXT text with English, to be translated later.
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiReleaseNotes04x00.