< < | Release Notes of TWiki-6.0.1 (Jerusalem), 2014-10-05
> > | Release Notes of TWiki-6.0.2 (Jerusalem), 2015-11-29
TWiki-6.0.1 released on 2014-10-05 is a patch release that adds some minor new features and fixes a number of bugs, including TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2014-7236 and TWiki:Codev.SecurityAlert-CVE-2014-7237 . |
> > | TWiki-6.0.2 released on 2015-11-29 is a patch release that adds some minor new features and fixes a number of bugs. |
| Feature Highlights |
- Open external links in new browser window or tab; show external link
- Drag and drop file attachments - PatternSkin to integrate DropzoneJSSkin - added in TWiki-6.0.1
- Add drag and drop to change profile picture screen - added in TWiki-6.0.1
> > |
- Responsive multi-column page layout using CSS using TWOCOLUMNS...ENDCOLUMNS - added in TWiki-6.0.2
- Search attachments in a web with new WebSearchAttachments topic to all webs - added in TWiki-6.0.2
- Easier TWiki installation by adding Perl CGI module to TWiki core distribution - added in TWiki-6.0.2
- Scalability Enhancements
- Read-only and mirror web support for distributed TWiki sites
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> > |
- New CHILDREN variable to show topic children added in TWiki-6.0.2
- Add createdate, default, encode parameters to SEARCH variable
- SEARCH variable with sort by parent feature
- SEARCH variable extended to make results pagination possible
- SEARCH: Search with sort by multiple fields - added in TWiki-6.0.1
- SEARCH: Sort by parent breadcrumb - added in TWiki-6.0.1
> > |
- SEARCH: Control over formfield rendering in a formatted SEARCH - added in TWiki-6.0.2
- Add encode, newline, nofinalnewline, allowanytype to INCLUDE variable
- Add subwebs and depth parameters to WEBLIST variable
- Add section parameter to ADDTOHEAD variable
- Add topic parameter to VAR variable to get settings defined in another topic
- Add raw parameter to INCLUDE variable to include a topic in the raw mode
- New csv encode type for ENCODE variable - added in TWiki-6.0.1
> > |
- ENCODE variable with new type="json" parameter to escape a string for JSON use - added in TWiki-6.0.2
- Security Enhancements
- Support for an implicit "all users" group
- SpreadSheetPlugin: New functions ADDLIST(), GETLIST(), SETLIST() - added in TWiki-6.0.1
- SpreadSheetPlugin: FORMAT(CURRENY, ...) with support for currency symbol - added in TWiki-6.0.1
- SpreadSheetPlugin: Allow newlines and indent around functions and function parameters; allow newlines in triple-quoted strings - added in TWiki-6.0.1
> > |
- SpreadSheetPlugin: New functions EQUAL(), NOTE(), RANDSTRING() - added in TWiki-6.0.2
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> > |
- TablePlugin: Possible to add TML (TWiki markup) with newlines in TWiki table cells
- TagMePlugin with support for multiple tag namespaces
- PatternSkin: New hideInPrint CSS class to hide specific content from printing - added in TWiki-6.0.1
- PatternSkin: Show history and other topic actions in read-only skin mode - added in TWiki-6.0.1
> > |
- SetGetPlugin: SET and GET with support for JSON objects and JSON path - added in TWiki-6.0.2
- SetGetPlugin: Ability to specify store name to persistently store variables - added in TWiki-6.0.2
- SetGetPlugin: SetGetPlugin: Use file locking on persistent store to prevent corrupting the store - added in TWiki-6.0.2
- JQueryPlugin: JQTAB enhancements: Show blue link instead of red on hover over tab; make tab css overridable; remove dotted underline below tab; active tabs with gray gradient - added in TWiki-6.0.1
> > |
- JQueryPlugin: Option to load tab content asynchronously; select specific tab in jQuery tab pane; allow tab panes in bullet lists & TWiki table cells; allow HTML in tab title - added in TWiki-6.0.2
- WatchlistPlugin: Don't notify oneself when watching topics; set minor change when updating watchlist topic - added in TWiki-6.0.1
- WatchlistPlugin: Watch all topics in web and watch new topics in web; fix for mod_perl - added in TWiki-6.0.1
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> > | |
- New COPY, REG, TM variables for copyright, registered trademark and trademark symbols, respectively - added in TWiki-6.0.1
TWiki-5.0 |
Helsinki |
1.3 |
TWiki-5.1 |
Istanbul |
1.4 |
TWiki-6.0.0 |
Jerusalem |
6.00 |
< < |
TWiki-6.0.1 (to be released) |
" |
6.01 |
> > |
TWiki-6.0.1 |
" |
6.01 |
TWiki-6.0.2 |
" |
6.02 |
Upgrade From Earlier Releases |
TWiki-6.0.0 Major Release - Details |
< < | TWiki-6.0.0 was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/trunk revision r26523 (2013-10-14) |
> > | TWiki-6.0.0 was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/trunk revision r28207 (2013-10-05) |
Enhancements |
TWiki-6.0.1 Patch Release - Details |
< < | TWiki-6.0.1 was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/trunk revision r28194 (2014-10-05) |
> > | TWiki-6.0.1 was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/branches/TWikiRelease06x00 revision r28194 (2014-10-05) |
Enhancements |
Total: 66 |
> > | TWiki-6.0.2 Patch Release - Details
TWiki-6.0.2 was built from SVN http://svn.twiki.org/svn/twiki/branches/TWikiRelease06x00 revision r29687 (2015-11-29)
TWikibug:Item7565 |
Documentation: Documentation work for TWiki-6.0.2 |
TWikibug:Item7566 |
Documentation: New TWiki Doc Graphics icons for TWiki-6.0.1 |
TWikibug:Item7567 |
Documentation: Translation work for TWiki-6.0.2 |
TWikibug:Item7581 |
Forbid certain users to run certain TWiki scripts by configuration |
TWikibug:Item7583 |
SpreadSheetPlugin: New RANDSTRING function |
TWikibug:Item7588 |
JQueryPlugin: Option to load tab content asynchronously; select specific tab in jQuery tab pane; allow tab panes in bullet lists & TWiki table cells; allow HTML in tab title |
TWikibug:Item7594 |
TablePlugin: Possible to add TML (TWiki markup) with newlines in TWiki table cells |
TWikibug:Item7600 |
TWikiForms: Set form field format on file upload |
TWikibug:Item7601 |
ColorPickerPlugin: New type parameter to set type of color widget for popup pick, picker below input field, and view color |
TWikibug:Item7607 |
SpreadSheetPlugin: PROPERSPACE() to space also uppercase to number transition |
TWikibug:Item7608 |
SPACEOUT variable to space also uppercase to number transition |
TWikibug:Item7611 |
SetGetPlugin: SET and GET with support for JSON objects and JSON path |
TWikibug:Item7616 |
Search: Control over formfield rendering in a formatted SEARCH; fix performance issue with formatted SEARCH in TWiki-6.0 |
TWikibug:Item7620 |
CgiContrib: Add CGI to TWiki core distribution |
TWikibug:Item7635 |
SetGetPlugin: Ability to specify store name to persistently store variables |
TWikibug:Item7639 |
SetGetPlugin: Use file locking on persistent store to prevent corrupting the store |
TWikibug:Item7645 |
New CHILDREN variable |
TWikibug:Item7646 |
New separator parameter for METASEARCH variable |
TWikibug:Item7649 |
Responsive multi-column page layout using CSS using TWOCOLUMNS, THREECOLUMNS, FOURCOLUMNS, ENDCOLUMNS |
TWikibug:Item7654 |
Search attachments in a web |
TWikibug:Item7656 |
SpreadSheetPlugin: New NOTE(), EQUAL() functions |
TWikibug:Item7668 |
ENCODE variable with new type="json" parameter to escape a string for JSON use |
TWikibug:Item7675 |
SetGetPlugin: GET with support for JSON path using [*] wildcard array index |
Total: 23
Total: 53 |
| Related Topics: TWikiHistory, TWikiInstallationGuide, TWikiUpgradeGuide, TWikiReleaseNotes04x00, TWikiReleaseNotes04x01, TWikiReleaseNotes04x02, TWikiReleaseNotes04x03, TWikiReleaseNotes05x00, TWikiReleaseNotes05x01, TWikiReleaseNotes06x01 |