Difference: TWikiSiteTools (14 vs. 15)

Revision 152010-05-12 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Site Tools

Line: 106 to 106
attach attach when viewing attach screen of previous uploaded attachment: filename
changes changes  
edit edit when editing non-existing topic: (not exist)
login, logon,
attach, edit,
register, rest,
view, vewfile
Login name of administrator user who is logging in or out
manage changepasswd Login name of user who's password is changed
rdiff rdiff higher and lower revision numbers: 4 3
register regstart WikiUserName, e-Mail address, LoginName: user attempts to register
register register E-mail address: user successfully registers
register bulkregister WikiUserName of new, e-mail address, admin ID
rename rename when moving topic: moved to Newweb.NewTopic
rename renameweb when renaming a web: moved to Newweb
rename move when moving attachment: Attachment filename moved to Newweb.NewTopic
resetpasswd resetpasswd Login name of user who's password is reset
save save when replacing existing revision: repRev 3
when user checks the minor changes box: dontNotify
when user changes attributes to an exising attachment: filename.ext
save cmd special admin parameter used when saving
search search search string
upload upload filename
view view when viewing non-existing topic: (not exist)
when viewing previous topic revision: r3
viewfile viewfile Attachment name and revision: File.txt, r3


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