Difference: TWikiSystemRequirements (16 vs. 17)

Revision 172001-09-08 - JohnTalintyre

Line: 1 to 1

TWiki Operating Environment

Line: 101 to 101
TWiki.cfg For configuration, used by TWiki.pm
TWiki/Access.pm Access control
TWiki/Attach.pm Attachment handling
TWiki/Form.pm Form handling
TWiki/Meta.pm Meta data in topics
TWiki/Net.pm SMTP mail handling
TWiki/Plugins.pm Plugin handling
Line: 171 to 172
debug.txt xxxx
mime.types xxxx
warning.txt xxxx
_default/.changes xxxx
_default/WebChanges.txt xxxx
_default/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
_default directory can be copied to empty directory when creating new Webs
_default/.changes Record of topic changes recorded here
_default/WebChanges.txt Display most recent changes
_default/WebChanges.txt,v History
_default/WebHome.txt xxxx
_default/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt xxxx
Line: 273 to 275
rdiff.tmpl xxxx
register.tmpl xxxx
registernotify.tmpl xxxx
rename.tmpl xxxx
renamebase.tmpl xxxx
renameconfirm.tmpl xxxx
renamerefs.tmpl xxxx
rename.tmpl Doing a new topic rename, user chooses web & topic
renamebase.tmpl Used by other rename templates
renameconfirm.tmpl Confirming a pre-specified rename e.g. when undoing a rename
renamerefs.tmpl Rename done, still some references to change (topcis were previously locked)
search.tmpl xxxx
searchbookview.tmpl xxxx
searchmeta.tmpl xxxx
searchrenameview.tmpl xxxx
searchrenameview.tmpl Used by rename to list references to topic being renamed
twiki.tmpl xxxx
view.plain.tmpl xxxx
view.print.tmpl xxxx
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiSystemRequirements.