Difference: TWikiTemplates (37 vs. 38)

Revision 382016-03-24 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Templates

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  • EDIT_TEMPLATE sets the template for editing a topic.
If these preferences are set locally (using Local instead of Set) for a topic, in WebPreferences, in Main.TWikiPreferences, or TWiki.TWikiPreferences (using Set), the indicated templates will be chosen for view and edit respectively. The template search order is as specified above.
Both VIEW_TEMPLATE and EDIT_TEMPLATE may contain TWiki variables, which are expanded. For example, the following setting causes Item* topics to be displayed with the custom view template ItemViewTmpl while the other topics are displayed normally.
   * Set VIEW_TEMPLATE = %IF{"'%CALCULATE{$SUBSTRING(%TOPIC%, 1, 4)}%' = 'Item'" then="ItemViewTmpl"}%
The following setting causes Item* topics to be edited with the editform template (edits only the TWiki form of the topic without editing the topic text) while the other topics are edited normally.
   * Set EDIT_TEMPLATE = %IF{"'%CALCULATE{$SUBSTRING(%TOPIC%, 1, 4)}%' = 'Item'" then="editform"}%
 TIP Tip: If you want to override existing templates, without having to worry that your changes will get overwritten by the next TWiki update, change the {TemplatePath} so that another directory, such as the %USERSWEB% appears at the front. You can then put your own templates into that directory or web and these will override the standard templates. (Note that such will increase the lookup time for templates by searching your directory first.)

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 See TWikiScripts for information about all the other parameters to edit.


Automatically Generated Topic Names


Automatically Generated Unique Topic Names

  For TWiki applications it is useful to be able to automatically generate unique topic names, such as BugID0001, BugID0002, etc. You can add AUTOINC<n> to the topic name in the edit and save scripts, and it will be replaced with an auto-incremented number on topic save. <n> is a number starting from 0, and may include leading zeros. Leading zeros are used to zero-pad numbers so that auto-incremented topic names can sort properly. Deleted topics are not re-used to ensure uniqueness of topic names. That is, the auto-incremented number is always higher than the existing ones, even if there are gaps in the number sequence.
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 Create new item
Note: After the save operation, the web client is redirected to the newly created topic by default. If the specified topic name contains AUTOINC<n> and you want to redirect to a different URL containing the newly created topic's name, you can use AUTOINC in the redirectto parameter. Let's say the specified topic name is ItemAUTOINC0001, and redirectto is set to %SCRIPTURL{view}%/%WEB%/ViewerTopic?id=ItemAUTOINC. If the latest existing topic is Item0123, a new topic named Item0124 is created, and the web client is redirected to ViewerTopic?id=Item0124 in the current web.

Template Topics in Action

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiTemplates.