Difference: TWikiUIEditDotPm (1 vs. 4)

Revision 42011-04-12 - TWikiContributor

Line: 18 to 18
formtemplate name of the form for the topic; will replace existing form
templatetopic name of the topic to copy if creating a new topic
skin skin(s) to use
topicparent what to put in the topic prent meta data
topicparent name of parent topic (optional), undocumented parenttopic parameter can be used as well
text text that will replace the old topic text if a formtemplate is defined (what the heck is this for?)
contenttype optional parameter that defines the application type to write into the CGI header. Defaults to text/html.
action Optional. If supplied, use the edit${action} template instead of the standard edit template. An empty value means edit both form and text, "form" means edit form only, "text" means edit text only

Revision 32008-01-22 - TWikiContributor

Line: 9 to 9
  Edit command handler. This method is designed to be
invoked via the TWiki::UI::run method.
invoked via the UI::run method.
 Most parameters are in the CGI query:

cmd Undocumented save command, passed on to save script

Revision 12006-02-01 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

Package =TWiki::UI::Edit

Edit command handler

StaticMethod edit ($session)

Edit command handler. This method is designed to be invoked via the TWiki::UI::run method. Most parameters are in the CGI query:

cmd Undocumented save command, passed on to save script
onlywikiname if defined, requires a wiki name for the topic name if this is a new topic
onlynewtopic if defined, and the topic exists, then moans
formtemplate name of the form for the topic; will replace existing form
templatetopic name of the topic to copy if creating a new topic
skin skin(s) to use
topicparent what to put in the topic prent meta data
text text that will replace the old topic text if a formtemplate is defined (what the heck is this for?)
contenttype optional parameter that defines the application type to write into the CGI header. Defaults to text/html.
action Optional. If supplied, use the edit${action} template instead of the standard edit template. An empty value means edit both form and text, "form" means edit form only, "text" means edit text only
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