| Table Plugin
| Table Plugin
| |
< < | | > > |
| | | |
< < | | > > |
| | Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
Introduction | |
< < | The TablePlugin gives extra control of table display: | > > | The TablePlugin gives extra control of TWiki table rendering using | cell 1 | cell 2 | syntax: | | | |
< < |
- Allows sorting
- Changing table properties like border width, cell spacing and cell padding
- Changing background color and text color for header cells
- Changing background color and text color for data cells - colors can alternate
- Table attributes can be set and overridden in this order:
- Default
TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin setting in this topic.
- A
TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting on site-level (TWikiPreferences) or web-level (any WebPreferences), e.g.
| > > |
- Sort table by columns
- Use TML (TWiki Markup Language) in table cells using
|>> TML <<| syntax.
- Support row spans using
|^| syntax.
- Change table properties, such as border width, cell spacing and cell padding.
- Change background color and text color for header cells.
- Change background color and text color for data cells - colors can alternate.
- Set and override table attributes in this order:
- Default
TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin setting in current topic.
- A
TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting on site-level (TWikiPreferences) or web-level (any WebPreferences), such as:
| |
Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" ...
| |
< < |
- Before a table using
- Row spans
| > > |
- Before a table using
%TABLE{...}% .
| |
Sorting | |
- number is digits, with optional decimal point
- otherwise treated as text
| |
> > | Using TML in table cells
A TWiki table has a line-oriented markup, e.g. normally it is not possible to use other line-oriented TML, such as bullets or nested tables.
It is possible to introduce newlines in a table cell if the cell is enclosed in double-angle brackets, such as |>> TML <<| . Example:
You write:
| *A1* | *B1* | *C1* | *D1* |
| A2 |>> B2
* Bullet
* list
* is
* possible
<<|>> C2
| *C2.1* | *C2.2* |
| Embedded | table |
| possible | too |
end C2
<<| D2 |
| A3 | B3 | C3 | D3 |
| |
You get:
A1 |
B1 |
C1 |
D1 |
A2 |
end C2
D2 |
A3 |
B3 |
C3 |
D3 |
| | Row spans | |
< < | Table cells with a single caret indicate follow-up rows of multi-row spans. For example,
| > > | Table cells with a single caret indicate follow-up rows of multi-row spans. Example:
| |
| One One | One Two | One Three |
| ^ | Two Two | Two Three |
| Three One | ^ | Three Three |
| |
< < | | > > | | |
One One |
One Two |
One Three |
Two Two |
Two Three |
Three One |
Three Three |
| |
| |
< < |
| > > |
| |
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
2014-01-21 |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
2015-07-28 |
| | <--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline--> | |
> > |
| |
| Table Plugin
| Table Plugin
| Table Plugin
| Table Plugin
| Table Plugin
| Table Plugin
| Table Plugin
| |
< < | | > > | | | | |
< < | | > > | | | Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
Introduction |
< < | Table Plugin | > > | Table Plugin
Contributions to this TWiki plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/TablePlugin or provide feedback at
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/TablePluginDev .
If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
The TablePlugin gives extra control of table display: | | | |
< < | Gives extra control of table display: | |
- Allows sorting
- Changing table properties like border width, cell spacing and cell padding
- Changing background color and text color for header cells
- Changing background color and text color for data cells - colors can alternate
- Table attributes can be set and overridden in this order:
- Default
TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin setting in this topic.
| |
< < | | > > | | |
Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" ...
- Before a table using
- Row spans
| |
Two Two |
Two Three |
Three One |
Three Three |
| |
< < | | > > | | |
One One |
One Two |
One Three |
Two Two |
Two Three |
Three One |
Three Three |
| |
TablePlugin Global Settings | |
< < | Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference
a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>% , for example, %INTERWIKIPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION% | > > | Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>% , for example, %INTERWIKIPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION% | | | |
< < | | > > | | |
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- Set DEBUG to 1 to get debug messages in
data/debug.txt . Default: 0
| | Table Attributes
Attributes are defined as a TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin setting in this topic, a TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting, or on line before the table using %TABLE{...}% : | |
< < |
- Supported attributes:
Argument | Comment | Default value | Example | sort | Set table sorting by clicking headers "on" or "off" . | unspecified | sort="on" | initsort | Column to sort initially ("1" to number of columns). | unspecified | initsort="2" | initdirection | Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to "up" (descending) or "down" (ascending). | unspecified | initdirection="up" | disableallsort | Disable all sorting, both initsort and header sort. This is mainly used by plugins such as the EditTablePlugin to disable sorting in a table while editing the table. | unspecified | disableallsort="on" | headerbg | Header cell background color. | "#6b7f93" | headerbg="#999999" | headerbgsorted | Header cell background color of a sorted column. | the value of headerbg | headerbgsorted="#32596c" | headercolor | Header cell text color. | "#ffffff" | headercolor="#0000cc" | databg | Data cell background color, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no color, that is to use the color/background of the page the table is on. | "#edf4f9,#ffffff" | databg="#f2f2f2,#ffffff" | databgsorted | Data cell background color of a sorted column; see databg . | the values of databg | databgsorted="#d4e8e4,#e5f5ea" | datacolor | Data cell text color, a comma separated list. | unspecified | datacolor="#0000CC, #000000" | tableborder | Table border width (pixels). | "1" | tableborder="2" | tableframe | Table frame, set to "void" (no sides), "above" (the top side only), "below" (the bottom side only), "hsides" (the top and bottom sides only), "lhs" (the left-hand side only), "rhs" (the right-hand side only), "vsides" (the right and left sides only), "box" (all four sides), "border" (all four sides). | unspecified | tableframe="hsides" | tablerules | Table rules, set to "none" (no rules), "groups" (rules will appear between row groups and column groups only), "rows" (rules will appear between rows only), "cols" (rules will appear between columns only), "all" (rules will appear between all rows and columns). | unspecified | tablerules="rows" | cellpadding | Cell padding (pixels). | "0" | cellpadding="0" | cellspacing | Cell spacing (pixels). | "0" | cellspacing="3" | cellborder | Cell border width (pixels). | unspecified | cellborder="0" | valign | Vertical alignment of cells and headers, set to "top" , "middle" , "bottom" or "baseline" . | unspecified | valign="top" | headervalign | Vertical alignment of header cells; overrides valign . | unspecified | headervalign="top" | datavalign | Vertical alignment of data cells; overrides valign . | unspecified | datavalign="top" | headeralign | Header cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. | unspecified | headeralign="left,right" | dataalign | Data cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. | unspecified | dataalign="center" | tablewidth | Table width: Percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. | unspecified | tablewidth="100%" | columnwidths | Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. | unspecified | columnwidths="80%,20%" | headerrows | Number of header rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML thead section) | (determined automatically) | headerrows="2" | footerrows | Number of footer rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML tfoot section) | "0" | footerrows="1" | id | Unique table identifier string, used for targeting a table with CSS. | tableN (where N is the table order number on the page) | id="userTable" | summary | Table summary used by screenreaders: A summary of what the table presents. It should provide an orientation for someone who listens to the table. | unspecified | summary="List of subscribed users" | caption | Table caption: A title that will be displayed just above the table. | unspecified | caption="Users" |
| > > |
- Supported attributes:
Argument | Comment | Default value | Example | sort | Set table sorting by clicking headers "on" or "off" . | unspecified | sort="on" | initsort | Column to sort initially ("1" to number of columns). | unspecified | initsort="2" | initdirection | Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to "up" (descending) or "down" (ascending). | unspecified | initdirection="up" | disableallsort | Disable all sorting, both initsort and header sort. This is mainly used by plugins such as the EditTablePlugin to disable sorting in a table while editing the table. | unspecified | disableallsort="on" | headerbg | Header cell background color. | "#6b7f93" | headerbg="#999999" | headerbgsorted | Header cell background color of a sorted column. | the value of headerbg | headerbgsorted="#32596c" | headercolor | Header cell text color. | "#ffffff" | headercolor="#0000cc" | databg | Data cell background color, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no color, that is to use the color/background of the page the table is on. | "#edf4f9,#ffffff" | databg="#f2f2f2,#ffffff" | databgsorted | Data cell background color of a sorted column; see databg . | the values of databg | databgsorted="#d4e8e4,#e5f5ea" | datacolor | Data cell text color, a comma separated list. | unspecified | datacolor="#0000CC, #000000" | tableborder | Table border width (pixels). | "1" | tableborder="2" | tableframe | Table frame, set to "void" (no sides), "above" (the top side only), "below" (the bottom side only), "hsides" (the top and bottom sides only), "lhs" (the left-hand side only), "rhs" (the right-hand side only), "vsides" (the right and left sides only), "box" (all four sides), "border" (all four sides). | unspecified | tableframe="hsides" | tablerules | Table rules, set to "none" (no rules), "groups" (rules will appear between row groups and column groups only), "rows" (rules will appear between rows only), "cols" (rules will appear between columns only), "all" (rules will appear between all rows and columns). | unspecified | tablerules="rows" | cellpadding | Cell padding (pixels). | "0" | cellpadding="0" | cellspacing | Cell spacing (pixels). | "0" | cellspacing="3" | cellborder | Cell border width (pixels). | unspecified | cellborder="0" | valign | Vertical alignment of cells and headers, set to "top" , "middle" , "bottom" or "baseline" . | unspecified | valign="top" | headervalign | Vertical alignment of header cells; overrides valign . | unspecified | headervalign="top" | datavalign | Vertical alignment of data cells; overrides valign . | unspecified | datavalign="top" | headeralign | Header cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. | unspecified | headeralign="left,right" | dataalign | Data cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. | unspecified | dataalign="center" | tablewidth | Table width: Percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. | unspecified | tablewidth="100%" | columnwidths | Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. | unspecified | columnwidths="80%,20%" | headerrows | Number of header rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML thead section) | (determined automatically) | headerrows="2" | footerrows | Number of footer rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML tfoot section) | "0" | footerrows="1" | id | Unique table identifier string, used for targeting a table with CSS. | tableN (where N is the table order number on the page) | id="userTable" | summary | Table summary used by screenreaders: A summary of what the table presents. It should provide an orientation for someone who listens to the table. | unspecified | summary="List of subscribed users" | caption | Table caption: A title that will be displayed just above the table. | unspecified | caption="Users" |
| |
The %TABLE{...}% settings override TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences settings, which override the TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin settings. | |
5 |
Abc |
John |
Num |
Status |
Action |
Who |
When |
Progress |
| |
< < | Table with 4 digit year dates and no use of %TABLE{...}% | > > | Table with 4 digit year dates and no use of %TABLE{...}% | |
| | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
| > > |
| |
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
1.036 (01 Oct 2008) |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
1.2 (2010-05-16) |
| |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
| |
< < |
30 Sep 2008 |
1.035 Fix sorting of attachment date column. |
03 Aug 2008 |
1.034 TWiki 4.2.1 release version |
20 Mar 2008 |
1.033 TWikibug:Item5387 : allow rowspanned columns to contain HTML tags; otherwise it is impossible to add an invisible anchor to a rowspanned cell |
16 Dec 2007 |
1.030: Kenneth Lavrsen: Fixed the problem of tables being sorted by by TablePlugin while the table is being edited by plugins such as EditTablePlugin. This required adding a new attribute disableallsort so plugins such as EditTablePlugin can temporarily disable all sorting for a table. Additionally the CGI variable (URL parameter or hidden formfield) sort can be set to "off" which disables all header sorting in the topic. This is used by plugins such as EditTablePlugin to disable the sorting by clicking header fields during editing of tables. Ref: TWikibug:Item5135 and TWikibug:Item2690 . |
03 Dec 2007 |
Arthur Clemens: Fixed rendering and order of html elements thead , tfoot and tbody ; corrected id parameter. |
24 Nov 2007 |
Arthur Clemens: Fixed sorting of columns with only icons; also removed TWiki formatting before sorting. |
06 Oct 2007 |
15180: PTh: Added VarTABLE to have it listed in TWikiVariables |
27 Jun 2007 |
1.024 - 1.027 Various small bug fixes. |
24 Jun 2007 |
1.023: Arthur Clemens: Inline styles are now written to the head; updated default sort icons (from TWikiDocGraphics). |
23 Jun 2007 |
1.022: Arthur Clemens: Fixed styling of param tablerules on Internet Explorer. |
23 May 2007 |
1.021: Michael Daum: Fixed css attribute priority to cooperate nicely with skin themes. |
27 Dec 2006 |
1.020: Kenneth Lavrsen: Fixed initsort so all tables can be initsorted and not only the first. When you sort a table by clicking on the header of a column the table gets sorted accordingly. When you click the header of another table the previously sorted table goes back being sorted as specified by initsort. |
13 Dec 2006 |
1.019: Arthur Clemens: Prevent sorting of columns that do no exist. |
02 Dec 2006 |
1.018: Arthur Clemens: Data rows now start with first datacolor and databgcolor . |
26 Nov 2006 |
1.017: Arthur Clemens: Better support for tablerules . |
24 Nov 2006 |
1.016: Arthur Clemens: Added new attribute cellborder . |
25 Oct 2006 |
1.015: Arthur Clemens: Added support for background colors of sorted column. Columns can be unsorted - sorting order is now: sort ascending, sort descending, unsort. Added attributes headervalign and datavalign . |
16 Aug 2006 |
Michael Daum: Added CSS support for even/odd table rows |
13 Dec 2005 |
Arthur Clemens: Added support for id , summary and caption |
05 Mar 2005 |
1.014: Crawford Currie eliminated deprecated handlers for Dakar |
01 Aug 2004 |
Arthur Clemens: Added CSS support for first column and ascending/descending table headers |
21 Mar 2004 |
PTh: Internal change: Fixed reference to unofficial variable |
01 Jan 2004 |
PTh: Alternating data row colors restart again after each header row |
01 Dec 2003 |
PTh: Fixed error when footerrows was specified on an empty table, contributed by TWiki:Main/PaulineCheung |
24 May 2003 |
PTh: New |^| rule for multi row span (TWiki:Main/WalterMundt ); added tableframe and tablerules (TWiki:Main/JohannesMartin ); ignore columnwidths for multi column span; validate headerrows and footerrows (TWiki:Main/DarrylGreen ); fixed link color problem and up/down icon color problem for dark header background |
17 Dec 2002 |
PTh: Removed individual table Plugin settings; added TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugins setting and TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting |
15 Dec 2002 |
PTh: Added headerrows and footerrows params (TWiki:Main/DarrylGreen , TWiki:Main/WoutMertens ); added tablewidth and columnwidths params (TWiki:Main/ThorstenSommermann ) |
09 Dec 2002 |
PTh: Added headercolor and datacolor parameters |
05 Jun 2002 |
PTh: Added "none" value to databg parameter (suggested by TWiki:Main/TaitCyrus ); fixed sorting by stripping HTML tags, removing links and making sort ignore case (suggested by TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford ) |
13 Mar 2002 |
PTh: Added TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford 's initsort and initdirection |
12 Mar 2002 |
PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed bug of swapped cellpadding/cellspacing; fixed warning of uninitialized value |
05 Jan 2002 |
PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space |
06 Dec 2001 |
PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more |
29 Nov 2001 |
PTh: Fixed Perl warnings |
16 Nov 2001 |
PTh: Added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files |
07 Oct 2001 |
JT: Initial version |
| > > |
2010-05-16: |
1.2 TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements |
2010-03-31: |
1.12 TWikibug:Item6414 - fixed incorrect sorting of ISO dates. -- Peter Thoeny |
2010-03-21: |
1.11 TWikibug:Item6406 - fixed incorrect sorting for negative numbers. -- TWiki:Main/BryanKitts |
2010-03-08: |
1.1 TWikibug:Item6405 - fixed incorrect sorting for numbers with decimal places. -- Peter Thoeny |
30 Sep 2008: |
1.035 Fix sorting of attachment date column. |
03 Aug 2008: |
1.034 TWiki 4.2.1 release version |
20 Mar 2008: |
1.033 TWikibug:Item5387 : allow rowspanned columns to contain HTML tags; otherwise it is impossible to add an invisible anchor to a rowspanned cell |
16 Dec 2007: |
1.030: Kenneth Lavrsen: Fixed the problem of tables being sorted by by TablePlugin while the table is being edited by plugins such as EditTablePlugin. This required adding a new attribute disableallsort so plugins such as EditTablePlugin can temporarily disable all sorting for a table. Additionally the CGI variable (URL parameter or hidden formfield) sort can be set to "off" which disables all header sorting in the topic. This is used by plugins such as EditTablePlugin to disable the sorting by clicking header fields during editing of tables. Ref: TWikibug:Item5135 and TWikibug:Item2690 . |
03 Dec 2007: |
Arthur Clemens: Fixed rendering and order of html elements thead , tfoot and tbody ; corrected id parameter. |
24 Nov 2007: |
Arthur Clemens: Fixed sorting of columns with only icons; also removed TWiki formatting before sorting. |
06 Oct 2007: |
15180: PTh: Added VarTABLE to have it listed in TWikiVariables |
27 Jun 2007: |
1.024 - 1.027 Various small bug fixes. |
24 Jun 2007: |
1.023: Arthur Clemens: Inline styles are now written to the head; updated default sort icons (from TWikiDocGraphics). |
23 Jun 2007: |
1.022: Arthur Clemens: Fixed styling of param tablerules on Internet Explorer. |
23 May 2007: |
1.021: Michael Daum: Fixed css attribute priority to cooperate nicely with skin themes. |
27 Dec 2006: |
1.020: Kenneth Lavrsen: Fixed initsort so all tables can be initsorted and not only the first. When you sort a table by clicking on the header of a column the table gets sorted accordingly. When you click the header of another table the previously sorted table goes back being sorted as specified by initsort. |
13 Dec 2006: |
1.019: Arthur Clemens: Prevent sorting of columns that do no exist. |
02 Dec 2006: |
1.018: Arthur Clemens: Data rows now start with first datacolor and databgcolor . |
26 Nov 2006: |
1.017: Arthur Clemens: Better support for tablerules . |
24 Nov 2006: |
1.016: Arthur Clemens: Added new attribute cellborder . |
25 Oct 2006: |
1.015: Arthur Clemens: Added support for background colors of sorted column. Columns can be unsorted - sorting order is now: sort ascending, sort descending, unsort. Added attributes headervalign and datavalign . |
16 Aug 2006: |
Michael Daum: Added CSS support for even/odd table rows |
13 Dec 2005: |
Arthur Clemens: Added support for id , summary and caption |
05 Mar 2005: |
1.014: Crawford Currie eliminated deprecated handlers for Dakar |
01 Aug 2004: |
Arthur Clemens: Added CSS support for first column and ascending/descending table headers |
21 Mar 2004: |
PTh: Internal change: Fixed reference to unofficial variable |
01 Jan 2004: |
PTh: Alternating data row colors restart again after each header row |
01 Dec 2003: |
PTh: Fixed error when footerrows was specified on an empty table, contributed by TWiki:Main/PaulineCheung |
24 May 2003: |
PTh: New |^| rule for multi row span (TWiki:Main/WalterMundt ); added tableframe and tablerules (TWiki:Main/JohannesMartin ); ignore columnwidths for multi column span; validate headerrows and footerrows (TWiki:Main/DarrylGreen ); fixed link color problem and up/down icon color problem for dark header background |
17 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Removed individual table Plugin settings; added TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugins setting and TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting |
15 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Added headerrows and footerrows params (TWiki:Main/DarrylGreen , TWiki:Main/WoutMertens ); added tablewidth and columnwidths params (TWiki:Main/ThorstenSommermann ) |
09 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Added headercolor and datacolor parameters |
05 Jun 2002: |
PTh: Added "none" value to databg parameter (suggested by TWiki:Main/TaitCyrus ); fixed sorting by stripping HTML tags, removing links and making sort ignore case (suggested by TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford ) |
13 Mar 2002: |
PTh: Added TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford 's initsort and initdirection |
12 Mar 2002: |
PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed bug of swapped cellpadding/cellspacing; fixed warning of uninitialized value |
05 Jan 2002: |
PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space |
06 Dec 2001: |
PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more |
29 Nov 2001: |
PTh: Fixed Perl warnings |
16 Nov 2001: |
PTh: Added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files |
07 Oct 2001: |
JT: Initial version |
| |
CPAN Dependencies: |
none |
Other Dependencies: |
none |
Perl Version: |
5.0 |
| |
| |
< < | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, StandardColors | > > | Related Topics: VarTABLE, TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, StandardColors |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
| > > |
| |
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
1.032 (22 Dec 2007) |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
1.034 (03 Aug 2008) |
| |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
| |
> > |
03 Aug 2008 |
1.034 TWiki 4.2.1 release version |
20 Mar 2008 |
1.033 TWikibug:Item5387 : allow rowspanned columns to contain HTML tags; otherwise it is impossible to add an invisible anchor to a rowspanned cell |
| |
16 Dec 2007 |
1.030: Kenneth Lavrsen: Fixed the problem of tables being sorted by by TablePlugin while the table is being edited by plugins such as EditTablePlugin. This required adding a new attribute disableallsort so plugins such as EditTablePlugin can temporarily disable all sorting for a table. Additionally the CGI variable (URL parameter or hidden formfield) sort can be set to "off" which disables all header sorting in the topic. This is used by plugins such as EditTablePlugin to disable the sorting by clicking header fields during editing of tables. Ref: TWikibug:Item5135 and TWikibug:Item2690 . |
03 Dec 2007 |
Arthur Clemens: Fixed rendering and order of html elements thead , tfoot and tbody ; corrected id parameter. |
24 Nov 2007 |
Arthur Clemens: Fixed sorting of columns with only icons; also removed TWiki formatting before sorting. |
< < | | | Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | |
- Default table attributes:
| |
< < |
- Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" valign="top" headeralign="center" headercolor="#ffffff" headerbg="#6b7f93" headerbgsorted="#334455" headercolor="#ffffff" databg="#ffffff,#edf4f9" databgsorted="#f5f5f5,#dce7ee"
- Classic skin table attributes:
- #Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#99cccc" databg="#ffffff,#ffffcc"
| > > |
- Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" valign="top" headercolor="#ffffff" headerbg="#687684" headerbgsorted="#334455" databg="#ffffff,#edf4f9" databgsorted="#f1f7fc,#ddebf6" tablerules="rows"
| |
Table Attributes
Attributes are defined as a TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin setting in this topic, a TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting, or on line before the table using %TABLE{...}% : | |
< < |
Argument |
Comment |
Default value |
Example |
sort |
Set table sorting "on" or "off" . |
unspecified |
sort="on" |
initsort |
Column to sort initially ("1" to number of columns). |
unspecified |
initsort="2" |
initdirection |
Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to "up" (descending) or "down" (ascending). |
unspecified |
initdirection="up" |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour. |
"#6b7f93" |
headerbg="#999999" |
headerbgsorted |
Header cell background colour of a sorted column. |
the value of headerbg |
headerbgsorted="#32596c" |
headercolor |
Header cell text colour. |
"#ffffff" |
headercolor="#0000cc" |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. |
"#edf4f9,#ffffff" |
databg="#f2f2f2,#ffffff" |
databgsorted |
Data cell background colour of a sorted column; see databg . |
the values of databg |
databgsorted="#d4e8e4,#e5f5ea" |
datacolor |
Data cell text colour, a comma separated list. |
unspecified |
datacolor="#0000CC, #000000" |
tableborder |
Table border width (pixels). |
"1" |
tableborder="2" |
tableframe |
Table frame, set to "void" (no sides), "above" (the top side only), "below" (the bottom side only), "hsides" (the top and bottom sides only), "lhs" (the left-hand side only), "rhs" (the right-hand side only), "vsides" (the right and left sides only), "box" (all four sides), "border" (all four sides). |
unspecified |
tableframe="hsides" |
tablerules |
Table rules, set to "none" (no rules), "groups" (rules will appear between row groups and column groups only), "rows" (rules will appear between rows only), "cols" (rules will appear between columns only), "all" (rules will appear between all rows and columns). |
unspecified |
tablerules="rows" |
cellpadding |
Cell padding (pixels). |
"0" |
cellpadding="0" |
cellspacing |
Cell spacing (pixels). |
"0" |
cellspacing="3" |
cellborder |
Cell border width (pixels). |
unspecified |
cellborder="0" |
valign |
Vertical alignment of cells and headers, set to "top" , "middle" , "bottom" or "baseline" . |
unspecified |
valign="top" |
headervalign |
Vertical alignment of header cells; overrides valign . |
unspecified |
headervalign="top" |
datavalign |
Vertical alignment of data cells; overrides valign . |
unspecified |
datavalign="top" |
headeralign |
Header cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. |
unspecified |
headeralign="left,right" |
dataalign |
Data cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. |
unspecified |
dataalign="center" |
tablewidth |
Table width: Percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. |
unspecified |
tablewidth="100%" |
columnwidths |
Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. |
unspecified |
columnwidths="80%,20%" |
headerrows |
Number of header rows to exclude from sort. |
"1" |
headerrows="1" |
footerrows |
Number of footer rows to exclude from sort. |
"0" |
footerrows="1" |
id |
Table identifier string. |
unspecified |
id="userTable" |
summary |
Table summary used by screenreaders: A summary of what the table presents. It should provide an orientation for someone who listens to the table. |
unspecified |
summary="List of subscribed users" |
caption |
Table caption: A title that will be displayed just above the table. |
unspecified |
caption="Users" |
| > > |
- Supported attributes:
Argument | Comment | Default value | Example | sort | Set table sorting by clicking headers "on" or "off" . | unspecified | sort="on" | initsort | Column to sort initially ("1" to number of columns). | unspecified | initsort="2" | initdirection | Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to "up" (descending) or "down" (ascending). | unspecified | initdirection="up" | disableallsort | Disable all sorting, both initsort and header sort. This is mainly used by plugins such as the EditTablePlugin to disable sorting in a table while editing the table. | unspecified | disableallsort="on" | headerbg | Header cell background color. | "#6b7f93" | headerbg="#999999" | headerbgsorted | Header cell background color of a sorted column. | the value of headerbg | headerbgsorted="#32596c" | headercolor | Header cell text color. | "#ffffff" | headercolor="#0000cc" | databg | Data cell background color, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no color, that is to use the color/background of the page the table is on. | "#edf4f9,#ffffff" | databg="#f2f2f2,#ffffff" | databgsorted | Data cell background color of a sorted column; see databg . | the values of databg | databgsorted="#d4e8e4,#e5f5ea" | datacolor | Data cell text color, a comma separated list. | unspecified | datacolor="#0000CC, #000000" | tableborder | Table border width (pixels). | "1" | tableborder="2" | tableframe | Table frame, set to "void" (no sides), "above" (the top side only), "below" (the bottom side only), "hsides" (the top and bottom sides only), "lhs" (the left-hand side only), "rhs" (the right-hand side only), "vsides" (the right and left sides only), "box" (all four sides), "border" (all four sides). | unspecified | tableframe="hsides" | tablerules | Table rules, set to "none" (no rules), "groups" (rules will appear between row groups and column groups only), "rows" (rules will appear between rows only), "cols" (rules will appear between columns only), "all" (rules will appear between all rows and columns). | unspecified | tablerules="rows" | cellpadding | Cell padding (pixels). | "0" | cellpadding="0" | cellspacing | Cell spacing (pixels). | "0" | cellspacing="3" | cellborder | Cell border width (pixels). | unspecified | cellborder="0" | valign | Vertical alignment of cells and headers, set to "top" , "middle" , "bottom" or "baseline" . | unspecified | valign="top" | headervalign | Vertical alignment of header cells; overrides valign . | unspecified | headervalign="top" | datavalign | Vertical alignment of data cells; overrides valign . | unspecified | datavalign="top" | headeralign | Header cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. | unspecified | headeralign="left,right" | dataalign | Data cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. | unspecified | dataalign="center" | tablewidth | Table width: Percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. | unspecified | tablewidth="100%" | columnwidths | Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. | unspecified | columnwidths="80%,20%" | headerrows | Number of header rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML thead section) | (determined automatically) | headerrows="2" | footerrows | Number of footer rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML tfoot section) | "0" | footerrows="1" | id | Unique table identifier string, used for targeting a table with CSS. | tableN (where N is the table order number on the page) | id="userTable" | summary | Table summary used by screenreaders: A summary of what the table presents. It should provide an orientation for someone who listens to the table. | unspecified | summary="List of subscribed users" | caption | Table caption: A title that will be displayed just above the table. | unspecified | caption="Users" |
| |
The %TABLE{...}% settings override TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences settings, which override the TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin settings. | |
> > | The setting disableallsort is normally not used as a TABLE or TABLEATTRIBUTES setting. Plugins such as EditTablePlugin dynamically sets disableallsort to disable sorting while editing a table. For this to work it is important that EditTablePlugin runs before TablePlugin, which is the default. The setting sort can be overwritten by a URL parameter or hidden formfield of the same name. Plugins such as EditTablePlugin can use this to disable table header sorting while in edit mode. | | Examples
Use of %TABLE{...}% | |
| |
> > |
TablePlugin and CSS
Information for programmers.
TablePlugin implements the following precedence:
- the
TABLEATTRIBUTE settings only write html styling, no CSS
- the
TABLEATTRIBUTE settings can be overridden by a skin's CSS
- the
TABLE tag attributes are converted to CSS styling, written in the head; these override any skin's CSS
CSS written by TablePlugin
.twikiTable |
The table |
.twikiSortedCol |
A sorted column |
.twikiSortedAscendingCol |
Sorted column, ascending |
.twikiSortedDescendingCol |
Sorted column, descending |
.tableSortIcon |
The sort icon holder (span) |
.twikiFirstCol |
The first column |
.twikiTableEven |
Even numbered rows |
.twikiTableOdd |
Odd numbered rows |
.twikiTableCol + column number |
Unique column identifier, for instance: twikiTableCol0 |
.twikiTableRow + type + row number |
Unique row identifier, for instance: twikiTableRowdataBg0 |
| | Plugin Installation Instructions
This plugin is pre-installed with your TWiki release. You should not have to install it other than to do an upgrade. | |
- Unzip
TablePlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
| |
< < |
data/TWiki/TablePlugin.txt,v |
Plugin topic repository |
| |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/TablePlugin.pm |
Plugin Perl module |
| |
< < |
pub/TWiki/TablePlugin/diamond.gif |
Diamond symbol |
pub/TWiki/TablePlugin/down.gif |
Down arrow |
pub/TWiki/TablePlugin/up.gif |
Up arrow |
| > > |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/TablePlugin/Core.pm |
Plugin Perl module |
| |
- (Dakar) Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
- Test if the plugin is correctly installed:
- Check above example if the table renders as expected
| | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
| > > |
| |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
| |
> > |
16 Dec 2007 |
1.030: Kenneth Lavrsen: Fixed the problem of tables being sorted by by TablePlugin while the table is being edited by plugins such as EditTablePlugin. This required adding a new attribute disableallsort so plugins such as EditTablePlugin can temporarily disable all sorting for a table. Additionally the CGI variable (URL parameter or hidden formfield) sort can be set to "off" which disables all header sorting in the topic. This is used by plugins such as EditTablePlugin to disable the sorting by clicking header fields during editing of tables. Ref: TWikibug:Item5135 and TWikibug:Item2690 . |
03 Dec 2007 |
Arthur Clemens: Fixed rendering and order of html elements thead , tfoot and tbody ; corrected id parameter. |
24 Nov 2007 |
Arthur Clemens: Fixed sorting of columns with only icons; also removed TWiki formatting before sorting. |
06 Oct 2007 |
15180: PTh: Added VarTABLE to have it listed in TWikiVariables |
27 Jun 2007 |
1.024 - 1.027 Various small bug fixes. |
24 Jun 2007 |
1.023: Arthur Clemens: Inline styles are now written to the head; updated default sort icons (from TWikiDocGraphics). |
23 Jun 2007 |
1.022: Arthur Clemens: Fixed styling of param tablerules on Internet Explorer. |
23 May 2007 |
1.021: Michael Daum: Fixed css attribute priority to cooperate nicely with skin themes. |
| |
27 Dec 2006 |
1.020: Kenneth Lavrsen: Fixed initsort so all tables can be initsorted and not only the first. When you sort a table by clicking on the header of a column the table gets sorted accordingly. When you click the header of another table the previously sorted table goes back being sorted as specified by initsort. |
13 Dec 2006 |
1.019: Arthur Clemens: Prevent sorting of columns that do no exist. |
02 Dec 2006 |
1.018: Arthur Clemens: Data rows now start with first datacolor and databgcolor . |
| |
| |
> > |
| |
Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, StandardColors | |
< < |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1070351625" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\up.gif" size="867" user="TWikiContributor" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1070351653" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\down.gif" size="867" user="TWikiContributor" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1070351672" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\diamond.gif" size="881" user="TWikiContributor" version="1.1" |
< < | | |
Table Plugin | | Click on column heading text to sort by a column. Initial column will be sorted in descending order, click again to get ascending order. The type of data in the cell is determined automatically:
| |
< < |
- dd MMM YYY - hh:mm
- dd-MMM-YY or dd-MMM-YYYY (can be / or space in place of -)
- MMM is Jan, Feb, etc
| > > |
- dd MMM YYYY - hh:mm (MMM is Jan, Feb, etc.)
- dd-MMM-YY or dd-MMM-YYYY (can be / or space in place of -) (MMM is Jan, Feb, etc)
| |
- number is digits, with optional decimal point
- otherwise treated as text
| |
- Default table attributes:
| |
< < |
- Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#dadada" headercolor="#000000" databg="#eaeaea, #ffffff"
| > > |
- Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" valign="top" headeralign="center" headercolor="#ffffff" headerbg="#6b7f93" headerbgsorted="#334455" headercolor="#ffffff" databg="#ffffff,#edf4f9" databgsorted="#f5f5f5,#dce7ee"
| |
- Classic skin table attributes:
| |
< < |
- #Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#FFFFCC, #FFFFFF"
| > > |
- #Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#99cccc" databg="#ffffff,#ffffcc"
| |
Table Attributes
Attributes are defined as a TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin setting in this topic, a TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting, or on line before the table using %TABLE{...}% : | |
< < |
Argument |
Comment |
Example |
sort |
Set table sorting "on" or "off" |
sort="on" |
initsort |
Column to sort initially ("1" to number of columns) |
initsort="2" |
initdirection |
Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to "up" or "down" |
initdirection="up" |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour. Choose one of the StandardColors |
headerbg="#99CCCC" |
headercolor |
Header cell text colour |
headercolor="#0000CC" |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. |
databg="#C8CB8F, #DBDDB5" |
datacolor |
Data cell text colour, a comma separated list |
datacolor="#0000CC, #000000" |
tableborder |
Table border width (pixels) |
tableborder="2" |
tableframe |
Table frame, set to "void" (no sides), "above" (the top side only), "below" (the bottom side only), "hsides" (the top and bottom sides only), "lhs" (the left-hand side only), "rhs" (the right-hand side only), "vsides" (the right and left sides only), "box" (all four sides), "border" (all four sides); default "void" |
tableframe="hsides" |
tablerules |
Table rules, set to "none" (no rules), "groups" (rules will appear between row groups and column groups only), "rows" (rules will appear between rows only), "cols" (rules will appear between columns only), "all" (rules will appear between all rows and columns); default "none" |
tablerules="rows" |
cellpadding |
Cell padding (pixels) |
cellpadding="0" |
cellspacing |
Cell spacing (pixels) |
cellspacing="3" |
valign |
Vertical alignment of cells, set to "top" , "middle" , "bottom" or "baseline" |
valign="top" |
headeralign |
Header cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings |
headeralign="left, right" |
dataalign |
Data cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings |
dataalign="center" |
tablewidth |
Table width: Percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. Default is unspecified. |
tablewidth="100%" |
columnwidths |
Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. Default is unspecified. |
columnwidths="80%, 20%" |
headerrows |
Number of header rows to exclude from sort; default "1" |
headerrows="1" |
footerrows |
Number of footer rows to exclude from sort; default "0" |
footerrows="1" |
id |
Table identifier string. Default is unspecified. |
id="userTable" |
summary |
Table summary used by screenreaders: A summary of what the table presents. It should provide an orientation for someone who listens to the table. Default is unspecified. |
summary="List of subscribed users" |
caption |
Table caption: A title that will be displayed just above the table. Default is unspecified. |
caption="Users" |
| > > |
Argument |
Comment |
Default value |
Example |
sort |
Set table sorting "on" or "off" . |
unspecified |
sort="on" |
initsort |
Column to sort initially ("1" to number of columns). |
unspecified |
initsort="2" |
initdirection |
Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to "up" (descending) or "down" (ascending). |
unspecified |
initdirection="up" |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour. |
"#6b7f93" |
headerbg="#999999" |
headerbgsorted |
Header cell background colour of a sorted column. |
the value of headerbg |
headerbgsorted="#32596c" |
headercolor |
Header cell text colour. |
"#ffffff" |
headercolor="#0000cc" |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. |
"#edf4f9,#ffffff" |
databg="#f2f2f2,#ffffff" |
databgsorted |
Data cell background colour of a sorted column; see databg . |
the values of databg |
databgsorted="#d4e8e4,#e5f5ea" |
datacolor |
Data cell text colour, a comma separated list. |
unspecified |
datacolor="#0000CC, #000000" |
tableborder |
Table border width (pixels). |
"1" |
tableborder="2" |
tableframe |
Table frame, set to "void" (no sides), "above" (the top side only), "below" (the bottom side only), "hsides" (the top and bottom sides only), "lhs" (the left-hand side only), "rhs" (the right-hand side only), "vsides" (the right and left sides only), "box" (all four sides), "border" (all four sides). |
unspecified |
tableframe="hsides" |
tablerules |
Table rules, set to "none" (no rules), "groups" (rules will appear between row groups and column groups only), "rows" (rules will appear between rows only), "cols" (rules will appear between columns only), "all" (rules will appear between all rows and columns). |
unspecified |
tablerules="rows" |
cellpadding |
Cell padding (pixels). |
"0" |
cellpadding="0" |
cellspacing |
Cell spacing (pixels). |
"0" |
cellspacing="3" |
cellborder |
Cell border width (pixels). |
unspecified |
cellborder="0" |
valign |
Vertical alignment of cells and headers, set to "top" , "middle" , "bottom" or "baseline" . |
unspecified |
valign="top" |
headervalign |
Vertical alignment of header cells; overrides valign . |
unspecified |
headervalign="top" |
datavalign |
Vertical alignment of data cells; overrides valign . |
unspecified |
datavalign="top" |
headeralign |
Header cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. |
unspecified |
headeralign="left,right" |
dataalign |
Data cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. |
unspecified |
dataalign="center" |
tablewidth |
Table width: Percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. |
unspecified |
tablewidth="100%" |
columnwidths |
Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. |
unspecified |
columnwidths="80%,20%" |
headerrows |
Number of header rows to exclude from sort. |
"1" |
headerrows="1" |
footerrows |
Number of footer rows to exclude from sort. |
"0" |
footerrows="1" |
id |
Table identifier string. |
unspecified |
id="userTable" |
summary |
Table summary used by screenreaders: A summary of what the table presents. It should provide an orientation for someone who listens to the table. |
unspecified |
summary="List of subscribed users" |
caption |
Table caption: A title that will be displayed just above the table. |
unspecified |
caption="Users" |
| |
The %TABLE{...}% settings override TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences settings, which override the TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin settings. | |
Use of %TABLE{...}% | |
< < | Line before table: %TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" headerbg="#D5CCB1" headercolor="#666666" databg="#FAF0D4, #F3DFA8" headerrows="2" footerrows="1" }% | > > | Line before table: %TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3" cellborder="0" headerbg="#D5CCB1" headercolor="#666666" databg="#FAF0D4, #F3DFA8" headerrows="2" footerrows="1" }% | | | |
< < | | > > | | |
| | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
| > > |
| |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
| |
< < |
13 Dec 2005 |
AC: Added support for id, summary and caption |
5 Mar 2005 |
1.014: Crawford Currie eliminated deprecated handlers for Dakar |
01 Aug 2004: |
AC: Added CSS support for first column and ascending/descending table headers |
21 Mar 2004: |
PTh: Internal change: Fixed reference to unofficial variable |
01 Jan 2004: |
PTh: Alternating data row colors restart again after each header row |
01 Dec 2003: |
PTh: Fixed error when footerrows was specified on an empty table, contributed by TWiki:Main/PaulineCheung |
24 May 2003: |
PTh: New |^| rule for multi row span (TWiki:Main/WalterMundt ); added tableframe and tablerules (TWiki:Main/JohannesMartin ); ignore columnwidths for multi column span; validate headerrows and footerrows (TWiki:Main/DarrylGreen ); fixed link color problem and up/down icon color problem for dark header background |
17 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Removed individual table Plugin settings; added TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugins setting and TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting |
15 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Added headerrows and footerrows params (TWiki:Main/DarrylGreen , TWiki:Main/WoutMertens ); added tablewidth and columnwidths params (TWiki:Main/ThorstenSommermann ) |
09 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Added headercolor and datacolor parameters |
05 Jun 2002: |
PTh: Added "none" value to databg parameter (suggested by TWiki:Main/TaitCyrus ); fixed sorting by stripping HTML tags, removing links and making sort ignore case (suggested by TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford ) |
13 Mar 2002: |
PTh: Added TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford 's initsort and initdirection |
12 Mar 2002: |
PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed bug of swapped cellpadding/cellspacing; fixed warning of uninitialized value |
05 Jan 2002: |
PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space |
06 Dec 2001: |
PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more |
29 Nov 2001: |
PTh: Fixed Perl warnings |
16 Nov 2001: |
PTh: Added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files |
07 Oct 2001: |
JT: Initial version |
| > > |
27 Dec 2006 |
1.020: Kenneth Lavrsen: Fixed initsort so all tables can be initsorted and not only the first. When you sort a table by clicking on the header of a column the table gets sorted accordingly. When you click the header of another table the previously sorted table goes back being sorted as specified by initsort. |
13 Dec 2006 |
1.019: Arthur Clemens: Prevent sorting of columns that do no exist. |
02 Dec 2006 |
1.018: Arthur Clemens: Data rows now start with first datacolor and databgcolor . |
26 Nov 2006 |
1.017: Arthur Clemens: Better support for tablerules . |
24 Nov 2006 |
1.016: Arthur Clemens: Added new attribute cellborder . |
25 Oct 2006 |
1.015: Arthur Clemens: Added support for background colors of sorted column. Columns can be unsorted - sorting order is now: sort ascending, sort descending, unsort. Added attributes headervalign and datavalign . |
16 Aug 2006 |
Michael Daum: Added CSS support for even/odd table rows |
13 Dec 2005 |
Arthur Clemens: Added support for id , summary and caption |
05 Mar 2005 |
1.014: Crawford Currie eliminated deprecated handlers for Dakar |
01 Aug 2004 |
Arthur Clemens: Added CSS support for first column and ascending/descending table headers |
21 Mar 2004 |
PTh: Internal change: Fixed reference to unofficial variable |
01 Jan 2004 |
PTh: Alternating data row colors restart again after each header row |
01 Dec 2003 |
PTh: Fixed error when footerrows was specified on an empty table, contributed by TWiki:Main/PaulineCheung |
24 May 2003 |
PTh: New |^| rule for multi row span (TWiki:Main/WalterMundt ); added tableframe and tablerules (TWiki:Main/JohannesMartin ); ignore columnwidths for multi column span; validate headerrows and footerrows (TWiki:Main/DarrylGreen ); fixed link color problem and up/down icon color problem for dark header background |
17 Dec 2002 |
PTh: Removed individual table Plugin settings; added TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugins setting and TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting |
15 Dec 2002 |
PTh: Added headerrows and footerrows params (TWiki:Main/DarrylGreen , TWiki:Main/WoutMertens ); added tablewidth and columnwidths params (TWiki:Main/ThorstenSommermann ) |
09 Dec 2002 |
PTh: Added headercolor and datacolor parameters |
05 Jun 2002 |
PTh: Added "none" value to databg parameter (suggested by TWiki:Main/TaitCyrus ); fixed sorting by stripping HTML tags, removing links and making sort ignore case (suggested by TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford ) |
13 Mar 2002 |
PTh: Added TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford 's initsort and initdirection |
12 Mar 2002 |
PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed bug of swapped cellpadding/cellspacing; fixed warning of uninitialized value |
05 Jan 2002 |
PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space |
06 Dec 2001 |
PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more |
29 Nov 2001 |
PTh: Fixed Perl warnings |
16 Nov 2001 |
PTh: Added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files |
07 Oct 2001 |
JT: Initial version |
| |
CPAN Dependencies: |
none |
Other Dependencies: |
none |
Perl Version: |
5.0 |
> > | | | Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | |
- A
TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting on site-level (TWikiPreferences) or web-level (any WebPreferences), e.g.
Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" ...
- Before a table using
| |
> > | | |
Sorting | |
- number is digits, with optional decimal point
- otherwise treated as text
| |
> > | Row spans
Table cells with a single caret indicate follow-up rows of multi-row spans. For example,
| One One | One Two | One Three |
| ^ | Two Two | Two Three |
| Three One | ^ | Three Three |
One One |
One Two |
One Three |
Two Two |
Two Three |
Three One |
Three Three |
| | TablePlugin Global Settings
Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference | |
- Set DEBUG to 1 to get debug messages in
data/debug.txt . Default: 0
| |
< < |
- Make sortable:
- #Set SORT = attachments
- Set SORT = all
| > > |
- Make all tables in a topic sortable. If this is set to
all , all tables that have a header row (including those that do not have %TABLE before them) will be made sortable. If set to none , only tables with %TABLE will be sortable. Topic rendering is faster if this is set to none .
| | | |
> > | | |
- Default table attributes:
| |
< < |
- Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#FFFFCC, #FFFFFF"
| > > |
- Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#dadada" headercolor="#000000" databg="#eaeaea, #ffffff"
- Classic skin table attributes:
- #Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#FFFFCC, #FFFFFF"
| |
Table Attributes | |
valign |
Vertical alignment of cells, set to "top" , "middle" , "bottom" or "baseline" |
valign="top" |
headeralign |
Header cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings |
headeralign="left, right" |
dataalign |
Data cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings |
dataalign="center" |
| |
< < |
tablewidth |
Table width: Percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. Default is unspecified |
tablewidth="100%" |
columnwidths |
Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. Default is unspecified |
columnwidths="80%, 20%" |
| > > |
tablewidth |
Table width: Percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. Default is unspecified. |
tablewidth="100%" |
columnwidths |
Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. Default is unspecified. |
columnwidths="80%, 20%" |
| |
headerrows |
Number of header rows to exclude from sort; default "1" |
headerrows="1" |
footerrows |
Number of footer rows to exclude from sort; default "0" |
footerrows="1" |
| |
> > |
id |
Table identifier string. Default is unspecified. |
id="userTable" |
summary |
Table summary used by screenreaders: A summary of what the table presents. It should provide an orientation for someone who listens to the table. Default is unspecified. |
summary="List of subscribed users" |
caption |
Table caption: A title that will be displayed just above the table. Default is unspecified. |
caption="Users" |
| |
The %TABLE{...}% settings override TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences settings, which override the TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin settings. | |
Use of %TABLE{...}% | |
< < | Line before table: %TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" headerbg="#000099" headercolor="#FFFFCC" databg="#C8CB8F, #DBDDB5" headerrows="2" footerrows="1" }% | > > | Line before table: %TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" headerbg="#D5CCB1" headercolor="#666666" databg="#FAF0D4, #F3DFA8" headerrows="2" footerrows="1" }% | | | |
< < | | > > | | |
| |
Plugin Installation Instructions | |
< < |
Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. Below installation instructions are for the administrator who needs to install this plugin on the TWiki server. | > > | This plugin is pre-installed with your TWiki release. You should not have to install it other than to do an upgrade. | |
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
TablePlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
| |
pub/TWiki/TablePlugin/diamond.gif |
Diamond symbol |
pub/TWiki/TablePlugin/down.gif |
Down arrow |
pub/TWiki/TablePlugin/up.gif |
Up arrow |
| |
> > |
- (Dakar) Visit
configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
| |
- Test if the plugin is correctly installed:
- Check above example if the table renders as expected
- Try click on heading to sort. Other tables should also be sortable
| | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
01 Aug 2004 |
| > > |
| |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
| |
> > |
13 Dec 2005 |
AC: Added support for id, summary and caption |
5 Mar 2005 |
1.014: Crawford Currie eliminated deprecated handlers for Dakar |
| |
01 Aug 2004: |
AC: Added CSS support for first column and ascending/descending table headers |
21 Mar 2004: |
PTh: Internal change: Fixed reference to unofficial variable |
01 Jan 2004: |
PTh: Alternating data row colors restart again after each header row |
| |
Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, StandardColors | |
< < | -- TWiki:Main/JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
-- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 01 Aug 2004
| | | |
< < |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1070351625" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\up.gif" size="867" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1070351653" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\down.gif" size="867" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1070351672" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| > > |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1070351625" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\up.gif" size="867" user="TWikiContributor" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1070351653" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\down.gif" size="867" user="TWikiContributor" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1070351672" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\diamond.gif" size="881" user="TWikiContributor" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | | | |
< < |
- dd-MMM-YY or dd-MM-YYYY (can be / or space in place of -)
| > > |
- dd-MMM-YY or dd-MMM-YYYY (can be / or space in place of -)
| |
- number is digits, with optional decimal point
- otherwise treated as text
| |
The %TABLE{...}% settings override TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences settings, which override the TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin settings. | |
< < | Example | > > | Examples
Use of %TABLE{...}% | |
Line before table: %TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" headerbg="#000099" headercolor="#FFFFCC" databg="#C8CB8F, #DBDDB5" headerrows="2" footerrows="1" }% | |
5 |
Abc |
John |
Num |
Status |
Action |
Who |
When |
Progress |
| |
> > | Table with 4 digit year dates and no use of %TABLE{...}%
When |
1-Jan-2004 |
1-Jan-2003 |
2-Jan-2005 |
| | Plugin Installation Instructions
Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. Below installation instructions are for the administrator who needs to install this plugin on the TWiki server. | |
Plugin Info | |
< < |
| > > |
| |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
| |
< < |
| > > |
| |
17 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Removed individual table Plugin settings; added TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugins setting and TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting |
15 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Added headerrows and footerrows params (TWiki:Main/DarrylGreen , TWiki:Main/WoutMertens ); added tablewidth and columnwidths params (TWiki:Main/ThorstenSommermann ) |
09 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Added headercolor and datacolor parameters |
| |
Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, StandardColors | |
< < | -- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
-- PeterThoeny - 24 May 2003
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| > > | -- TWiki:Main/JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
-- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 01 Dec 2003
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1070351625" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\up.gif" size="867" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1070351653" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\down.gif" size="867" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1070351672" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\MyTWiki\Plugins\TablePlugin\pub\TWiki\TablePlugin\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | | Attributes are defined as a TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin setting in this topic, a TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting, or on line before the table using %TABLE{...}% :
| |
< < |
sort |
Set table sorting on or off |
sort="on" |
initsort |
Column to sort initially (1 to number of columns) |
initsort="2" |
initdirection |
Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to up or down |
initdirection="up" |
| > > |
sort |
Set table sorting "on" or "off" |
sort="on" |
initsort |
Column to sort initially ("1" to number of columns) |
initsort="2" |
initdirection |
Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to "up" or "down" |
initdirection="up" |
| |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour. Choose one of the StandardColors |
headerbg="#99CCCC" |
headercolor |
Header cell text colour |
headercolor="#0000CC" |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. |
databg="#C8CB8F, #DBDDB5" |
datacolor |
Data cell text colour, a comma separated list |
datacolor="#0000CC, #000000" |
tableborder |
Table border width (pixels) |
tableborder="2" |
| |
> > |
tableframe |
Table frame, set to "void" (no sides), "above" (the top side only), "below" (the bottom side only), "hsides" (the top and bottom sides only), "lhs" (the left-hand side only), "rhs" (the right-hand side only), "vsides" (the right and left sides only), "box" (all four sides), "border" (all four sides); default "void" |
tableframe="hsides" |
tablerules |
Table rules, set to "none" (no rules), "groups" (rules will appear between row groups and column groups only), "rows" (rules will appear between rows only), "cols" (rules will appear between columns only), "all" (rules will appear between all rows and columns); default "none" |
tablerules="rows" |
| |
cellpadding |
Cell padding (pixels) |
cellpadding="0" |
cellspacing |
Cell spacing (pixels) |
cellspacing="3" |
| |
< < |
valign |
Vertical alignment of cells, set to top , middle , bottom or baseline |
valign="top" |
headeralign |
Header cell alignment, set to left , center , right or justify . Overrides individual cell settings |
headeralign="left" |
dataalign |
Data cell alignment, set to left , center , right or justify . Overrides individual cell settings |
dataalign="center" |
| > > |
valign |
Vertical alignment of cells, set to "top" , "middle" , "bottom" or "baseline" |
valign="top" |
headeralign |
Header cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings |
headeralign="left, right" |
dataalign |
Data cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings |
dataalign="center" |
| |
tablewidth |
Table width: Percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. Default is unspecified |
tablewidth="100%" |
columnwidths |
Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. Default is unspecified |
columnwidths="80%, 20%" |
| |
< < |
headerrows |
Number of header rows to exclude from sort; default 1 |
headerrows="1" |
footerrows |
Number of footer rows to exclude from sort; default 0 |
footerrows="1" |
| > > |
headerrows |
Number of header rows to exclude from sort; default "1" |
headerrows="1" |
footerrows |
Number of footer rows to exclude from sort; default "0" |
footerrows="1" |
| |
The %TABLE{...}% settings override TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences settings, which override the TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin settings. | | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
17 Dec 2002 |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
24 May 2003 |
| |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
| |
> > |
| |
17 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Removed individual table Plugin settings; added TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugins setting and TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting |
| |
< < |
| > > |
| |
09 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Added headercolor and datacolor parameters |
05 Jun 2002: |
PTh: Added "none" value to databg parameter (suggested by TWiki:Main/TaitCyrus ); fixed sorting by stripping HTML tags, removing links and making sort ignore case (suggested by TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford ) |
13 Mar 2002: |
PTh: Added TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford 's initsort and initdirection |
| | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, StandardColors
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 17 Dec 2002
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 24 May 2003
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | |
Argument |
Comment<-- --> |
Example |
sort |
Set table sorting on or off |
sort="on" |
initsort |
Column to sort initially (1 to number of columns) |
initsort="2" |
| |
< < |
initdirection |
Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to up or down |
initsort="down" |
| > > |
initdirection |
Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to up or down |
initdirection="up" |
| |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour. Choose one of the StandardColors |
headerbg="#99CCCC" |
headercolor |
Header cell text colour |
headercolor="#0000CC" |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. |
databg="#C8CB8F, #DBDDB5" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display:
- Allows sorting
- Changing table properties like border width, cell spacing and cell padding
| |
< < |
- Changing background color for header cells
- Changing background color for data cells - colors can alternate
- Behaviour can be specified for a specific table using %TABLE{...}% or with global preferences
| > > |
- Changing background color and text color for header cells
- Changing background color and text color for data cells - colors can alternate
- Table attributes can be set and overridden in this order:
- Default
TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin setting in this topic.
- A
TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting on site-level (TWikiPreferences) or web-level (any WebPreferences), e.g.
Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" ...
- Before a table using
| | | |
> > | Sorting
Click on column heading text to sort by a column. Initial column will be sorted in descending order, click again to get ascending order. The type of data in the cell is determined automatically:
- date if format is:
- dd MMM YYY - hh:mm
- dd-MMM-YY or dd-MM-YYYY (can be / or space in place of -)
- MMM is Jan, Feb, etc
- number is digits, with optional decimal point
- otherwise treated as text
| |
TablePlugin Global Settings | |
- Set DEBUG to 1 to get debug messages in
data/debug.txt . Default: 0
| |
< < |
- Table border width. Default: 1
- Table cell padding. Default: 0
- Table cell spacing. Default: 1
- Table width, e.g.
100% for relative, 640 for absolute width. Default: (not set)
- Vertical alignment of cells. Set to:
top , middle , bottom or baseline ; default: (empty)
- Table header cell alignment. Set to:
left , center , right or justify ; default: (empty)
- Table data cell alignment. Set to:
left , center , right or justify ; default: (empty)
- Background color of header cells ('*'s around text). Choose one of the StandardColors. Default: #99CCCC
- Text color of header cells ('*'s around text). Default: not specified, e.g. determined by the browser
- Background color of table rows, two alternate colors. Default: #FFFFCC, #FFFFFF
- Text color of table rows, alternate colors. Default: not specified, e.g. determined by the browser
| |
- Make sortable:
- #Set SORT = attachments
- Set SORT = all
- #Set SORT = none
| |
< < | Sorting | > > |
- Default table attributes:
- Set TABLEATTRIBUTES = tableborder="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#FFFFCC, #FFFFFF"
| | | |
< < | Click on column heading text to sort by a column. Initial column will be sorted in descending order, click again to get ascending order. The type of data in the cell is determined automatically:
- date if format is:
- dd MMM YYY - hh:mm
- dd-MMM-YY or dd-MM-YYYY (can be / or space in place of -)
- MMM is Jan, Feb, etc
- number is digits, with optional decimal point
- otherwise treated as text
| | | |
< < | Per Table Settings | > > | Table Attributes | | | |
< < | On line before the table use %TABLE{...}% : | > > | Attributes are defined as a TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin setting in this topic, a TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting, or on line before the table using %TABLE{...}% : | |
| |
headerrows |
Number of header rows to exclude from sort; default 1 |
headerrows="1" |
footerrows |
Number of footer rows to exclude from sort; default 0 |
footerrows="1" |
| |
< < | All default to the global setting | > > | The %TABLE{...}% settings override TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences settings, which override the TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugin settings. | |
Example | | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
15 Dec 2002 |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
17 Dec 2002 |
| |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
| |
> > |
17 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Removed individual table Plugin settings; added TABLEATTRIBUTES Plugins setting and TABLEATTRIBUTES preferences setting |
| |
| | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, StandardColors
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 15 Dec 2002
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 17 Dec 2002
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | |
- Table cell spacing. Default: 1
| |
> > |
- Table width, e.g.
100% for relative, 640 for absolute width. Default: (not set)
| |
- Vertical alignment of cells. Set to:
top , middle , bottom or baseline ; default: (empty)
| |
valign |
Vertical alignment of cells, set to top , middle , bottom or baseline |
valign="top" |
headeralign |
Header cell alignment, set to left , center , right or justify . Overrides individual cell settings |
headeralign="left" |
dataalign |
Data cell alignment, set to left , center , right or justify . Overrides individual cell settings |
dataalign="center" |
| |
> > |
tablewidth |
Table width: Percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. Default is unspecified |
tablewidth="100%" |
columnwidths |
Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. Default is unspecified |
columnwidths="80%, 20%" |
headerrows |
Number of header rows to exclude from sort; default 1 |
headerrows="1" |
footerrows |
Number of footer rows to exclude from sort; default 0 |
footerrows="1" |
| |
All default to the global setting
Example | |
< < | Line before table: %TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" headerbg="#000099" headercolor="#FFFFCC" databg="#C8CB8F, #DBDDB5" }% | > > | Line before table: %TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" headerbg="#000099" headercolor="#FFFFCC" databg="#C8CB8F, #DBDDB5" headerrows="2" footerrows="1" }% | | | |
< < | | > > |
| |
Num |
Status |
Action |
Who |
When |
Progress |
1 |
C |
Chose new colours |
John |
1-Dec-02 |
2 |
X |
Release |
John |
1-Apr-02 |
3 |
Get feedback |
Anne |
1-Feb-02 |
12 |
C |
Spec error handling |
Jack |
1-Dec-02 |
5 |
Abc |
John |
| |
> > |
| |
Plugin Installation Instructions | | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
09 Dec 2002 |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
15 Dec 2002 |
| |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
| |
> > |
| |
09 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Added headercolor and datacolor parameters |
05 Jun 2002: |
PTh: Added "none" value to databg parameter (suggested by TWiki:Main/TaitCyrus ); fixed sorting by stripping HTML tags, removing links and making sort ignore case (suggested by TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford ) |
13 Mar 2002: |
PTh: Added TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford 's initsort and initdirection |
| | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, StandardColors
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 09 Dec 2002
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 15 Dec 2002
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | |
- Table data cell alignment. Set to:
left , center , right or justify ; default: (empty)
| |
< < |
- Color for header cells ('*'s around text). Default: #99CCCC
| > > |
- Background color of header cells ('*'s around text). Choose one of the StandardColors. Default: #99CCCC
| | | |
< < |
- Background color for table rows, two alternate colors. Default: #FFFFCC,#FFFFFF
| > > |
- Text color of header cells ('*'s around text). Default: not specified, e.g. determined by the browser
- Background color of table rows, two alternate colors. Default: #FFFFCC, #FFFFFF
| |
| |
> > |
- Text color of table rows, alternate colors. Default: not specified, e.g. determined by the browser
| |
- Make sortable:
- #Set SORT = attachments
- Set SORT = all
| |
sort |
Set table sorting on or off |
sort="on" |
initsort |
Column to sort initially (1 to number of columns) |
initsort="2" |
initdirection |
Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to up or down |
initsort="down" |
| |
< < |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour |
headerbg="#99CCCC" |
| > > |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour. Choose one of the StandardColors |
headerbg="#99CCCC" |
headercolor |
Header cell text colour |
headercolor="#0000CC" |
| |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. |
databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5" |
| |
> > |
datacolor |
Data cell text colour, a comma separated list |
datacolor="#0000CC, #000000" |
| |
tableborder |
Table border width (pixels) |
tableborder="2" |
cellpadding |
Cell padding (pixels) |
cellpadding="0" |
cellspacing |
Cell spacing (pixels) |
cellspacing="3" |
| |
All default to the global setting | |
< < | Examples | > > | Example | | | |
< < | Line before table: %TABLE{sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"}% | > > | Line before table: %TABLE{ sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" headerbg="#000099" headercolor="#FFFFCC" databg="#C8CB8F, #DBDDB5" }% | | | |
< < | | > > | | |
| | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
13 Mar 2002 |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
09 Dec 2002 |
| |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
| |
> > |
09 Dec 2002: |
PTh: Added headercolor and datacolor parameters |
| |
05 Jun 2002: |
PTh: Added "none" value to databg parameter (suggested by TWiki:Main/TaitCyrus ); fixed sorting by stripping HTML tags, removing links and making sort ignore case (suggested by TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford ) |
13 Mar 2002: |
PTh: Added TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford 's initsort and initdirection |
12 Mar 2002: |
PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed bug of swapped cellpadding/cellspacing; fixed warning of uninitialized value |
| |
| |
< < | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins | > > | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins, StandardColors | |
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 05 Jun 2002
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 09 Dec 2002
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | |
initsort |
Column to sort initially (1 to number of columns) |
initsort="2" |
initdirection |
Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to up or down |
initsort="down" |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour |
headerbg="#99CCCC" |
| |
< < |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma separated list |
databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5" |
| > > |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. |
databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5" |
| |
tableborder |
Table border width (pixels) |
tableborder="2" |
cellpadding |
Cell padding (pixels) |
cellpadding="0" |
cellspacing |
Cell spacing (pixels) |
cellspacing="3" |
| |
Plugin Installation Instructions | |
> > | Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. Below installation instructions are for the administrator who needs to install this plugin on the TWiki server. | |
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
TablePlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
| |
| |
< < |
Change History: |
13 Mar 2002 PTh: Added TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford 's initsort and initdirection 12 Mar 2002 PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed bug of swapped cellpadding/cellspacing; fixed warning of uninitialized value 05 Jan 2002 PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space 06 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| > > |
Change History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
05 Jun 2002: |
PTh: Added "none" value to databg parameter (suggested by TWiki:Main/TaitCyrus ); fixed sorting by stripping HTML tags, removing links and making sort ignore case (suggested by TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford ) |
13 Mar 2002: |
PTh: Added TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford 's initsort and initdirection |
12 Mar 2002: |
PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed bug of swapped cellpadding/cellspacing; fixed warning of uninitialized value |
05 Jan 2002: |
PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space |
06 Dec 2001: |
PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more |
29 Nov 2001: |
PTh: Fixed Perl warnings |
16 Nov 2001: |
PTh: Added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files |
07 Oct 2001: |
JT: Initial version |
| |
CPAN Dependencies: |
none |
Other Dependencies: |
none |
Perl Version: |
5.0 |
| | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 13 Mar 2002
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 05 Jun 2002
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | |
| |
> > |
initsort |
Column to sort initially (1 to number of columns) |
initsort="2" |
initdirection |
Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to up or down |
initsort="down" |
| |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour |
headerbg="#99CCCC" |
| |
< < |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma seperated list |
databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5" |
| > > |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma separated list |
databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5" |
| |
tableborder |
Table border width (pixels) |
tableborder="2" |
cellpadding |
Cell padding (pixels) |
cellpadding="0" |
cellspacing |
Cell spacing (pixels) |
cellspacing="3" |
| | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
12 Mar 2002 |
Change History: |
12 Mar 2002 PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed bug of swapped cellpadding/cellspacing; fixed warning of uninitialized value 05 Jan 2002 PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space 06 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
13 Mar 2002 |
Change History: |
13 Mar 2002 PTh: Added TWiki:Main/ShawnBradford 's initsort and initdirection 12 Mar 2002 PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed bug of swapped cellpadding/cellspacing; fixed warning of uninitialized value 05 Jan 2002 PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space 06 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| |
CPAN Dependencies: |
none |
Other Dependencies: |
none |
Perl Version: |
5.0 |
| | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 12 Mar 2002
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 13 Mar 2002
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | |
12 |
C |
Spec error handling |
Jack |
1-Dec-02 |
5 |
Abc |
John |
| |
< < | Plugin Installation Instructions | > > | Plugin Installation Instructions | |
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
TablePlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
| |
- Check above example if the table renders as expected
- Try click on heading to sort. Other tables should also be sortable
| |
< < | Plugin Info | > > | Plugin Info | | | |
< < |
Plugin Author: |
JohnTalintyre |
Plugin Version: |
07 Mar 2002 |
Change History: |
07 Mar 2002 PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed swapped cellpadding/cellspacing bug 05 Jan 2002 PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space 06 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| > > |
Plugin Author: |
JohnTalintyre, PeterThoeny |
Plugin Version: |
12 Mar 2002 |
Change History: |
12 Mar 2002 PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed bug of swapped cellpadding/cellspacing; fixed warning of uninitialized value 05 Jan 2002 PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space 06 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| |
CPAN Dependencies: |
none |
Other Dependencies: |
none |
Perl Version: |
5.0 |
| | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 07 Mar 2002
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 12 Mar 2002
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | |
- Table cell spacing. Default: 1
| |
> > |
- Vertical alignment of cells. Set to:
top , middle , bottom or baseline ; default: (empty)
- Table header cell alignment. Set to:
left , center , right or justify ; default: (empty)
- Table data cell alignment. Set to:
left , center , right or justify ; default: (empty)
| |
- Color for header cells ('*'s around text). Default: #99CCCC
| |
tableborder |
Table border width (pixels) |
tableborder="2" |
cellpadding |
Cell padding (pixels) |
cellpadding="0" |
cellspacing |
Cell spacing (pixels) |
cellspacing="3" |
| |
> > |
valign |
Vertical alignment of cells, set to top , middle , bottom or baseline |
valign="top" |
headeralign |
Header cell alignment, set to left , center , right or justify . Overrides individual cell settings |
headeralign="left" |
dataalign |
Data cell alignment, set to left , center , right or justify . Overrides individual cell settings |
dataalign="center" |
| |
All default to the global setting
Examples | |
< < | Line before table: %TABLE{sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"}% | > > | Line before table: %TABLE{sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"}% | | | |
< < | | > > | | |
| | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
05 Jan 2002 |
Change History: |
05 Jan 2002 PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space 06 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
07 Mar 2002 |
Change History: |
07 Mar 2002 PTh: Added valign, headeralign and dataalign; fixed swapped cellpadding/cellspacing bug 05 Jan 2002 PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space 06 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| |
CPAN Dependencies: |
none |
Other Dependencies: |
none |
Perl Version: |
5.0 |
| | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 05 Jan 2002
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 07 Mar 2002
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control of table display: | | TablePlugin Global Settings
Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference | |
< < | a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>% , i.e. %INTERWIKIPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION% | > > | a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>% , for example, %INTERWIKIPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION% | | | |
< < | | > > | | |
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- Set DEBUG to 1 to get debug messages in
data/debug.txt . Default: 0
| | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
06 Dec 2001 |
Change History: |
06 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
05 Jan 2002 |
Change History: |
05 Jan 2002 PTh: Fixed sorting bug of cells with leading white space 06 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| |
CPAN Dependencies: |
none |
Other Dependencies: |
none |
Perl Version: |
5.0 |
| | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 06 Dec 2001
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 05 Jan 2002
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin | |
< < | Gives extra control off table display: | > > | Gives extra control of table display: | |
- Allows sorting
- Changing table properties like border width, cell spacing and cell padding
- Changing background color for header cells
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control off table display: | | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
03 Dec 2001 |
Change History: |
03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
06 Dec 2001 |
Change History: |
06 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed date sorting bug 03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| |
CPAN Dependencies: |
none |
Other Dependencies: |
none |
Perl Version: |
5.0 |
| | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 03 Dec 2001
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 06 Dec 2001
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control off table display: | | On line before the table use %TABLE{...}% :
| |
< < |
sort |
Set on or off |
sort="on" |
| > > |
sort |
Set table sorting on or off |
sort="on" |
| |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour |
headerbg="#99CCCC" |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma seperated list |
databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5" |
tableborder |
Table border width (pixels) |
tableborder="2" |
| | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
29 Nov 2001 |
Change History: |
29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
CPAN Dependencies: |
Other Dependencies: |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
03 Dec 2001 |
Change History: |
03 Dec 2001 PTh: Fixed sort="off" bug and more 29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
CPAN Dependencies: |
none |
Other Dependencies: |
none |
| |
| | Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 16 Nov 2001
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 03 Dec 2001
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control off table display: | | Plugin Info
| |
< < |
Plugin Version: |
07 Oct 2001 |
Change History: |
16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| > > |
Plugin Version: |
29 Nov 2001 |
Change History: |
29 Nov 2001: PTh fixed Perl warnings 16 Nov 2001: PTh added table border, cell spacing, cell padding, gif files 07 Oct 2001: Initial version |
| |
CPAN Dependencies: |
Other Dependencies: |
Perl Version: |
5.0 |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control off table display: | |
> > |
- Changing table properties like border width, cell spacing and cell padding
| |
- Changing background color for header cells
- Changing background color for data cells - colors can alternate
- Behaviour can be specified for a specific table using %TABLE{...}% or with global preferences
| |
< < | Global Preferences
- Set DEBUG to on to get debug messages in
data/debug.txt . Default: off
| > > |
TablePlugin Global Settings
Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference
a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>% , i.e. %INTERWIKIPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
- One line description, is shown in the TextFormattingRules topic:
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- Set DEBUG to 1 to get debug messages in
data/debug.txt . Default: 0
| |
- Table border width. Default: 1
| |
< < | | > > | | |
- Table cell padding. Default: 0
| |
< < | | > > | | |
- Table cell spacing. Default: 1
| |
< < | | > > | | |
- Color for header cells ('*'s around text). Default: #99CCCC
| |
> > | | |
- Background color for table rows, two alternate colors. Default: #FFFFCC,#FFFFFF
| |
> > | | |
- Make sortable:
- #Set SORT = attachments
- Set SORT = all
- #Set SORT = none
| |
< < |
- Short description:
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
| |
Sorting | |
- number is digits, with optional decimal point
- otherwise treated as text
| |
< < | Per table settings | > > | Per Table Settings | |
On line before the table use %TABLE{...}% : | |
Examples | |
< < | Line before table: %TABLE{sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"}% | > > | Line before table: %TABLE{sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"}% | | | |
< < | | > > | | |
| |
12 |
C |
Spec error handling |
Jack |
1-Dec-02 |
5 |
Abc |
John |
| |
> > | Plugin Installation Instructions
- Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
- Unzip
TablePlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: | data/TWiki/TablePlugin.txt | Plugin topic | data/TWiki/TablePlugin.txt,v | Plugin topic repository | lib/TWiki/Plugins/TablePlugin.pm | Plugin Perl module | pub/TWiki/TablePlugin/diamond.gif | Diamond symbol | pub/TWiki/TablePlugin/down.gif | Down arrow | pub/TWiki/TablePlugin/up.gif | Up arrow |
- Test if the plugin is correctly installed:
- Check above example if the table renders as expected
- Try click on heading to sort. Other tables should also be sortable
Plugin Info
Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins | | -- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 15 Nov 2001
| > > | -- PeterThoeny - 16 Nov 2001
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control off table display: | |
< < |
- Changing background colour for header cells
- Changing background colour for data cells - colours can alternate
| > > |
- Changing background color for header cells
- Changing background color for data cells - colors can alternate
| |
- Behaviour can be specified for a specific table using %TABLE{...}% or with global preferences
Global Preferences
- Set DEBUG to on to get debug messages in
data/debug.txt . Default: off
| |
< < |
- Colour for header cells ('*'s around text). Default: #99CCCC
| > > |
- Table border width. Default: 1
- Table cell padding. Default: 0
- Table cell spacing. Default: 1
- Color for header cells ('*'s around text). Default: #99CCCC
| | | |
< < |
- #Set DATA_BG = #C8CB8F,#DBDDB5
| > > |
- Background color for table rows, two alternate colors. Default: #FFFFCC,#FFFFFF
| |
| |
> > | | |
- #Set SORT = attachments
- Set SORT = all
- #Set SORT = none
| |
< < |
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Control sorting and colours for table display
| > > |
- Short description:
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
| |
Sorting | |
Per table settings | |
< < | On line before the table use %TABLE{...}%: | > > | On line before the table use %TABLE{...}% : | | | |
< < |
Argument |
Comment |
sort |
on or off |
headerbg |
header cell background colour |
databg |
data cell background colour, a comma seperated list |
| > > |
Argument |
Comment |
Example |
sort |
Set on or off |
sort="on" |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour |
headerbg="#99CCCC" |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma seperated list |
databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5" |
tableborder |
Table border width (pixels) |
tableborder="2" |
cellpadding |
Cell padding (pixels) |
cellpadding="0" |
cellspacing |
Cell spacing (pixels) |
cellspacing="3" |
| |
All default to the global setting
Examples | |
< < | Line before table: %TABLE{sort="on" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"}% | > > | Line before table: %TABLE{sort="on" tableborder="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"}% | | | |
< < | | > > | | |
| |
12 |
C |
Spec error handling |
Jack |
1-Dec-02 |
5 |
Abc |
John |
| |
< < | | | -- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| |
> > | -- PeterThoeny - 15 Nov 2001
| |
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
| Table Plugin
Gives extra control off table display: | |
| |
< < | -- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
| > > | -- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
attr="" comment="Up arrow" date="1005707580" name="up.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\up.gif" size="876" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Down arrow" date="1005707591" name="down.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\down.gif" size="869" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Diamond symbol" date="1005707607" name="diamond.gif" path="C:\Data\Temp\diamond.gif" size="881" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1" |
> > | Table Plugin
Gives extra control off table display:
- Allows sorting
- Changing background colour for header cells
- Changing background colour for data cells - colours can alternate
- Behaviour can be specified for a specific table using %TABLE{...}% or with global preferences
Global Preferences
- Set DEBUG to on to get debug messages in
data/debug.txt . Default: off
- Colour for header cells ('*'s around text). Default: #99CCCC
- #Set DATA_BG = #C8CB8F,#DBDDB5
- #Set SORT = attachments
- Set SORT = all
- #Set SORT = none
- Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Control sorting and colours for table display
Click on column heading text to sort by a column. Initial column will be sorted in descending order, click again to get ascending order. The type of data in the cell is determined automatically:
- date if format is:
- dd MMM YYY - hh:mm
- dd-MMM-YY or dd-MM-YYYY (can be / or space in place of -)
- MMM is Jan, Feb, etc
- number is digits, with optional decimal point
- otherwise treated as text
Per table settings
On line before the table use %TABLE{...}%:
Argument |
Comment |
sort |
on or off |
headerbg |
header cell background colour |
databg |
data cell background colour, a comma seperated list |
All default to the global setting
Line before table: %TABLE{sort="on" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"}%
Num |
Status |
Action |
Who |
When |
Progress |
1 |
C |
Chose new colours |
John |
1-Dec-02 |
2 |
X |
Release |
John |
1-Apr-02 |
3 |
Get feedback |
Anne |
1-Feb-02 |
12 |
C |
Spec error handling |
Jack |
1-Dec-02 |
5 |
Abc |
John |
-- JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001
 Copyright © 1999-2025 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. Ideas, requests, problems regarding TWiki? Send feedback Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TablePlugin.