Difference: TextFormattingFAQ (19 vs. 20)

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Text Formatting FAQ

The most frequently asked questions about text formatting are answered. Also, TextFormattingRules contains the complete TWiki shorthand system on one quick reference page.

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How do I create a heading?

You can create six sizes of headings - <h1>...<h6> in HTML - by typing, from the beginning of a line, three dashes (-), from one to six plus signs (+), a space, and your heading text. The FAQ questions on this page are created with: ---+++ Have a question?.

  • You can insert a nested table of contents, generated from headings, by placing %TOC% wherever you like on a page (see TWikiVariables for more %TOC% options).
  • You can insert a nested table of contents, generated from headings, by placing %TOC% wherever you like on a page (see TWikiVariables for more %TOC% options).
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  A question mark after a word is a link to a topic that doesn't yet exist - click it to create the new page. This is a TWiki feature - typing a MeaningfulTitle in a comment is an invitation for someone else to add a new branch to the topic.
To prevent auto-linking - say you want to enter a word like JavaScript (the proper spelling!) - prefix the WikiStyleWord with an exclamation point:
To prevent auto-linking - say you want to enter a word like JavaScript - prefix the WikiStyleWord with an exclamation point:
  • !WikiStyleWord displays as WikiStyleWord


How do I start a word with an exclamation mark?

A leading exclamation point is used to escape wiki formatting, as we have learned in the previous question. Sometimes it has an unwanted effect, such as when you want to write "!=" (e.g. "not equal"), you will not see the exclamation mark.

To escape the exclamation mark escape, try prefixing a <nop>, e.g. write A <nop>!= B to get "A != B". Alternatively, use the HTML entity &#33;, which renders as an exclamation mark, e.g. write A &#33;= B to get "A != B".


How can I write fixed font text?

The quickest way is to enclose the text in equal signs:

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  The pre tag is standard HTML; verbatim is a special TWiki tag that forces text to fixed font mode, and also prevents other tags and TWiki shortcuts from being expanded.
NOTE: VARIABLES are still Set within verbatim tags (this is a historical peculiarity)
NOTE: VARIABLES are still Set within verbatim tags (this is a historical peculiarity)

NOTE: The verbatim opening and closing tags are converted into pre tags; any HTML attributes (e.g., class, id) in the opening verbatim tag are included in the corresponding pre tag.


How do I create tables?

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  This is a simple and automatic way of including inline images. Simply write the URL of the image file, this will create the inline image for you. NOTE: The images must be accessible as a URL.
  • You enter: %PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiLogos/T-logo-80x15.gif logo.
    Result: T-logo-80x15.gif logo.
  • You enter: %PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiLogos/T-logo-80x15.gif logo.
    Result: T-logo-80x15.gif logo.
  You can upload images directly to your server with FTP access. You can also attach image files to a topic - you could even create a dedicated image topic, like ImageLibrary - and then link to the images directly:
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  2. Using <img> tag
This is a manual process where you have more control over the rendering of the image. Use the <img> tag of HTML to include GIF, JPG and PNG files. Note: The rendering of the topic is faster if you include the width and height parameters that have the actual image size. http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/wilbur/special/img.html has more on inline images.
This is a manual process where you have more control over the rendering of the image. Use the <img> tag of HTML to include GIF, JPG and PNG files. Note: The rendering of the topic is faster if you include the width and height parameters that have the actual image size. http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/wilbur/special/img.html has more on inline images.
  • You enter: <img src="%PUBURLPATH%/TWiki/TWikiLogos/T-logo-80x15.gif" width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="logo" /> logo.
    logo logo.
  • You enter: <img src="%PUBURLPATH%/TWiki/TWikiLogos/T-logo-80x15.gif" width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="logo" /> logo.
    logo logo.

Can I write colored text?

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 The code is the hexadecimal RGB color code, which is simply Red, Green and Blue values in hex notation (base 16, 0-F). For pure red, the RGB components are 255-0-0 - full red (255), no green or blue. That's FF-0-0 in hex, or "#ff0000" for Web page purposes. StandardColors lists basic colors.

-- Contributors: TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.MikeMannix
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TextFormattingFAQ.