Difference: TextFormattingFAQ (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42000-08-18 - PeterThoeny

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 Q: Some words (like WinAPI) have an unwanted question mark at the end. How can I prevent that?
A question mark after a word is a link to a not yet existing topic. For example, WinAPI is a valid WikiTopic name in WikiNotation, but the actual topic WinAPI does not exist.
A question mark after a word is a link to a not yet existing topic. For example, WinAPI is a valid WikiName, but the actual topic WinAPI does not exist.
If you do not intend to create a topic for a valid TWiki topic name, you can prevent it being linked by putting an HTML tag in front of it. I usually use <NOP>. This is a non existing HTML tag, so a browser just ignores it.
If you do not intend to create a topic for a valid WikiWord, you can prevent it being linked by putting an HTML tag in front of it. I usually use <nop>. This is a non existing HTML tag, so a browser just ignores it.
  • Example text:
    WinAPI as it is, <NOP>WinAPI with preceeding NOP.
  • Example output:
    WinAPI as it is, WinAPI with preceeding NOP.
  • Example text:
    WinAPI as it is, <nop>WinAPI with preceeding NOP.
  • Example output:
    WinAPI as it is, WinAPI with preceeding NOP.
Line: 200 to 200
-- PeterThoeny - 08 Aug 1999
-- PeterThoeny - 18 Aug 2000
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