Difference: TextFormattingRules (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82000-11-11 - PeterThoeny

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  The Collaborative Work Area is a bunch of related links that are editable through your web browser.
The TWiki web has the following types of internal links:
The TWiki web has the following types of internal links:
  • GoodStyle is a WikiWord that links to the GoodStyle topic located in the current TWiki web.
  • NotExistingYet is a topic waiting to be written. You could create that topic by clicking on the question mark. (Do not create that topic, you would wreck this example!)

External links:

  • http://..., https://..., ftp://... and mailto:...@... are linked automatically.
  • Email addresses like name@domain.com are linked automatically.
  • http://..., https://..., ftp://... and mailto:...@... are linked automatically.
  • Email addresses like name@domain.com are linked automatically.

  • CapitalizedWordsStuckTogether (or WikiWords) will produce a link automatically. In case you want to link to a topic in a different TWiki web write Web.TopicName, i.e. write Know.ReadmeFirst to link to ReadmeFirst located in the Know web.
  • You can create a forced internal link by enclosing words in double square brackets, i.e. write [[text formatting FAQ]] to get text formatting FAQ that links to topic TextFormattingFAQ. Text within the brackets may contain optional spaces; the topic name is formed by capitalizing the initial letter and by removing the spaces. You can also refer to a different web, i.e. [[Main.TWiki users]] points to TWikiUsers in the Main web.
  • You can create a forced internal link by enclosing words in double square brackets, i.e. write [[text formatting FAQ]] to get text formatting FAQ that links to topic TextFormattingFAQ. Text within the brackets may contain optional spaces; the topic name is formed by capitalizing the initial letter and by removing the spaces. You can also refer to a different web, i.e. [[Main.TWiki users]] points to TWikiUsers in the Main web.
  • Blank lines will create new paragraphs.
  • Words get bold by enclosing them in * asterisks
  • Words get italic by enclosing them in _ underscores
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  • %WEB% : The current web, is TWiki .
  • %TOPIC% : The current topic name, is TextFormattingRules .
  • %ATTACHURL% : The attachment URL of the current topic. Example usage: If you attach a file to a topic you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif to show the URL of the file or the image in your text.
  • %INCLUDE{"SomeTopic"}% : Server side include, includes another topic. The current TWiki web is the default web. Example: %INCLUDE{"TWiki.TWikiWebsTable"}%
  • %INCLUDE{"SomeTopic"}% : Server side include, includes another topic. The current TWiki web is the default web. Example: %INCLUDE{"TWiki.TWikiWebsTable"}%
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TextFormattingRules.