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  https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/pub/TWiki/TWikiLogos/T-logo-140x40-t.gif
TWikiHistory https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiHistory Appendix A: TWiki Development Time line TWiki Release 6.1 (Kampala) released on 2018 07 16 New Features and Enhancements of TWiki Release 6.1 Bug Fixes... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2018-07-16T01:58:07Z TWikiContributor TWikiInstallationGuide https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiInstallationGuide TWiki Installation Guide The following is installation instructions for the TWiki 6.1 production release on an Apache web server on Linux. Visit TWiki:TWiki.InstallingTWiki... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2018-07-15T04:41:42Z TWikiContributor VarURLPARAM https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarURLPARAM URLPARAM{`name`} get value of a URL parameter Returns the value of a URL parameter. Syntax: % URLPARAM{`name` Supported parameters: Parameter... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2018-07-14T23:23:02Z TWikiContributor PatternSkin https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/PatternSkin Pattern Skin . For use in corporate or perhaps in personal websites it should be fairly easy to tune the looks or even create a PatternSkin based new skin. Screenshot... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2018-07-06T04:31:36Z TWikiContributor CgiContrib https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/CgiContrib CGI Contrib Package Introduction This contrib does not add any features to TWiki. Its purpose is to convert Perl`s CGI module from being an external dependency to... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2018-07-05T23:52:57Z TWikiContributor TinyMCEFrequentlyAskedQuestions https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TinyMCEFrequentlyAskedQuestions TinyMCE FAQs Frequently Asked Questions of the TinyMCEPlugin integration. Q: How can I disable the WYSIWYG editor? A: There are several ways to disable the WYSIWYG... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2016-01-13T09:44:53Z TWikiContributor TWikiFormFieldDefinitionDotPm https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiFormFieldDefinitionDotPm Package TWiki::Form::FieldDefinition Base class of all field definition classes. Type specific classes are derived from this class to define specific per type behaviours... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2015-11-29T10:27:04Z TWikiContributor VarJQTAB https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarJQTAB JQTAB start a JQuery tab within a tab pane This variable is handled by the JQueryPlugin. For description see JQTABPANE Syntax: % JQTABPANE% % JQTAB{`Tab... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2015-05-13T06:49:42Z TWikiContributor VarHIDEINPRINT https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarHIDEINPRINT HIDEINPRINT{text} hide content when printing Text inside the HIDEINPRINT is omitted when printing a topic. Syntax: % HIDEINPRINT{ any text Expands... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2014-05-16T00:32:49Z TWikiContributor TWikiRequestDotPm https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiRequestDotPm Package TWiki::Request Class to encapsulate request data. Fields: action action requested (view, edit, save, ...) cookies hashref whose keys are cookie... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z TWikiContributor TWikiAccessDotPm https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiAccessDotPm Package TWiki::Access A singleton object of this class manages the access control database. Dynamic access control and permission caching As TWiki:Codev/DynamicAccessControl... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z TWikiContributor TWikiOopsExceptionDotPm https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiOopsExceptionDotPm Package TWiki::OopsException Exception used to raise a request to redirect to an Oops URL. An OopsException thrown anywhere in the code will redirect the browser... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z TWikiContributor WikiReferences https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/WikiReferences References on Wiki and Collaboration Some useful articles and books around collaboration and the Wiki technology in particular. Wiki Technology and TWiki Presentation... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-09-25T19:36:41Z TWikiContributor StaticMethod https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/StaticMethod Static Method A StaticMethod is a method in a package that can be called without reference to an object of the package type. For example, package Telecoms StaticMethod... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-09-25T19:36:34Z TWikiContributor VarSTATISTICSTOPIC https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarSTATISTICSTOPIC STATISTICSTOPIC name of statistics topic Note: Each web has a statistics topic Syntax: % STATISTICSTOPIC% Expands to: , renders as Category... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-09-20T08:03:05Z TWikiContributor VarY https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarY Y `yes` icon Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut. Syntax: % Y% Expands to: Category: FormattingAndRenderingVariables Related... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-09-14T07:33:48Z TWikiContributor
TablePlugin https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TablePlugin Table Plugin Introduction The TablePlugin gives extra control of TWiki table rendering using cell 1 cell 2 syntax: Sort table by columns Use TML... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2018-07-06T06:58:55Z TWikiContributor PreferencesPlugin https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/PreferencesPlugin PreferencesPlugin Introduction Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a .TWikiForms. However, the edit fields are inlined in the text, similar... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2018-07-06T05:01:58Z TWikiContributor VarEDITFORMFIELD https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarEDITFORMFIELD EDITFORMFIELD{`fieldname` form ``} render an input field specified in a form template topic Use this to create HTML forms that update TWikiForms, such as a... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2016-08-31T04:01:34Z TWikiContributor VarPARENTTOPIC https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarPARENTTOPIC PARENTTOPIC parent of current topic Syntax: % PARENTTOPIC% or % PARENTTOPIC{ format `...` topic `...` Expands to: , renders as Parameters... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2015-04-22T03:26:19Z TWikiContributor VarFORM https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarFORM FORM{} render a TWiki form for view Show a table containing data of a TWiki form attached to a topic Syntax: % FORM{topic `...` formfields `...` ...... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2014-06-11T05:01:21Z TWikiContributor VarMETA https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarMETA META displays meta data Provided mainly for use in templates, this variable generates the parts of the topic view that relate to meta data (attachments, forms... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2014-03-16T07:22:27Z TWikiContributor TWikiConfigureCheckersCertificateDotPm https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiConfigureCheckersCertificateDotPm Package TWiki::Configure::Checkers::CertificateChecker Configure GUI checker for Certificate items. This checker validates files that contain X.509 certificates,... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-10-14T08:02:47Z TWikiContributor VarBB https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarBB BB bullet with line break Line break and bullet without indentation. Type: Preference variable TWikiRenderingShortcut. Syntax: % BB% Expands... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-10-02T21:27:09Z TWikiContributor VarSILVER https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarSILVER SILVER start silver colored text SILVER is one of the rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-15T06:25:50Z TWikiContributor VarMAINWEB https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarMAINWEB MAINWEB synonym for USERSWEB Deprecated. Please use % USERSWEB% instead. Category: SystemInformationVariables Related: SYSTEMWEB, USERSWEB (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-14T09:28:03Z TWikiContributor VarENDCOLOR https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/VarENDCOLOR ENDCOLOR end colored text ENDCOLOR is a rendering shortcut settings predefined in TWikiPreferences. See the section rendering shortcut settings in that topic... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-12T08:21:03Z TWikiContributor ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/ApplicationsAndComponentsVariables (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-11T09:07:03Z TWikiContributor SystemInformationVariables https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/SystemInformationVariables (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-11-11T09:07:03Z TWikiContributor UserDocumentationCategory https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/UserDocumentationCategory A List of TWiki User Documentation Related topics: (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2012-09-06T05:50:28Z TWikiContributor TWikiUsersPasswordDotPm https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiUsersPasswordDotPm Package TWiki::Users::Password Base class of all password handlers. Default behaviour is no passwords, so anyone can be anyone they like. The methods of this class... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2011-08-21T04:15:50Z TWikiContributor TWikiUsersHtPasswdUserDotPm https://cds.kuhep.kreonet.net/wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiUsersHtPasswdUserDotPm Package TWiki::Users::HtPasswdUser Support for htpasswd and htdigest format password files. Subclass of TWiki::Users::Password . See documentation of that class... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2011-08-21T04:15:17Z TWikiContributor
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