Difference: WelcomeGuest (16 vs. 17)

Revision 172002-04-21 - PeterThoeny

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Welcome, TWikiGuest!

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  1. Do you find this...scary?! Anybody can do anything! That's not how things are usually done. It's...uncontrollable. And yet, collaborating in the Wiki way works! Try it out for even a couple of minutes. Take a look at WikiCulture. (And then, with TWiki, you can define fine-grained TWikiAccessControl, based on users and groups, whenever and wherever you feel its necessary, across a site, a web, or page by page, if you like. And there's also full revision control that retains all changes, for good measure!)
  1. Experiment: To get your virtual hands dirty, visit Test web, where you can try out anything at all, in a consequence-free environment!
  1. Experiment: To get your virtual hands dirty, visit Sandbox web, where you can try out anything at all, in a consequence-free environment!
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