TWiki: Create Usage Statistics
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* Statistics for 2025-03
* Executed by TWikiGuest
* Finished collecting log data at 2025-03-13 - 00:36
* Reporting overall statistics
- webs: 5, topics: 1322, attachments: 3779
- view: , save: , upload:
- data size: 2972.0 MB, pub size: 16644.7 MB
- disk use: 10%
- users: 57, groups: 2
ERROR: Code 404: Not Found
- plugins: 21
- top viewer: TWikiGuest
- Finished collecting data at 2025-03-13 - 00:36
- ERROR: no permission to CHANGE site statistics topic
* Reporting on LAPPD web
- view: , save: , upload:
- top view: 63 WebCreateNewTopic
- top viewer: TWikiGuest
- Topic WebStatistics updated
* Reporting on Main web
- view: , save: , upload:
- top view: 1 WebHome
- top viewer: HyunkiMoon
- ERROR: no permission to CHANGE statistics topic in Main
* Reporting on Sandbox web
- view: , save: , upload:
- top view: 52 WebCreateNewTopic
- top viewer: TWikiGuest
- Topic WebStatistics updated
* Reporting on TWiki web
- view: , save: , upload:
- top view: 87991 PatternSkinCssCookbookCenterPage
- top viewer: TWikiGuest
- ERROR: no permission to CHANGE statistics topic in TWiki
* Reporting on Trash web
- view: , save: , upload:
- Topic WebStatistics updated
* Go to Main.SiteStatistics
End creating usage statistics