cubic scintillator test
- Purpose
- Checking the operation of the cubic scintillator
- It was in 446, not used for months.
- Setup
- cubic scintillator
- placed in the blackbox
- HV supplied by CAEN HV power supply
- -1000 V (ch 0)
- DAQ - Oscilloscope
- PMT output is directly connected to the oscilloscope
- trigger level: -176 mV
- a signal
- width ~ 25 ns
- height ~ 400 mV
- Muon signal?
- When HV is less than 700 V, no signal observed.
- Signal rate looks high. Is it normal?
This topic: Sandbox
> TestConvertMd
Topic revision: r1 - 2022-09-08 - KyungminLee