The current implementation of TWiki is designed to never forget, that means all topic changes are under revision control and you can't delete or rename topics.

Nevertheless there are cases where you wish to delete topics. TWiki requires administrative stuff like that to be done on the shell level, so please ask your TWiki administrator to do that for you. A future version will allow administrators to do that on the browser level.

How to Rename or Delete a Topic

  • Go to the topic you want to rename / delete.
  • Find out the back-links to this page from Ref-By . Modify other topics if needed. Note: Ref-By only finds topics in the current web. Search also in other webs if needed.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • cd to twiki/data and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic ( name.txt ) and repository file ( name.txt,v ). Hint: Instead of deleting a topic you could create a Trash web and move topics/repositories to this web. (A future version of TWiki might have a Trash web.)
  • Edit the .changes file and rename / delete all occurrences of the topic. Note: There might be several lines of the topic.
  • cd to twiki/pub and then to the web where the topic is located. Rename / delete the topic attachment directory if present.

How to add a New Web

How to Rename or Delete a Web

  • It is advisable not to rename the TWiki.Main web.
  • Be aware that other webs might link to the web you want to rename / delete. Search each web for links to this web, i.e. in each web search for Obsolete. (including the period, this is to find topics like Obsolete.SomeTopic ). Take measures if necessary.
  • Edit the TWikiPreferences topic and rename / delete the web from the WIKIWEBLIST variable.
  • Edit the TWikiWebsTable topic and rename / delete the web from the table.
  • Telnet to the TWiki installation.
  • cd to twiki/data and rename / delete the web directory.
  • cd to twiki/templates and rename / delete the web directory.
  • cd to twiki/pub and rename / delete the web directory if present.

-- PeterThoeny - 01 May 2000

This topic: TWiki > ManagingWebs
Topic revision: r1 - 2000-05-01 - PeterThoeny
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on at TWiki:TWiki.ManagingWebs.