---++ TWiki Plugins Plugins allow you to extend the syntax or functionality of TWiki. ... TWikiPreferences has the list of installed plugins and activated plugins. ---+++ How to Create a Plugin under construction... ( check back at http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/TWikiPlugins ) ---+++ How to Install a Plugin under construction... ( check back at http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/TWiki/TWikiPlugins ) ---+++ Plugins under the hood * All plugin modules that exist in the =lib/TWiki/Plugins= directory are activated automatically unless disabled by the =DISABLEDPLUGINS= preferences variable in TWikiPreferences. You can optionally list the installed plugins in the =INSTALLEDPLUGINS= preferences variable. This is useful to define the sequence of plugin execution, or to specify other webs then the %WIKITOOLNAME% web for the plugin topics. Settings in TWiki.TWikiPreferences: * =Set INSTALLEDPLUGINS = <nop>DefaultPlugin, ...= * =Set DISABLEDPLUGINS = <nop>EmptyPlugin, ...= * The =%<nop>ACTIVATEDPLUGINS%= variable shows all currently activated plugins. This variable is shown in TWiki.TWikiPreferences for debug reasons. * Search order for plugin topics: Full =web.topicname= name is used if specified in =INSTALLEDPLUGINS=, then the %TWIKIWEB% web is searched, then the current web. * Plugin specific settings are done in individual plugin topics. Two settings are standard for each plugin: * One line description, used to form the bullets describing the plugins in the TWiki.TextFormattingRules topic: * =Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Blah blah.= * Debug plugin, output can be seen in =data/debug.txt=: (Se to 0 or 1) * =Set DEBUG = 0= * The settings can be retrieved as preferences variables like =%<pluginname>_<var>%=, i.e. =%<nop>DEFAULTPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%= shows the description of the <nop>DefaultPlugin. * The =%<nop>PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS%= variable shows a bullet list with descriptions of all currently activated plugins. This variable is based on =%<plugin>_SHORTDESCRIPTION%= preferences variables of individual topics and is shown in TWiki.TextFormattingRules. -- Main.PeterThoeny - 14 Jul 2001 <br>
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r4 - 2001-07-14 - PeterThoeny
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