TWiki> TWiki Web>TWikiSite (revision 14)EditAttach

TWiki is a Web-based collaboration tool

  • A TWiki site is an easy-to-use, satisfying open communication environment where...
    • people anywhere on the Internet can meet,
    • share rich Web text, images, online multimedia,
    • do it all through a regular Web browser.

TWiki is written in Perl...

TWiki's parsing engine reads a text file, hyperlinks it, and converts it to standard HTML, on the fly. The point is to:

  • make editing text extremely simple (to see how simple, click on Edit link at the bottom of the page)
  • and to let you find information fast (WebSearch).

In addition to being quick, TWiki aspires to the Zen ideals known as WabiSabi. Zen finds beauty in the imperfect and ephemeral. When it comes down to it, that's all you need.

TWiki is one of many WikiWikiClones; the first Wiki was built by Wiki:WardCummingham,

"TWiki" stands for...

  • Wiki wiki means "quick" in Hawaiian. They call the shuttle at Honolulu Airport the wiki wiki bus. Which is where the original Wiki Wiki Web got its name.
  • TWiki is short for TakeFive Wiki . (It was later found that Twiki is the name of a robot in a Buck Rogers TV show from 1979. That's his head.)

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Note: TWiki automatically signs new pages with your WikiName in case TWiki is running on an intranet where you log in. In case your TWiki installation does not authenticate users, TWiki does not know about usernames, and all contributors become TWikiGuest.

TWiki is trademarked to Peter Thoeny, originator and lead developer.

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Topic revision: r14 - 2001-09-01 - MikeMannix
This site is powered by the TWiki collaboration platform Powered by PerlCopyright © 1999-2025 by the contributing authors. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
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