---+ Package =TWiki::Store::RcsWrap= This package does not publish any methods. It implements the virtual methods of the [[TWikiStoreRcsFileDotPm][TWiki::Store::RcsFile]] superclass. Wrapper around the RCS commands required by TWiki. There is one of these object for each file stored under RCS. %TOC% ---++ ObjectMethod *finish* <tt>()</tt> Break circular references. ---++ StaticMethod *parseRevisionDiff* <tt>($text) -> \@diffArray</tt> | Description: | parse the text into an array of diff cells | | #Description: | unlike Algorithm::Diff I concatinate lines of the same diffType that are sqential (this might be something that should be left up to the renderer) | | Parameter: =$text= | currently unified or rcsdiff format | | Return: =\@diffArray= | reference to an array of [ diffType, $right, $left ] | | TODO: | move into RcsFile and add indirection in Store |
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