%TOC% %STARTINCLUDE% ---# TWiki Operating Environment _Server and client system requirements, file system structure_ ---++ Overview Maintaining minimum client and server requirements is necessary to keep TWiki deployment as broad as possible. ---++ Server-Side Requirements TWiki is written in Perl 5 and uses a number of shell commands. It requires GNU RCS (Revision Control System) to be installed on the same system. TWiki is developed in a standard Linux/Apache environment. It can also work with Microsoft Windows and other platforms. | *Required Server Environment* ||| | *Resource* | *Unix* | *Windows* | | Perl | 5.005_03 or higher || | Non standard Perl modules | =Net::SMTP= (or =sendmail=) | =Net::SMTP=, =MIME::Base64=, =Digest::SHA1= | | RCS | 5.7 or higher || | Other external programs | =ls, fgrep, egrep= || | Web server | Apache; others (with support for CGI, authentication, extended path) *** || Current documentation covers Linux only. Compiling a basic [[http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/TWikiOnWindows][TWikiOnWindows]] installation guide is an ongoing effort. ---++ Client-Side Requirements The TWiki standard installation has extremely low browser requirements: * HTML 3.2 compliant * minimal use of <nop>JavaScript in the user interface (degrades gracefully) * no cookies * no CSS TWiki generates XHTML 1.0 code as long as it is compatible with HTML 3.2. ---+++ Known Issues * The new TWikiPlugins feature currently does not have any compatibility guidelines for developers. Plugins can require just about anything: browser-specific functions, stylesheets (CSS), Java, cookies, etc. ---++ TWiki File System You can rename the root TWiki directory - =twiki= - to whatever you like by changing it in the =twiki.cfg= configuration file. However, to keep the current installation and future upgrades simple, you should leave the subdirectory structure intact: | *Directory:* | *Files:* | *Used for:* | | =twiki= | [[#TWikiFiles][list]] | Start-up info | | =twiki/bin= | [[#BinFiles][list]] | Perl scripts | | =twiki/lib= | [[#LibFiles][list]] | Configuration file, main library, Perl system modules, Plugins | | =twiki/pub= | [[#PubFiles][list]] | Public support files (ex: FileAttachments, images) and RCS histories) | | =twiki/data= | [[#DataFiles][list]] | Topic text (page content) and RCS histories; | | =twiki/templates= | [[#TemplatesFiles][list]] | HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts | ---+++ File Descriptions A rundown of the individual files in the current %VERSION% distribution, organized by TWiki root directories. All listings are complete unless otherwise noted. #TWikiFiles ---++++ Files in <code>twiki</code> Introductory and installation files. | *File:* | *Used for:* | | =index.html= | A page with a link to first launch TWiki after install | | =license.txt= | GNU General Public License and TWiki-specific info | | =readme.txt= | General TWiki start-up info with relevant URLs. | | =TWikiDocumentation.html= | All documentation packaged as a single page | | =TWikiHistory.html= | TWiki development timeline | #BinFiles ---++++ Files in <code>twiki/bin</code> All Perl CGI scripts. | *File:* | *Used for:* | | =.htaccess.txt= | Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used | | =attach= | Script that shows the attach file page (FileAttachment) | | =delete= | (not used yet) | | =edit= | Script to edit a topic | | =geturl= | Script to fetch URL data | | =mailnotify= | Script called by cron job to notify users of changes | | =oops= | Script that shows an OK or oops dialog | | =preview= | Script to preview topic after edit | | =rdiff= | Script to see differences of topics | | =rename= | Script to rename/move topics and move attachments | | =register= | Script to register new users | | =save= | Script that saves a topic, called by preview | | =search= | Script that displays search results | | =statistics= | Script to create statistics topic | | =testenv= | Script to test CGI environment variables | | =upload= | Script that does file upload (FileAttachment) | | =view= | Script to view a topic ( *the* script ) | | =viewfile= | Script to view an file attachment | #LibFiles ---++++ Files under <code>twiki/lib</code> The new =lib/TWiki/Plugins= directories contain core configuration, libraries and function modules, and Plugins. | *File:* | *Used for:* | | =TWiki.pm= | Main TWiki library | | =TWiki.cfg= | For configuration, used by =TWiki.pm= | | =TWiki/Access.pm= | Access control | | =TWiki/Attach.pm= | Attachment handling | | =TWiki/Form.pm= | Form handling | | =TWiki/Meta.pm= | Meta data in topics | | =TWiki/Net.pm= | SMTP mail handling | | =TWiki/Plugins.pm= | Plugin handling | | =TWiki/Prefs.pm= | Preferences handling | | =TWiki/Search.pm= | Search engine, used by wiki.pm | | =TWiki/Store.pm= | Back-end storage, =*.txt= text file and =*.txt,v= RCS repository file handling | | =TWiki/Plugins/DefaultPlugin.pm= | Default plugin | | =TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm= | Empty plugin, use to create your own | | =TWiki/Plugins/InterwikiPlugin.pm= | Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites | #PubFiles ---++++ Files under <code>twiki/pub</code> __attachments like images...__ | *File:* | *Used for:* | | =favicon.ico= | xxxx | | =twikilogo.gif= | xxxx | | =twikilogo1.gif= | xxxx | | =twikilogo2.gif= | xxxx | | =twikilogo3.gif= | xxxx | | =twikilogo4.gif= | xxxx | | =wikiHome.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/_filetypes.txt= | xxxx | | =icn/bat.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/bmp.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/c.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/dll.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/doc.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/else.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/exe.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/fon.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/h.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/hlp.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/html.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/java.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/mov.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/pdf.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/pl.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/ppt.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/ps.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/py.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/ram.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/reg.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/sh.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/sniff.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/ttf.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/txt.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/wav.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/wri.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/xls.gif= | xxxx | | =icn/zip.gif= | xxxx | | =Know/IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL/W32PTH10.DLL= | xxxx | | =TWiki/FileAttachment/Sample.txt= | xxxx | | =TWiki/FileAttachment/Smile.gif= | xxxx | | =TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankltgraybg.gif= | xxxx | | =TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankwhitebg.gif= | xxxx | | =TWiki/PreviewBackground/previewbg.gif= | xxxx | | =TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif= | xxxx | #DataFiles ---++++ Files under <code>twiki/data</code> The =data= directory stores TWiki page data as individual text files. Each active web has its own subdirectory. The TWiki distribution package includes four start-up webs, with a number of pages of documentation and demo content. _This is a representative partial file listing..._ | *File:* | *Used for:* | | =.htpasswd= | xxxx | | =debug.txt= | xxxx | | =mime.types= | xxxx | | =warning.txt= | xxxx | | _default directory can be copied to empty directory when creating new Webs || | =_default/.changes= | Record of topic changes recorded here | | =_default/WebChanges.txt= | Display most recent changes | | =_default/WebChanges.txt,v= | History | | =_default/WebHome.txt= | xxxx | | =_default/WebHome.txt,v= | xxxx | | =_default/WebIndex.txt= | xxxx | | =_default/WebIndex.txt,v= | xxxx | | =_default/WebNotify.txt= | xxxx | | =_default/WebNotify.txt,v= | xxxx | | =_default/WebPreferences.txt= | xxxx | | =_default/WebPreferences.txt,v= | xxxx | | =_default/WebSearch.txt= | xxxx | | =_default/WebSearch.txt,v= | xxxx | | =_default/WebStatistics.txt= | xxxx | | =_default/WebStatistics.txt,v= | xxxx | | *...* | *...* | | =Know/TopicClassification.txt= | xxxx | | =Know/TopicClassification.txt,v= | xxxx | | =Know/TWikiCategory.txt= | xxxx | | =Know/TWikiCategory.txt,v= | xxxx | | =Know/UseCategory.txt= | xxxx | | =Know/UseCategory.txt,v= | xxxx | | =Know/WebChanges.txt= | xxxx | | =Know/WebChanges.txt,v= | xxxx | | =Know/WebForm.txt= | xxxx | | =Know/WebForm.txt,v= | xxxx | | *...* | *...* | | =Main/OfficeLocations.txt= | xxxx | | =Main/OfficeLocations.txt,v= | xxxx | | =Main/PeterThoeny.txt= | xxxx | | =Main/PeterThoeny.txt,v= | xxxx | | =Main/SanJoseOffice.txt= | xxxx | | =Main/SanJoseOffice.txt,v= | xxxx | | *...* | *...* | | =Main/TWikiGuest.txt= | xxxx | | =Main/TWikiGuest.txt,v= | xxxx | | =Main/TWikiUsers.txt= | xxxx | | =Main/TWikiUsers.txt,v= | xxxx | | *...* | *...* | | =Test/TestTopic1.txt= | xxxx | | =Test/TestTopic1.txt,v= | xxxx | | =Test/WebHome.txt= | xxxx | | =Test/WebHome.txt,v= | xxxx | | *...* | *...* | | =Trash/WebHome.txt= | xxxx | | =Trash/WebHome.txt,v= | xxxx | | *...* | *...* | | =TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt= | xxxx | | =TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt,v= | xxxx | | =TWiki/DontNotify.txt= | xxxx | | =TWiki/DontNotify.txt,v= | xxxx | | *...* | *...* | #TemplatesFiles ---++++ Files in <code>twiki/templates</code> _Used to flexibly control appearance of rendered pages..._ | *File:* | *Used for:* | | =oopsbadpwformat.tmpl= | xxxx | | =attachagain.tmpl= | xxxx | | =attachnew.tmpl= | xxxx | | =changeform.tmpl= | xxxx | | =changes.tmpl= | xxxx | | =edit.iejs.tmpl= | xxxx | | =edit.tmpl= | xxxx | | =mailnotify.tmpl= | xxxx | | =moveattachment.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsaccesschange.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsaccessgroup.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsaccessrename.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsaccessview.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsauth.tmpl= | xxxx | | =attach.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopschangepasswd.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsempty.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopslocked.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopslockedrename.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsmissing.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsmoveerr.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsnoformdef.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsnotwikiuser.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsnoweb.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopspreview.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsregexist.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsregpasswd.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsregrequ.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsregthanks.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsregwiki.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsrenameerr.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsresetpasswd.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsrev.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopssave.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopssaveerr.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopssendmailerr.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopstopicexists.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopsupload.tmpl= | xxxx | | =oopswrongpassword.tmpl= | xxxx | | =preview.tmpl= | xxxx | | =rdiff.tmpl= | xxxx | | =register.tmpl= | xxxx | | =registernotify.tmpl= | xxxx | | =rename.tmpl= | Doing a new topic rename, user chooses web & topic | | =renamebase.tmpl= | Used by other rename templates | | =renameconfirm.tmpl= | Confirming a pre-specified rename e.g. when undoing a rename | | =renamerefs.tmpl= | Rename done, still some references to change (topcis were previously locked) | | =search.tmpl= | xxxx | | =searchbookview.tmpl= | xxxx | | =searchmeta.tmpl= | xxxx | | =searchrenameview.tmpl= | Used by =rename= to list references to topic being renamed | | =twiki.tmpl= | xxxx | | =view.plain.tmpl= | xxxx | | =view.print.tmpl= | xxxx | | =view.tmpl= | xxxx | -- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r17 - 2001-09-08 - JohnTalintyre
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