---+ Table Plugin Gives extra control off table display: * Allows sorting * Changing background colour for header cells * Changing background colour for data cells - colours can _alternate_ * Behaviour can be specified for a specific table using %<nop>TABLE{...}% or with global preferences ---++ Global Preferences * Set DEBUG to on to get debug messages in =data/debug.txt=. Default: =off= * Set DEBUG = on * Colour for header cells ('*'s around text). Default: <font color=\"#99CCCC\">#99CCCC</font> * #Set HEADER_BG = red * #Set DATA_BG = #C8CB8F,#DBDDB5 * Set DATA_BG = #FFFFCC,#FFFFFF * #Set SORT = attachments * Set SORT = all * #Set SORT = none * Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Control sorting and colours for table display ---++ Sorting Click on column heading text to sort by a column. Initial column will be sorted in descending order, click again to get ascending order. The type of data in the cell is determined automatically: * date if format is: * dd MMM YYY - hh:mm * dd-MMM-YY or dd-MM-YYYY (can be / or space in place of -) * MMM is Jan, Feb, etc * number is digits, with optional decimal point * otherwise treated as text ---++ Per table settings On line before the table use %<nop>TABLE{...}%: | *Argument* | *Comment* | | =sort= | =on= or =off= | | =headerbg= | header cell background colour | | =databg= | data cell background colour, a comma seperated list | All default to the global setting ---++ Examples Line before table: %<nop>TABLE{sort="on" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"}% %TABLE{sort="on" headerbg="#99CCCC" databg="#C8CB8F,#DBDDB5"}% | *Num* | *Status* | *Action* | *Who* | *When* | *Progress* | | 1 | C | Chose new colours | John | 1-Dec-02 | | | 2 | X | Release | John | 1-Apr-02 | | | 3 | | Get feedback | Anne | 1-Feb-02 | | | 12 | C | Spec error handling | Jack | 1-Dec-02 | | | 5 | | Abc | John | | | -- Main.JohnTalintyre - 07 Oct 2001 <br />
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Topic revision: r1 - 2001-11-11 - PeterThoeny
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