#VarEDITACTION ---+++ EDITACTION -- select an edit template * EDITACTION defined in a topic or preference setting will define the use of an editaction template instead of the standard edit. If EDITACTION is defined as =text=, then hide the form. If EDITACTION is defined as =form= hide the normal text area and only edit the form. * Syntax: =%<nop>EDITACTION%= (returning either =text= or =form=) * Expands to: %EDITACTION% * Note: When EDITACTION is defined as text or form the Edit and Edit Raw buttons simply add =;action=text= or =;action=form= to the URL for the edit script. If you have defined EDITACTION in a topic setting or preference setting you can still edit the topic content or the form by removing the =;action=form= or =;action=text= from the edit URL in the browser and reload. * Category: AdministrationVariables, EditingAndContentUpdateVariables, SkinsAndTemplatesVariables * Related: TWikiScripts#edit
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Topic revision: r2 - 2012-11-12 - TWikiContributor
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