November 30, 2023 to December 2, 2023
Korea University
Asia/Seoul timezone

Dirac-Majorana neutrino type oscillation induced by a wave dark matter

Dec 1, 2023, 10:30 AM


Dr Yechan Kim (KAIST)


The particle mass can vary over time by coupling with the wave dark matter that has an oscillation behavior. If the neutrino mass terms are generated from the wave dark matter, the neutrino type can oscillate in time along with the change of the ratio between Dirac and Majorana masses. The oscillation amplitude of the wave dark matter is large enough to change neutrino type periodically while satisfying constraints on the dark matter density. This neutrino type oscillation predicts the periodic modulation in the event rates of the lepton number violation processes like neutrinoless double beta decay. In the view of cosmic time, the oscillation amplitude of wave dark matter evolves along the energy density decreases. The Majorana mass term was larger in the past, so there is an interesting connection between the leptogenesis in the early universe and present-time neutrino physics. This talk is based on the recent paper (arXiv:2305.16900) by YeolLin ChoeJo, Yechan Kim, and Hye-Sung Lee.

Primary author

Dr Yechan Kim (KAIST)


Presentation materials