November 30, 2023 to December 2, 2023
Korea University
Asia/Seoul timezone

Searching for sub-ueV Axion Dark Matter with Dark Matter Radio and Quantum Sensing at kHz-MHz Frequencies

Dec 2, 2023, 9:30 AM


Saptarshi Chaudhuri (Princeton University)


The axion is a compelling candidate for cold dark matter and a favored solution to the strong CP problem. In this talk, I overview Dark Matter Radio (DMRadio), a campaign to search for the coupling of axion dark matter to electromagnetism at masses below 1 ueV. I discuss the status of DMRadio-50L, which will begin data-taking in 2024, and DMRadio-m3, under design as part of the DOE Dark Matter New Initiatives program. DMRadio-m3 possesses projected sensitivity to the well-motivated DFSZ QCD axion model in the mass range 0.12-0.8 ueV. I describe the resonator and readout technologies utilized in the DMRadio campaign. The combination of high-Q superconducting resonators and sensors operating beyond the Standard Quantum Limit of amplification at kHz-MHz frequencies may enable a definitive search for GUT-scale QCD axions, the ultimate goal of the DMRadio program.

Primary author

Saptarshi Chaudhuri (Princeton University)


Presentation materials