November 30, 2023 to December 2, 2023
Korea University
Asia/Seoul timezone

Axion Dark Matter and High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Searches: Calibrating DMRadio-50L and ABRACADABRA-10cm

Dec 2, 2023, 10:00 AM


Jessica Tokuko Fry (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


With the success of ABRACADABRA-10cm as a lumped-element axion dark matter experiment, two experimental upgrades are underway. DMRadio-50L will further our sensitivity to low mass axion dark matter with the addition of a tunable LC resonator to couple into the axion field in the presence of a toroidal magnet. We are also using the ABRACADABRA detector to electrodynamically search for high-frequency gravitational waves. This will be the first simultaneous search for both axions and gravitational waves. One of the most difficult yet often overlooked problems is how to calibrate these experiments. Both experiments require careful calibration of the resonator and simultaneous pick-up structure respectively. In this talk, I will present on DMRadio-50L and ABRACADABRA-10cm high-frequency gravitational wave search with an emphasis on the calibration challenges and techniques.

Primary author

Jessica Tokuko Fry (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials