International Workshop on Multi-probe approach to wavy dark matters

Yoo Imsoon Hall, Mediheal EES (Earth and Environment Science) Hall (Korea University)

Yoo Imsoon Hall, Mediheal EES (Earth and Environment Science) Hall

Korea University

Korea University Science Campus, 145, Anam-ro, Seoungbuk-gu, Seoul, 02841, Korea

The international workshop on multi-probe approach to wavy dark matters in 2023 is one of the series of JSPS Core to Core CMB workshop previously held in 2020 (Tokyo) “CMB systematics and calibration” and in 2022 (Tenerife) “Galactic science and CMB foregrounds”. This year focuses on the connection between CMB and other fields, in particular the CMB and Wavy dark matters.


The workshop is held at Korea University in Seoul, South Korea, during November 30 (Thursday) - December 2 (Saturday).  


Topics to be included

  • Theory: motivation of wavy dark matter, and multi-probes
  • Cosmic probes: CMB and astronomical probes
  • Radio probes: haloscope, Dark Matter radio, and new ideas
  • New probes: quantum, optical, and others


Important dates

  • Abstract submission closes on 15 November.
  • Registration closes on 15 November.


Workshop webpage - (closed)

Organized by the Institute of Basic Science Korea University. 

    • 9:30 AM
    • Welcome & Announcements
      Convener: Eunil Won
    • Invited talk: Cosmic probe
      Convener: Yuji Chinone (KEK/QUP)
      • 1
        Cosmic birefringence and its implication for axions

        An axion can couple to photons in a parity-violating manner. Through this coupling, variations in the axion field induce a rotation of the linear polarization plane of photons, i.e., cosmic birefringence. Recently, a hint of isotropic cosmic birefringence has been reported in the EB cross-correlation of the CMB data. In this talk, I will explain the relation between the EB signal and cosmic birefringence induced by the axion and discuss its implication for the properties of the axion.

        Speaker: Kai Murai (Tohoku University)
    • Cosmic probe
      Convener: Yuji Chinone (KEK/QUP)
      • 2
        Cosmic Birefringence by Dark Photon

        We study the kinetic mixing between the cosmic microwave background (CMB) photon and the birefringent dark photon as a source of cosmic birefringence. We show that indeed the birefringence of the dark photon propagates to the CMB photon, but the resulting birefringence may not be uniform over the sky. Moreover, our investigation sheds light on the essential role played by kinetic mixing in the generation of two fundamental characteristics of the CMB: circular polarization and spectral distortion.

        Speaker: Dong Woo Kang (Jeonbuk National University)
      • 3
        Polarization angle miscalibration and its impact on cosmic birefringence constraints from multi-frequency CMB polarization data

        I will discuss the impact of the polarization angle miscalibration on measurements of cosmic isotropic birefringence derived from multi-frequency data of cosmic microwave background polarization experiments.

        Speaker: Radek Stompor (CNRS, Centre Pierre Binétruy)
      • 4
        Measuring isotropic cosmic birefringence with LiteBIRD

        When coupled to electromagnetism via a Chern-Simons interaction, axion-like particles produce a rotation of the plane of linear polarization of photons known as cosmic birefringence (CB). Recent measurements obtained from WMAP and Planck cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization data hint at the existence of an isotropic CB angle of β≈0.3º. Although still under scrutiny for their dependence on the modeling of Galactic dust emission, these results currently exclude β=0 with a statistical significance of 3.6σ.
        LiteBIRD, the Lite (Light) satellite for the study of B-mode polarization and Inflation from cosmic background Radiation Detection, provides the perfect avenue for confirming the nature of such CB signal. In this talk, I will comment on LiteBIRD prospects for detecting CB and present the various analysis pipelines for the measurement of isotropic CB, both in real and harmonic space, that are currently being developed within the LiteBIRD collaboration. The complementarity of the different analyses considered will ensure that LiteBIRD is able to achieve a CB measurement robust against Galactic foreground emission and instrumental systematics.

        Speaker: Patricia Diego-Palazuelos (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)
    • 12:00 PM
      Workshop photo
    • 12:15 PM
    • Invited talk: Cosmic probe
      Convener: Yuji Chinone (KEK/QUP)
      • 5
        Identifying the nature of dark matter using cosmological observations

        The fundamental nature of dark matter (DM) so far eludes direct detection experiments, but it has left its imprint in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large-scale structure (LSS) of the Universe. I will present new results demonstrating how the discrepancy in the amplitude of density fluctuations between CMB and LSS observations (galaxy clustering, weak lensing and Lyman-alpha forest) could be a signature of theoretically well-motivated ultra-light axion (ULA) DM. I will then discuss prospects for increasing sensitivity to light (sub-GeV) particle and ULA DM models using next-generation cosmological surveys like the Rubin Observatory. In order to model novel DM physics accurately and efficiently, I will present the development of a non-linear halo model of axion structure formation and neural network models called emulators which will accelerate parameter inference from weeks to seconds.

        Speaker: Keir Rogers (University of Toronto)
    • Cosmic probe
      Convener: Patricia Diego-Palazuelos (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)
      • 6
        The Small-Correlated-Against-Large-Estimator for Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing

        The upcoming generation of cosmic microwave background experiments offers an exciting opportunity to study models of exotic dark matter and their clustering behaviors through studies of gravitational lensing at small angular scales (<~ arcmin). I will present the development and application of a novel estimator for quantifying the statistics of the cosmic background lensing field, and show that it can outperform traditional techniques when applied to future data. The Small Correlated Against Large Estimator for cosmic microwave background lensing recovers simulated lensing statistics to high accuracy and precision. I will briefly motivate and present the development of a neural network emulator for the analytical SCALE expected observables, and I show that an application of our methodology in cosmological parameter estimation that gravitational lensing information will allow for a detection of the minimum neutrino mass. I further demonstrate SCALE's constraining power when applied to constrain the shape of the small-scale lensing power, which gives profound insight into the nature of models such as fuzzy/wavy dark matter.

        Speaker: Victor Carl Chan (University of Toronto)
      • 7
        Effect of Gravitational Cooling on Ultralight Dark Matter System Compared to Dynamical Friction

        Ultralight scalar boson of particle mass 10-22 ~ 10-21 eV/c2, motivated by Axion-Like Particle (ALP), is one of the dark matter candidates, so called UltraLight Dark Matter (ULDM). Its de'Brogile wavelength of ~O(1kpc) gives rise to the wave nature in our universe, governed by Schrodinger-Poisson Equation (SPE) in the nonrelativistic limit.
        We focus on two properties of ULDM dynamics. First, the dynamical friction is waked by the quantum pressure of ULDM fluid, which suppresses the small-scale structure formation against gravitational collapse. This contributes to the Bose-Einstein condensation, leads to the formation of soliton core, which we regard as the core of ULDM halo. Second, an unstable ULDM system stabilizes while expelling probability density to infinity, which called "Gravitational Cooling". We performed numerical simulations of 1) Head-on collision of two ULDM halos comparing with CDM case, and 2) Binary Black Holes inside single ULDM halo. Through these, we suggest the Gravitational Cooling as the dominant effect for ULDM halo dynamics rather than Dynamical Friction.

        Speaker: Hyeonmo Koo (University of Seoul)
    • 2:40 PM
      Coffee break
    • Invited talk: Cosmic probe
      Convener: Patricia Diego-Palazuelos (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)
      • 8
        CMB spectral distortions as a probe of dark matter

        The frequency spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) remains a valuable and nearly untapped resource of cosmological data. By searching for departures from a perfect blackbody, it is possible to sensitively constrain the thermal history of the universe back to redshifts roughly three orders of magnitude higher than with CMB temperature anisotropies. In this talk, I will review the theory behind CMB spectral distortion generation, as well as current and upcoming experimental efforts. I will also discuss how a powerful code known as CosmoTherm can be used to derive and forecast multi-messenger constraints on a variety of dark matter scenarios, focusing on sub-eV candidates. To conclude, I'll highlight some future directions and synergies between the two fields that could prove fruitful in pinning down the microphysical nature of dark matter.

        Speaker: Bryce Cyr (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics)
    • Cosmic probe
      Convener: Patricia Diego-Palazuelos (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)
      • 9
        A dark matter probe in accreting pulsar-black hole binaries

        The accretion of dark matter (DM) into astrophysical black holes slowly increases their mass. The rate of this mass accretion depends on the DM model and the model parameters. If this mass accretion effect can be measured accurately enough, it is possible to rule out some DM models, and, with the sufficient technology and the help of other DM constraints, possibly confirm one model. We propose a DM probe based on accreting pulsar-black hole binaries, which provide a high-precision measurement on binary orbital phase shifts induced by DM accretion into blackholes, and can help rule out DM models and study the nature of DM.

        Speaker: Qianhang Ding (Institute for Basic Science)
      • 10
        Cosmological Tensions seen through B-Mode Glasses

        We review the expected impact of high precision measurements of the B-Mode of CMB anisotropies onto the tensions in the Cosmological Concordance Model. We focus on the reconstruction of the expansion history through cosmological gravitational lensing of the CMB, and discuss the existing constraints on tensions from operating CMB B-Mode probes and the expected ones for the future network of ground based and satellite missions.

        Speaker: Carlo Baccigalupi (SISSA)
    • Discussion: Cosmic probe
      Conveners: Patricia Diego-Palazuelos (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics), Yuji Chinone (KEK/QUP)
    • Welcome drink Samsung Chicken

      Samsung Chicken

    • Invited talk: Theory
      Convener: Seodong Shin (Jeonbuk National University)
      • 11
        Review on Axions

        I will review theoretical models for axions that solve the puzzles of the Standard Model, and discuss their cosmological implications.

        Speaker: Kwang Sik Jeong (Pusan National University)
      • 12
        Cosmic Probes of the Dark Sector

        In this talk, I will describe my efforts to understand the nature of the mysterious dark matter, using the assumption that dark matter is comprised of ultralight axions. From the optical to the X-ray and gamma-ray universe, astrophysics has a role to play in understanding the details of this major problem in particle physics. I will give some insight into how I am using a range of tools to get at the basic question of “what is the statistical mechanics of dark matter?” I will show that astrophysical phenomenology is dependent on the microphysical details of ultralight axion models, and I will present results from recent collaborations.

        Speaker: Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (New Hampshire)
    • Theory
      Convener: Seodong Shin (Jeonbuk National University)
      • 13
        Dirac-Majorana neutrino type oscillation induced by a wave dark matter

        The particle mass can vary over time by coupling with the wave dark matter that has an oscillation behavior. If the neutrino mass terms are generated from the wave dark matter, the neutrino type can oscillate in time along with the change of the ratio between Dirac and Majorana masses. The oscillation amplitude of the wave dark matter is large enough to change neutrino type periodically while satisfying constraints on the dark matter density. This neutrino type oscillation predicts the periodic modulation in the event rates of the lepton number violation processes like neutrinoless double beta decay. In the view of cosmic time, the oscillation amplitude of wave dark matter evolves along the energy density decreases. The Majorana mass term was larger in the past, so there is an interesting connection between the leptogenesis in the early universe and present-time neutrino physics. This talk is based on the recent paper (arXiv:2305.16900) by YeolLin ChoeJo, Yechan Kim, and Hye-Sung Lee.

        Speaker: Dr Yechan Kim (KAIST)
    • Discussion: Theory
      Convener: Seodong Shin (Jeonbuk National University)
    • 11:45 AM
    • Invited talk: Radio probe
      Convener: Shunsuke Adachi (Kyoto University)
      • 14
        Status of ADMX: Run1C-extended result and Run1D progress

        QCD axion is a hypothetical particle proposed to solve the strong CP problem and one well-motivated dark matter candidate for killing two birds with one stone. The Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) builds axion haloscopes to search in the golden parameter space for the post-inflation scenario, probing the conversion of axions into photons stimulated by a large magnetic field. We have reached to Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnisky (DFSZ) couplings for axions (~1micro eV mass) with near-quantum-limit-noise amplifiers. In this talk, I will present the preliminary result of Run1C-extended for axion masses 3.23-3.337 micro-eV (791.6-807.0 MHz) and the progress of Run1D phase.

        Speaker: Dan Zhang (University of Washington)
      • 15
        Axion dark matter search at Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitniskii Sensitivity with CAPP-MAX

        Axion is originally proposed by Peccei and Quinn to solve the mystery of the apparent CP conservation in Quantum Chromodynamics. With so called the strong CP problem, axion has cogent reasons to be a promising candidate of dark matter. Sikivie’s proposition, where the microwave cavity resonantly enhances the photon from axion-to-photon coupling in a strong magnetic field, is the most sensitive way to detect the axion up to date. Typically O(10−23) W of conversion power and its unknown mass, however, are still difficulties in being sensitive to the conversion signal down to the lower limit of theoretical predictions. The CAPP-MAX in IBS-CAPP is one of the most sensitive axion dark matter experiments around the world, and one of only a few experiments which is sensitive down to such limit after ADMX. It accommodates a dilution refrigerator below 30 mK of base temperature, a large-bore 12 T superconducting magnet, a microwave cavity with 37 L volume, readout chain including series of Josephson parametric amplifiers with added noise close to the standard quantum limit. The system has been successfully operated in the past two years and exclude the axion-to-photon coupling in 1.02 - 1.18 GHz range with DFSZ level sensitivity. In this presentation, I will present in detail about the overall experimental design, data taking and analysis. The upcoming science run targeting to 1.2 - 1.5 GHz scan at DFSZ sensitivity with a superconducting tuning rod and 6 JPA system will also be discussed.

        Speaker: Saebyeok Ahn (IBS-CAPP)
    • Radio probe
      Convener: Shunsuke Adachi (Kyoto University)
      • 16
        First Scan Search for Dark Photon Dark Matter with Superconducting Radio-frequency Cavity

        Dark photons have emerged as promising candidates for dark matter, and their search is a top priority in particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. We report the first use of a tunable niobium superconducting radio-frequency cavity for a scan search of dark photon dark matter with innovative data analysis techniques. We mechanically adjusted the resonant frequency of a cavity submerged in liquid helium at a temperature of 2 K, and scanned the dark photon mass over a frequency range of 1.37 MHz centered at 1.3 GHz. Our study leveraged the superconducting radio frequency cavity’s remarkably high quality factors of approximately 1010, resulting in the most stringent constraints to date on a substantial portion of the exclusion parameter space on the kinetic mixing coefficient ϵ between dark photons and electromagnetic photons, yielding a value of ϵ < 2.2 × $10^{−16}$.

        Speaker: Jing Shu (Peking University)
      • 17
        Experimental test of axion cosmology around 22 μeV with a multi-cell cavity and a Josephson parametric amplifier

        A theoretical solution to a long-standing puzzle in quantum chromodynamics, known as the strong CP problem, have led to the proposition of a hypothetical pseudo-Goldstone boson, the axion. Additionally, axions have growing attention due to their potential role as cold dark matter in our Universe. Interestingly, theoretical prediction to the axion mass from different research groups overlap notably in the mass range between 20 and 30 μeV. We conducted an experiment targeting this specific mass range, focusing on 22 μeV (5.3GHz) with KSVZ sensitivity. This experiment was conducted using an improved multiple-cell cavity and a high-performance Josephson parametric amplifier with less than two noise photons, operating at 30 mK, within a 12 T magnetic field. In this talk, we will report the first experimental results around 22 μeV.

        Speaker: Younggeun Kim (Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research, Institute for Basic Science)
    • 2:55 PM
      Coffee break
    • Invited talk: Radio probe
      Convener: Saebyeok Ahn (IBS-CAPP)
      • 18
        Broadband search for wavy dark matter using antenna in the millimeter-wave range

        Light dark matter, whose mass is typically less than ~1 meV, is becoming one of the attractive candidates since there is no evidence for the detection of the Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP). It has a long coherence length. Therefore, it is called wavy dark matter and the approach for it is different from the WIMP searches. Now, many experiments are searching for wavy dark matter such as axions, axion-like particles, and dark photons in the mass range of 1 ueV--1 meV. These dark matter candidates can convert into ordinary light and the signal light frequency corresponds to the mass of the dark matter. The frequency is roughly 1--100 GHz. One of the mature methods to search for such a wavy dark matter is the microwave cavity. However, it has the disadvantage of its narrow bandwidth. Another method is to collect the signal light with antennas or reflectors. In this method, the bandwidth can be large like more than 10 GHz. In this talk, I'd like to introduce the principle of wavy dark matter searches with antennas or reflectors and present the status and plans for several experiments.

        Speaker: Shunsuke Adachi (Kyoto University)
    • Radio probe
      Convener: Saebyeok Ahn (IBS-CAPP)
      • 19
        Towards new axion search readout based on variance method with single photon counter

        Haloscope axion search experiments are required to cover wide frequency range starting from hundreds of megahertz up to hundreds of gigahertz with sensitivity approaching two main models, Kim-Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov (KSVZ) and Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zhitnitskii (DFSZ). One of the major goal in axion search experiments is to reduce the noise contribution of the readout chain. The readout systems based on Josephson parametric amplifiers (developed and produced by the University of Tokyo, and RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing) have noise close to the standard quantum noise limit (SQL). These readout configurations are used at various frequency ranges in the Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research (CAPP). Single photon counter technique is a promising approach to have noise below the SQL and are potentially critical for future axion haloscope experiments. However, in the current stage, microwave photon detectors have higher noise than the SQL. The variance method offers a viable alternative, approaching the effective noise of the near SQL at a broad frequency range. We investigate the possibility to enhance the sensitivity through the use of the latest types of microwave photon counters based on bias Josephson junctions (in collaboration with the INFN) and zeptojoule nanobolometers (Aalto University) in a combination with the signal variance method. In this talk, we show the possibility of using both readouts in axion haloscope search experiments, discuss about perspectives using the variance method approach.

        Speaker: Boris Ivanov (CAPP/IBS)
    • Invited talk: Radio probe
      Convener: Saebyeok Ahn (IBS-CAPP)
      • 20
        The Dark-photons & Axion-Like particles Interferometer (DALI)

        In this invited talk I will review the state of the art and how the DALI experiment, currently in the design and prototyping phase, may play a role in the search for axion dark matter in a post-inflationary scenario.

        Speaker: Javier De Miguel (RIKEN / IAC)
    • Discussion: Radio probe
      Convener: Saebyeok Ahn (IBS-CAPP)
    • 5:10 PM
      Walk to dinner
    • Workshop dinner
    • Invited talk: Radio probe
      Convener: Eunil Won
      • 21
        Searching for sub-ueV Axion Dark Matter with Dark Matter Radio and Quantum Sensing at kHz-MHz Frequencies

        The axion is a compelling candidate for cold dark matter and a favored solution to the strong CP problem. In this talk, I overview Dark Matter Radio (DMRadio), a campaign to search for the coupling of axion dark matter to electromagnetism at masses below 1 ueV. I discuss the status of DMRadio-50L, which will begin data-taking in 2024, and DMRadio-m3, under design as part of the DOE Dark Matter New Initiatives program. DMRadio-m3 possesses projected sensitivity to the well-motivated DFSZ QCD axion model in the mass range 0.12-0.8 ueV. I describe the resonator and readout technologies utilized in the DMRadio campaign. The combination of high-Q superconducting resonators and sensors operating beyond the Standard Quantum Limit of amplification at kHz-MHz frequencies may enable a definitive search for GUT-scale QCD axions, the ultimate goal of the DMRadio program.

        Speaker: Saptarshi Chaudhuri (Princeton University)
    • Radio probe
      Convener: Eunil Won
      • 22
        Axion Dark Matter and High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Searches: Calibrating DMRadio-50L and ABRACADABRA-10cm

        With the success of ABRACADABRA-10cm as a lumped-element axion dark matter experiment, two experimental upgrades are underway. DMRadio-50L will further our sensitivity to low mass axion dark matter with the addition of a tunable LC resonator to couple into the axion field in the presence of a toroidal magnet. We are also using the ABRACADABRA detector to electrodynamically search for high-frequency gravitational waves. This will be the first simultaneous search for both axions and gravitational waves. One of the most difficult yet often overlooked problems is how to calibrate these experiments. Both experiments require careful calibration of the resonator and simultaneous pick-up structure respectively. In this talk, I will present on DMRadio-50L and ABRACADABRA-10cm high-frequency gravitational wave search with an emphasis on the calibration challenges and techniques.

        Speaker: Jessica Tokuko Fry (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    • New idea
      Convener: Saptarshi Chaudhuri (Princeton University)
      • 23
        Dark Matter Search With Coherent Atoms

        Axion and Dark Photon (DP) have been considered as well-motivated dark matter candidates. Both hypothetical particles, if exist, are characterized by extremely feeble interactions with photons, rendering them suitable candidates for direct dark matter detection.
        In this presentation, we introduce a new experimental strategy aimed at the detection of both axions and Dark Photons. This approach uses coherent atoms as target, where Axions/DPs induce resonant atomic transitions, accompanied by the emission of signal photons for detection. The key feature of this method is the “coherent amplification”. That is, when the process occurs coherently in an N-atom system, its transition amplitude interferes constructively and the rate becomes proportional to N square instead of N. This remarkable amplification effect holds significant promise and is poised to provide stringent constraints on the Axion-Photon coupling constant and DP mixing parameter within the meV mass range.

        Speaker: Wang Jing (Okayama University)
      • 24
        Research and development towards an axion search experiment using quantum sensing of magnons

        We plan to search for axion dark matter through their interactions with electron spins. Axion wind from the dark matter halo in our galaxy creates an effective magnetic field that induces quanta of collective electron spin wave excitations called magnons in ferromagnetic crystals like Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG). We plan to observe these axion-induced magnons using a hybrid magnon - photon - superconducting qubit system to perform search for axions and axion-like particles at ultra-cryogenic temperature. As a part of our R&D, we are currently building a hybrid magnon - photon system with improved YIG volume to increase the axion induced magnon signal. At ultracryogenic temperature, axion search is ultimately limited by the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) arising due to the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. To overcome this limit, we plan to perform magnon - counting using superconducting qubit in contrast to the conventional microwave cavity based magnon readout. Thus, with improved detector volume and the use of superconducting qubit based quantum sensing techniques, we hope to reach unprecedented sensitivity in magnon-based axion search.

        Speaker: Yaman Singh Shrestha (University of Tokyo)
    • Discussion: New idea and all probes
      Convener: Saptarshi Chaudhuri (Princeton University)
    • Closing remarks