Difference: TWikiScripts (9 vs. 10)

Revision 102010-12-08 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki CGI and Command Line Scripts

Line: 204 to 204
Parameter Description Default
action register or verify or resetPassword or approve  
topicparent The parent topic of the new user homepage {UsersTopicName} configure setting
  Note: The register script can only be called via http POST method, not GET. Make sure to specify the "post" method if you call the register script via a form action.
Line: 390 to 391
contenttype Allows you to specify a different Content-Type: (e.g. contenttype=text/plain)  
rev Revision to view (e.g. rev=45)  
template Allows you to specify a different skin template, overriding the 'view' template the view script would normally use. The default template is view. For example, you could specify /wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiScripts?template=edit. This is mainly useful when you have specialised templates for a TWiki Application.  
topic redirects (at the beging of the cgi script running) to show the spcified Web.Topic, or, redirects to a URL, if allowed by {AllowRedirectUrl} and {PermittedRedirectHostUrls}  
topic redirects (at the beging of the cgi script running) to show the spcified Web.Topic, or, redirects to a URL, if allowed by {AllowRedirectUrl} and {PermittedRedirectHostUrls} configure settings  
  ALERT! For historical reasons, the view script has a special interpretation of the text skin. In earlier TWiki versions the skin=text parameter was used like this: http://.../view/MyWeb/MyTopic?skin=text&contenttype=text/plain&raw=on
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiScripts.