Parameter |
Description |
Default |
action |
Optional. Use the editaction template instead of the standard edit. If action=text, then hide the form. If action=form hide the normal text area and only edit the form. You can change the Edit/Edit Raw buttons to always append the action parameter in skins like Pattern and Classic by setting the topic or preference variable EDITACTION to the value text or form . To edit the topic once the EDITACTION is defined as form simply remove the action=form from the browser URL of the edit script and reload the edit window |
onlynewtopic |
If set, error if topic already exists |
onlywikiname |
If set, error if topic name is not a WikiWord |
templatetopic |
The name of the template topic, copied to get the initial content (new topic only) |
text |
Initial text for the topic |
topicparent |
The parent topic |
formtemplate |
Name of the form to instantiate in the topic. Overrides the form set in the templatetopic if defined. (will remove the form is set to 'none') |
template |
Specify a different skin template, overriding the 'edit' template the edit script would normally use. Use this for specialized templates in a TWiki Application. This parameter is not commonly used. |
contenttype |
Optional parameter that defines the application type to write into the CGI header. Defaults to text/html . May be used to invoke alternative client applications |
anyname |
Any parameter can passed to the new topic; if the template topic contains %URLPARAM{"anyname"}% , it will be replaced by its value |
breaklock |
If set, any lease conflicts will be ignored, and the edit will proceed even if someone is already editing the topic. |
redirectto |
The edit script itself does not do anything special with this parameter. But the edit template is written so that the parameter's value is propagated to save , which is called when a topic is saved. |
t |
Provide a unique URL each time a topic is edited, typically specifying parameter t=%SERVERTIME{$epoch}% in an edit link. This is done to prevent browsers from caching an edit session, which could result in editing outdated content. The parameter name and value is arbitrary, but must be unique each time. |
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
action_save=1 |
default; save, return to view, dontnotify is off |
action_quietsave=1 |
save, and return to view, dontnotify is on |
action_checkpoint |
save and redirect to the edit script, dontnotify is on |
action_cancel |
exit without save, return to view |
action_preview |
preview edited text |
action_addform |
Redirect to the "change form" page. |
action_replaceform... |
Redirect to the "change form" page. |
action_delRev |
Administrators only delete the most recent revision of the topic - all other parameters are ignored. You have to be an administrator to use this, and not all store implementations will support it. |
action_repRev |
Administrators only replace the text of the most recent revision of the topic with the text in the text parameter. text must included embedded meta-data tags. All other parameters are ignored. You have to be an administrator to use this, and not all store implementations will support it. |
onlynewtopic |
If set, error if topic already exists |
onlywikiname |
If set, error if topic name is not a WikiWord |
dontnotify |
if defined, suppress change notification |
templatetopic |
Name of a topic to use as a template for the text and form (new topic only) |
text |
New text of the topic |
forcenewrevision |
if set, forces a revision even if TWiki thinks one isn't needed |
topicparent |
If 'none' remove any current topic parent. If the name of a topic, set the topic parent to this. |
formtemplate |
if defined, use the named template for the form (will remove the form is set to 'none') |
editaction |
When action is checkpoint , add form or replace form... , this is used as the action parameter to the edit script that is redirected to after the save is complete. |
originalrev |
Revision on which the edit started. |
edit |
The script to use to edit the topic when action is checkpoint |
edit |
editparams |
The parameter string to use to edit the topic |
redirectto |
The save process will redirect to the topic or URL specified by this parameter if it is successful. Please read here for details. Please read notes on redirectto below as well. |
view topic being saved |
Parameter: |
Description: |
Default: |
"text" |
Search term. Is a keyword search, literal search or regular expression search, depending on the type parameter. SearchHelp has more |
required |
search="text" |
(Alternative to above) |
N/A |
web="Name" web="Main, Know" web="all" |
Comma-separated list of webs to search. See VarSEARCH for more details. |
Current web |
topic="WebPreferences" topic="*Bug" |
Limit search to topics: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma. |
All topics in a web |
excludetopic="Web*" excludetopic="WebHome, WebChanges" |
Exclude topics from search: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma. |
None |
type="keyword" type="literal" type="regex" |
Do a keyword search like soap "web service" -shampoo ; a literal search like web service ; or RegularExpression search like soap;web service;!shampoo |
%SEARCHVAR- DEFAULTTYPE% preferences setting (literal) |
scope="topic" scope="text" scope="all" |
Search topic name (title); the text (body) of topic; or all (both) |
"text" |
sort="topic" sort="created" sort="modified" sort="editby" sort="parent" sort= "formfield(name)" |
Sort the results of search by the topic names, topic creation time, last modified time, last editor, parent topic name, or named field of TWikiForms. The sorting is done web by web; in case you want to sort across webs, create a formatted table and sort it with TablePlugin's initsort |
Sort by topic name |
limit="all" limit="16" |
Limit the number of results returned. This is done after sorting if sort is specified |
All results |
date="..." |
limits the results to those pages with latest edit time in the given time interval. |
All results |
reverse="on" |
Reverse the direction of the search |
Ascending search |
casesensitive="on" |
Case sensitive search |
Ignore case |
bookview="on" |
BookView search, e.g. show complete topic text |
Show topic summary |
nonoise="on" |
Shorthand for nosummary="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" zeroresults="off" noheader="on" noempty="on" |
Off |
nosummary="on" |
Show topic title only |
Show topic summary |
nosearch="on" |
Suppress search string |
Show search string |
noheader="on" |
Suppress search header Topics: Changed: By: |
Show search header |
nototal="on" |
Do not show number of topics found |
Show number |
zeroresults="off" |
Suppress all output if there are no hits |
zeroresults="on" , displays: "Number of topics: 0" |
noempty="on" |
Suppress results for webs that have no hits. |
Show webs with no hits |
header="..." format="..." |
Custom format results: see FormattedSearch for usage, variables & examples |
Results in table |
expandvariables="on" |
Expand variables before applying a FormattedSearch on a search hit. Useful to show the expanded text, e.g. to show the result of a SpreadSheetPlugin %CALC{}% instead of the formula |
Raw text |
multiple="on" |
Multiple hits per topic. Each hit can be formatted. The last token is used in case of a regular expression ";" and search |
Only one hit per topic |
nofinalnewline="on" |
If on , the search variable does not end in a line by itself. Any text continuing immediately after the search tag on the same line will be rendered as part of the table generated by the search, if appropriate. |
off |
separator=", " |
Line separator between hits |
Newline "$n" |
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
hidefile |
If defined, will not show file in attachment table |
filepath |
Local (client) path name of the file being uploaded. This is used to look up the data for the file in the HTTP query. |
filename |
Deprecated, do not use |
filecomment |
Comment to associate with file in attachment table |
createlink |
If defined, will create a link to file at end of topic |
changeproperties |
If defined, this is a property change operation only - no file will be uploaded. |
null |
redirectto |
The upload process will redirect to the topic or URL specified by this parameter. Please read here for details. Even if an error or warning ocurrs, clicking the OK link below the message redirects you to the specified topic or URL. |
updatefield |
If defined and if the value matches the name of a form field, it will update that form field with the format defined by the updateformat parameter. |
updateformat |
Format of the value of the form field indicated by the updatefield parameter. The default is the name of the attached file, but can be set to include more, such as the path to the image, %PUBURL%/%BASEWEB%/%BASETOPIC%/$filename . |
$filename |
Parameter |
Description |
Default |
raw=on |
Shows the text of the topic in a scrollable textarea |
raw=debug |
As raw=on , but also shows the metadata (forms etc) associated with the topic. |
raw=text |
Shows only the source of the topic, as plain text (Content-type: text/plain). Only shows the body text, not the form or other meta-data. |
raw=expandvariables |
Similar to raw=text but TWiki variables are expanded. |
raw=all |
Shows only the source of the topic, as plain text (Content-type: text/plain), with embedded meta-data. This may be useful if you want to extract the source of a topic to a local file on disc. |
section |
Allows to view only a part of the topic delimited by a named section (see VarSTARTSECTION). If the given section is not present, no topic content is displayed. |
contenttype |
Allows you to specify a different Content-Type: (e.g. contenttype=text/plain ) |
rev |
Revision to view (e.g. rev=45 ) |
template |
Allows you to specify a different skin template, overriding the 'view' template the view script would normally use. The default template is view . For example, you could specify /wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiScripts?template=edit. This is mainly useful when you have specialized templates for a TWiki Application. |
topic |
redirects to show the specified Web.Topic, or, redirects to a URL, if allowed by {AllowRedirectUrl} and {PermittedRedirectHostUrls} configure settings |
createifnotexist |
If createifnotexist is set to 1 and in case the topic does not exist, it is created automatically on view. Useful to create topics automatically based on a specific template (see example below). Behind the scene, the view script redirects first to the save script, passing along all URL parameters. Thus all URL parameters of the save script can be used, such as templatetopic , topicparent and redirectto . Next, the save script creates the topic and redirects back to the view script (or displays an error in case there were any issues creating the topic). |
extralog |
Add additional text to TWiki log, next to the user agent string. Useful to log actions by cache scripts and crawlers. |