Difference: TWikiScripts (12 vs. 13)

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TWiki CGI and Command Line Scripts

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template Allows you to specify a different skin template, overriding the 'view' template the view script would normally use. The default template is view. For example, you could specify /wiki/twiki-6.1.0/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiScripts?template=edit. This is mainly useful when you have specialised templates for a TWiki Application.  
topic redirects to show the specified Web.Topic, or, redirects to a URL, if allowed by {AllowRedirectUrl} and {PermittedRedirectHostUrls} configure settings  
createifnotexist If createifnotexist is set to 1 and in case the topic does not exist, it is created automatically on view. Useful to create topics automatically based on a specific template (see example below). Behind the scene, the view script redirects first to the save script, passing along all URL parameters. Thus all URL parameters of the save script can be used, such as templatetopic, topicparent and redirectto. Next, the save script creates the topic and redirects back to the view script (or displays an error in case there were any issues creating the topic).  
extralog Add additional text to TWiki log, next to the user agent string. Useful to log actions by cache scripts and crawlers.  
  TIP Example use of createifnotexist to link to the bookmark page of a user, and to create the page on the fly if needed:
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