Difference: TWikiTopics (17 vs. 18)

Revision 182005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Topics

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  • name
    • instantly identify what the topic is about
    • link to it from other topics just by typing it in it's WikiWord
    • link to it from other topics just by typing in its WikiWord
  • content
    • enter plain text, leaving a blank space between paragraphs like email (all you need)
    • enter simple TWiki shorthand to represent complex HTML and special TWiki tags
    • enter plain text, leaving a blank space between paragraphs like e-mail (all you need)
    • enter simple TWiki shorthand to represent complex HTML and special TWiki variables
    • enter HTML if you are familiar with it
    • include links to other topics, URLs, Web sites, files, images, sounds, or anything else you can put on a regular Web page
    • handy pop-up quick reference
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    • fully configurable look and feel
    • apply skins across an entire TWiki web, or to a single displayed page
    • use included skins and easily create new ones
    • try the [Printable] skin below: stripped down headers and footers suitable for clean hard copy
    • try the Printable skin below: stripped down headers and footers suitable for clean hard copy
  • plug-ins
    • new feature packages
    • developer community evolving existing and new capabilities
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Other features

The color-coded toolbar at the bottom of every topic displays a series of links, including:

  • [Attach] - pops a new screen for FileAttachments
  • [Ref-By] - displays all the TWiki topics with links to the current topic
  • [Diffs] - generates a page showing every change made to the current topic, with names, dates, and changes made (diffs)
  • r1.3 | > | r1.2 (ex) - view most recent revision and changes
  • [More] - opens up a new screen containing additional controls
  • Attach - pops a new screen for FileAttachments
  • Backlinks - displays all the TWiki topics with links to the current topic
  • History - generates a page showing every change made to the current topic, with names, dates, and changes made (diffs)
  • r3 > r2 > r1 - view most recent revision and changes
  • More - opens up a new screen containing additional controls
  It looks complicated, but the basics you need to begin with are very simple to use. The flexible and optional features are ready when you care to learn about them - the only way to confuse yourself or your site set-up and users is by using features you really don't need. Unlike the usual expensive, complex collaboration and project management packages, TWiki is fully functional and effective just by typing in text and making WikiWord links. All the additional features are there, but only if you need them!
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    • Any problems are listed - take note, and you can fix them later.
    • If a linked topic can't be updated (it may be locked because someone's editing it), an alert will appear. You can update missed topics later by again pressing Rename/move.
HELP Deleting means moving a topic to the Trash web. Since all webs share the one Trash, name conflicts may come up.
HELP Note: Deleting means moving a topic to the Trash web. Since all webs share the one Trash, name conflicts may come up.

Reviewing and Reverting

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  1. Select either the portion of that version you want to reclaim or the entire text of the topic if you want to revert completely to that version. Select Copy under your browser's Edit menu.
  2. Return to the most recent version of the topic and select Edit from the topic commands.
  3. Either paste in the portion of the topic you wish to reclaimed or replace the entire text with the text you copied from the earlier version.
  1. Preview and save the topic.
  1. Save the topic.
 See: ManagingTopics for more details.
-- TWiki:MikeMannix - 22 May 2002
-- TWiki:Main.GrantBow - 17 Jan 2003

META TOPICMOVED by="MikeMannix" date="1021230286" from="TWiki.TWikiPages" to="TWiki.TWikiTopics"

Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory
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