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TWiki Topics | ||||||||
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< < | The basic building block of a TWiki site is called a topic, identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, WikiWord title. It may seem easier just to call them pages, but specifically a topic is the content of a page. The distinction seems small but will become more important as your skill using TWiki increases. TWikiSites are built using topics. | |||||||
> > | The basic building block of a TWiki site is called a topic, identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, WikiWord title. It may seem easier just to call them pages, but specifically a topic is the content of a page. The distinction seems small but will become more important as your skill using TWiki increases. TWikiSites are built using topics. | |||||||
CharacteristicsA TWiki topic is a rich information unit. Each topic has: | ||||||||
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Features that can be used by topics and sites include: | ||||||||
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The configuration of your TWiki site, skins and your personal user account can modify the way these features are used and presented to you. | ||||||||
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A primary purpose of TWiki is to make it incredibly easy for you to add and edit information on existing topics, create new topics, and link between TWiki topics. | ||||||||
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< < | Another way to add a topic is to type a new topic name in the JumpBox or an unknown topic URL. You can type in either a WikiName to create the topic in the current web or Web.TopicName to create a topic in a different web than the current page. Topics created with the Jump Box or URLs do not have parent meta-data defined. | |||||||
> > |
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> > | Another way to add a topic is to type a new topic name in the JumpBox or an unknown topic URL. You can type in either a WikiName to create the topic in the current web or Web.TopicName to create a topic in a different web than the current page. Topics created with the Jump Box or URLs are orphaned, e.g. do not have parent meta-data defined. | |||||||
Other featuresThe color-coded toolbar at the bottom of every topic displays a series of links, including: | ||||||||
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It looks complicated, but the basics you need to begin with are very simple to use. The flexible and optional features are ready when you care to learn about them - the only way to confuse yourself or your site set-up and users is by using features you really don't need. Unlike the usual expensive, complex collaboration and project management packages, TWiki is fully functional and effective just by typing in text and making WikiWord links. All the additional features are there, but only if you need them!
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Renaming, moving or deleting topics | ||||||||
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< < | You can rename, move and delete individual topics by clicking More on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options, depending on your site set-up and access permissions. | |||||||
> > | You can rename, move and delete individual topics by clicking [More topic actions] on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options, depending on your site set-up and access permissions. | |||||||
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![]() Reviewing and Reverting | ||||||||
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< < | RCS revision control automatically saves all topic changes. To look at earlier versions of a topic, click on Diffs link in topic commands. If you would like to revert to an earlier version or reclaim part of an earlier version, just copy from the old topic revision to the current topic revision. This is a step by step set of instructions:
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< < | ||||||||
> > | RCS revision control automatically saves all topic changes. To look at earlier versions of a topic, click on the [History] link in topic commands. If you would like to revert to an earlier version, just click on the [More topic actions] link, at "Restore topic", enter the version number you would like to revert to and click [Restore] . You get to another edit window, where you can verify (and maybe modify) the required version before saving it.
If you just want to reclaim part of an earlier version, copy from the old topic revision to the current topic revision. This is a step by step set of instructions:
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Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory | ||||||||
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> > |
-- Contributors: TWiki:Main/MikeMannix![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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TWiki Topics | ||||||||
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< < | Another way to add a topic is to type a new topic name in the Go box or an unknown topic URL. You can type in either a WikiName to create the topic in the current web or Web.TopicName to create a topic in a different web than the current page. Topics created with the Go box or URLs do not have parent meta-data defined. | |||||||
> > | Another way to add a topic is to type a new topic name in the JumpBox or an unknown topic URL. You can type in either a WikiName to create the topic in the current web or Web.TopicName to create a topic in a different web than the current page. Topics created with the Jump Box or URLs do not have parent meta-data defined. | |||||||
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TWiki Topics | ||||||||
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< < | The basic building block of a TWiki site is called a topic, identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, WikiWord title. It may seem easier just to call them pages, but specifically a topic is the content of a page. The distinction seems small but will become more important as your skill using TWiki increases. TWikiSites are built using topics. | |||||||
> > | The basic building block of a TWiki site is called a topic, identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, WikiWord title. It may seem easier just to call them pages, but specifically a topic is the content of a page. The distinction seems small but will become more important as your skill using TWiki increases. TWikiSites are built using topics. | |||||||
Characteristics | ||||||||
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Features that can be used by topics and sites include: | ||||||||
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< < | Example: This is TWikiTopics, in the TWiki web, so that's all you need to type on any topic in this web. But to link to TWikiTopics from a topic in the Main web, you have to type TWiki.TWikiTopics - Webname.TopicName . It's easy. | |||||||
> > | Example: This is TWikiTopics, in the TWiki web, so that's all you need to type on any topic in this web. But to link to TWikiTopics from a topic in the Main web, you have to type TWiki.TWikiTopics - Webname.TopicName . It's easy. | |||||||
Another way to add a topic is to type a new topic name in the Go box or an unknown topic URL. You can type in either a WikiName to create the topic in the current web or Web.TopicName to create a topic in a different web than the current page. Topics created with the Go box or URLs do not have parent meta-data defined. | ||||||||
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Renaming, moving or deleting topics |
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TWiki Topics | ||||||||
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Other featuresThe color-coded toolbar at the bottom of every topic displays a series of links, including: | ||||||||
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It looks complicated, but the basics you need to begin with are very simple to use. The flexible and optional features are ready when you care to learn about them - the only way to confuse yourself or your site set-up and users is by using features you really don't need. Unlike the usual expensive, complex collaboration and project management packages, TWiki is fully functional and effective just by typing in text and making WikiWord links. All the additional features are there, but only if you need them! | ||||||||
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Reviewing and Reverting | ||||||||
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See: ManagingTopics for more details. | ||||||||
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< < | -- TWiki:MikeMannix![]() -- TWiki:Main.GrantBow ![]()
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> > | Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory |
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TWiki Topics | ||||||||
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See: ManagingTopics for more details.
-- TWiki:MikeMannix![]() | ||||||||
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< < | -- TWiki::Main.GrantBow - 17 Jan 2003 | |||||||
> > | -- TWiki:Main.GrantBow![]() | |||||||
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TWiki Topics | ||||||||
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< < | -- MikeMannix - 22 May 2002 -- GrantBow - 17 Jan 2003 | |||||||
> > | -- TWiki:MikeMannix![]() -- TWiki::Main.GrantBow - 17 Jan 2003 | |||||||
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TWiki Topics | ||||||||
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< < | Example: This is TWikiTopic, in the TWiki web, so that's all you need to type on any topic in this web. But to link to TWikiTopics from a topic in the Main web, you have to type TWiki.TWikiTopics - Webname.TopicName . It's easy. | |||||||
> > | Example: This is TWikiTopics, in the TWiki web, so that's all you need to type on any topic in this web. But to link to TWikiTopics from a topic in the Main web, you have to type TWiki.TWikiTopics - Webname.TopicName . It's easy. | |||||||
Another way to add a topic is to type a new topic name in the Go box or an unknown topic URL. You can type in either a WikiName to create the topic in the current web or Web.TopicName to create a topic in a different web than the current page. Topics created with the Go box or URLs do not have parent meta-data defined. |
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TWiki Topics | ||||||||
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Features that can be used by topics and sites include: | ||||||||
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< < | TWiki Topics | |||||||
> > | TWiki Topics | |||||||
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< < | The basic building block of a TWiki site is called a topic, identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, WikiWord title. It may seem easier just to call them pages - but when you've used TWiki for a while, the difference is obvious. In the end, | |||||||
> > | The basic building block of a TWiki site is called a topic, identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, WikiWord title. It may seem easier just to call them pages, but specifically a topic is the content of a page. The distinction seems small but will become more important as your skill using TWiki increases. TWikiSites are built using topics. | |||||||
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< < | Topic Features | |||||||
> > | Characteristics | |||||||
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< < | A TWiki topic is a self-contained information unit rich in features. Each topic has: | |||||||
> > | A TWiki topic is a rich information unit. Each topic has: | |||||||
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< < | The configuration of your TWiki site and your personal user account determine which of these features are installed and available to you. | |||||||
> > | The configuration of your TWiki site, skins and your personal user account can modify the way these features are used and presented to you. | |||||||
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< < | How to create and edit a topic | |||||||
> > | Creating and editing topics | |||||||
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< < | Making it incredibly easy for you to add and edit information on existing topics, create new topics, and link all TWiki topics, is a TWiki main function. | |||||||
> > | A primary purpose of TWiki is to make it incredibly easy for you to add and edit information on existing topics, create new topics, and link between TWiki topics. | |||||||
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> > | Another way to add a topic is to type a new topic name in the Go box or an unknown topic URL. You can type in either a WikiName to create the topic in the current web or Web.TopicName to create a topic in a different web than the current page. Topics created with the Go box or URLs do not have parent meta-data defined. | |||||||
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< < | How to attach files and use other features | |||||||
> > | Other features | |||||||
The color-coded toolbar at the bottom of every topic displays a series of links, including:
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< < | How to rename, move or delete a topic | |||||||
> > | Renaming, moving or deleting topics | |||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking More on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options, depending on your site set-up and personal permissions. In any case, all three are similar and extremely easy to use. | |||||||
> > | You can rename, move and delete individual topics by clicking More on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options, depending on your site set-up and access permissions. | |||||||
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![]() | ||||||||
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> > |
Reviewing and RevertingRCS revision control automatically saves all topic changes. To look at earlier versions of a topic, click onDiffs link in topic commands. If you would like to revert to an earlier version or reclaim part of an earlier version, just copy from the old topic revision to the current topic revision. This is a step by step set of instructions:
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See: ManagingTopics for more details. | ||||||||
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< < | -- MikeMannix - 12 May 2002 | |||||||
> > | -- MikeMannix - 22 May 2002 -- GrantBow - 17 Jan 2003 | |||||||
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< < | TWiki Pages | |||||||
> > | TWiki Topics | |||||||
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< < | Each page in a TWiki web is called a topic, identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, WikiWord title. A topic is the basic building block of a TWikiSite. <--TWikiPages aren't exactly the same as topics, but for practical purposes, they're close enough!--> | |||||||
> > | The basic building block of a TWiki site is called a topic, identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, WikiWord title. It may seem easier just to call them pages - but when you've used TWiki for a while, the difference is obvious. In the end, | |||||||
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< < | Page Features | |||||||
> > | Topic Features | |||||||
A TWiki topic is a self-contained information unit rich in features. Each topic has:
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The configuration of your TWiki site and your personal user account determine which of these features are installed and available to you. | ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | How to create and edit a page | |||||||
> > | How to create and edit a topic | |||||||
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< < | Making it incredibly easy for you to add and edit information on existing pages, create new pages, and link all TWiki pages, is TWiki's main function. | |||||||
> > | Making it incredibly easy for you to add and edit information on existing topics, create new topics, and link all TWiki topics, is a TWiki main function. | |||||||
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How to attach files and use other features | ||||||||
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< < | The color-coded toolbar at the bottom of every page displays a series of links, including:
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> > | The color-coded toolbar at the bottom of every topic displays a series of links, including:
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< < | How to rename, move or delete a page | |||||||
> > | How to rename, move or delete a topic | |||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking [More] on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options, depending on your site set-up and personal permissions. In any case, all three are similar and extremely easy to use. | |||||||
> > | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking More on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options, depending on your site set-up and personal permissions. In any case, all three are similar and extremely easy to use. | |||||||
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See: ManagingTopics for more details. | ||||||||
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< < | Last updated: MikeMannix - 29 Dec 2001
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> > | -- MikeMannix - 12 May 2002
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< < | Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.DocsUserNote | |||||||
TWiki Pages | ||||||||
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< < | ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | Each page in a TWiki web is called a topic, defined by its meaningful, descriptive WikiWord title. | |||||||
> > | Each page in a TWiki web is called a topic, identified by a unique, hopefully descriptive, WikiWord title. A topic is the basic building block of a TWikiSite. <--TWikiPages aren't exactly the same as topics, but for practical purposes, they're close enough!--> | |||||||
Page Features | ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | A TWiki topic is a self-contained information unit rich in features: | |||||||
> > | A TWiki topic is a self-contained information unit rich in features. Each topic has: | |||||||
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< < | The configuration of your TWiki site and your own user account determine which of these features you can use. | |||||||
> > | The configuration of your TWiki site and your personal user account determine which of these features are installed and available to you. | |||||||
How to create and edit a page | ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | Adding and editing information on existing pages, and creating new pages, is TWiki's main function. | |||||||
> > | Making it incredibly easy for you to add and edit information on existing pages, create new pages, and link all TWiki pages, is TWiki's main function. | |||||||
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How to attach files and use other features | ||||||||
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< < | The color-coded control strip at the bottom of every page displays a series of links, including [Attach] (for attachments), [Ref-by] (to display referring pages), and [More] , which opens a new screen of additional controls). | |||||||
> > | The color-coded toolbar at the bottom of every page displays a series of links, including:
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< < |
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> > | It looks like a lot - it is a lot, and there's more. BUT, it's all simple, flexible, and optional - the only way to confuse yourself or your site set-up and users is by using features you really don't need. Unlike the usual expensive, complex collaboration and project management packages, TWiki is fully functional and effective just by typing in text and making WikiWord links. All the rest is there only if you need it!
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How to rename, move or delete a page | ||||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking More on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory. | |||||||
> > | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking [More] on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options, depending on your site set-up and personal permissions. In any case, all three are similar and extremely easy to use. | |||||||
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![]() | ||||||||
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< < | ![]() | |||||||
See: ManagingTopics for more details. | ||||||||
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< < | Last updated: MikeMannix - 30 Oct 2001 | |||||||
> > | Last updated: MikeMannix - 29 Dec 2001 | |||||||
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> > | Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.DocsUserNote | |||||||
TWiki Pages | ||||||||
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Page Features | ||||||||
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< < | A TWiki topic is a self-contained information unit, rich in features that include: | |||||||
> > | A TWiki topic is a self-contained information unit rich in features: | |||||||
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The configuration of your TWiki site and your own user account determine which of these features you can use. | ||||||||
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How to create and edit a pageAdding and editing information on existing pages, and creating new pages, is TWiki's main function.
How to attach files and use other featuresThe color-coded control strip at the bottom of every page displays a series of links, including[Attach] (for attachments), [Ref-by] (to display referring pages), and [More] , which opens a new screen of additional controls).
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How to rename, move or delete a page | ||||||||
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< < | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking More on the control strip at the bottom of every page. Access to one or more of these three options, for a topic, a web or an entire site, may be available to administrators only. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory. | |||||||
> > | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking More on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory. | |||||||
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< < | See ManagingTopics for more details. | |||||||
> > | See: ManagingTopics for more details. | |||||||
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< < | -- MikeMannix - 02 Oct 2001 | |||||||
> > | Last updated: MikeMannix - 30 Oct 2001 | |||||||
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TWiki Pages | ||||||||
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Page Features | ||||||||
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< < | A TWiki topic is a self-contained information unit rich in features: | |||||||
> > | A TWiki topic is a self-contained information unit, rich in features that include: | |||||||
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< < | Depending on the set-up of your TWiki site and your own user account, you have several or all of the above. | |||||||
> > | The configuration of your TWiki site and your own user account determine which of these features you can use. | |||||||
How to rename, move or delete a page | ||||||||
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< < | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking More on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory. | |||||||
> > | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking More on the control strip at the bottom of every page. Access to one or more of these three options, for a topic, a web or an entire site, may be available to administrators only. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory. | |||||||
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< < | Note: Deleting means moving the topic to the Trash web. Since all webs share the one Trash, name conflicts may come up. | |||||||
> > | ![]() | |||||||
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< < | Note: Keep in mind that moving a topic from a view restricted web to a public web or the Trash web will compromize security. | |||||||
> > | ![]() | |||||||
See ManagingTopics for more details. | ||||||||
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-- MikeMannix - 02 Oct 2001 | |||||||
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< < | Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.UtilTempDocNote | |||||||
TWiki Pages |
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Note: Deleting means moving the topic to the Trash web. Since all webs share the one Trash, name conflicts may come up. | ||||||||
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> > | Note: Keep in mind that moving a topic from a view restricted web to a public web or the Trash web will compromize security. | |||||||
See ManagingTopics for more details.
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< < | How to rename, move, or delete a topic | |||||||
> > | Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.UtilTempDocNote | |||||||
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< < | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking the [Rename/Move] on the lower toolbar. The access settings for a particular page, web or entire site may disable one or more of the three options. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory on-screen. | |||||||
> > | TWiki Pages | |||||||
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> > | On this page:
Each page in a TWiki web is called a topic, defined by its meaningful, descriptive WikiWord title.
Page FeaturesA TWiki topic is a self-contained information unit rich in features:
How to rename, move or delete a pageYou can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking More on the control strip at the bottom of every page. The access settings for a topic, web or entire site may be disabled for one or more of the three options. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory.
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Note: Deleting means moving the topic to the Trash web. Since all webs share the one Trash, name conflicts may come up. | ||||||||
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< < | See ManagingTopics for more details. | |||||||
> > | See ManagingTopics for more details.
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How to rename, move, or delete a topic | ||||||||
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> > | See ManagingTopics for more details. |
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< < | Rename/move/delete a topic | |||||||
> > | How to rename, move, or delete a topic | |||||||
Changed: | ||||||||
< < | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking the Rename/move on the lower toolbar. The access settings for a particular page, web or entire site may disable one or more of the three options. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory on-screen. | |||||||
> > | You can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking the [Rename/Move] on the lower toolbar. The access settings for a particular page, web or entire site may disable one or more of the three options. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory on-screen. | |||||||
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Rename/move/delete a topic |
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Rename/move/delete a topicYou can now rename, move and delete individual topics from your browser. All three options are available by clicking the Rename/move on the lower toolbar. The access settings for a particular page, web or entire site may disable one or more of the three options. In any case, all three are similar and extremely self-explanatory on-screen.